• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Feb 19, 2016
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 103 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 79 out of 103
  2. Negative: 7 out of 103
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  1. Feb 24, 2016
    the idea of an animal collective album inspired in early Beatles and Ramones was something that sounded so strange, but hearing this songs you understand perfectly what they were looking for. An album that shows all the virtues of AC but in shorter songs and maybe a more straightforward approach to "pop music" or I should say their own version of pop music.
  2. Feb 20, 2016
    When I first heard this album I was not sure if I liked it. The more I listened to it the layers slowly began unwind. Now it is one of my favorite albums this year.
  3. Feb 19, 2016
    Enjoy the new taste of Coke. Imagine, instead of being a critic, that you get a chance to be on safari with Anco. Maybe try actually painting with "Painting With", as it might allow you to stop critiquing and start experiencing this new kind of music. The vocal acrobatics of "On Delay" and "Summing the Wretch" are instant spiral staircases leading us to some ineffable, cozy joy. TheEnjoy the new taste of Coke. Imagine, instead of being a critic, that you get a chance to be on safari with Anco. Maybe try actually painting with "Painting With", as it might allow you to stop critiquing and start experiencing this new kind of music. The vocal acrobatics of "On Delay" and "Summing the Wretch" are instant spiral staircases leading us to some ineffable, cozy joy. The perspective shifting wiles of Golden Gals and Floridada provoke one to leap outside of convention and to abandoned the notion of what Animal Collective "is" and just allow yourself to be swept up in this growing energy. Finally "Recycling" explains our ride, once again presenting us with all the joys of the greatest pop albums, yet bending all those typical linear trappings. What they've managed to do with this album is to instill that familiar feel of a great pop album, yet examine it's lines and fine detail. They've spilled the guts of all pop music, for us all to see. Thank you for this new page to the story, Anco. This is a shining light! Expand
  4. Apr 22, 2016
  5. Feb 25, 2016
    This might be my favorite anco album.

    Essentially, this is the most controlled, arranged and easily the most structured animal collective album ever produced. Every track just flows so nice and gently and while not being, admittedly, as innovative and obscure as previous releases shows great maturity in sound, and psychedelic pop music in general. I, for one, find this to be very
    This might be my favorite anco album.

    Essentially, this is the most controlled, arranged and easily the most structured animal collective album ever produced.

    Every track just flows so nice and gently and while not being, admittedly, as innovative and obscure as previous releases shows great maturity in sound, and psychedelic pop music in general. I, for one, find this to be very refreshing and soothing on the ears, which is good because most anco I find way to chaotic at times and just incredibly daunting...except maybe MMP, that thing is very poppy...but I like, im very much enjoying this new Anco album and I can't wait to see what direction they choose to take from here.
  6. Feb 19, 2016
    First let me address two things that are irrelevant to this album's quality but seem to find into the opinions of others about this record.

    1. The band's history - Yes, this record is a departure from the sound of previous animal collective releases. That is what they wanted it to be. It may be natural to compare this to their previous releases but doing so is irrelevant to the quality
    First let me address two things that are irrelevant to this album's quality but seem to find into the opinions of others about this record.

    1. The band's history - Yes, this record is a departure from the sound of previous animal collective releases. That is what they wanted it to be. It may be natural to compare this to their previous releases but doing so is irrelevant to the quality of the music on the album. Look at this release as what it is, a standalone record with its own unique sound.

    2. Dismissive Haters - There are a large amount of people who are extremely dismissive towards Animal Collective because they have an indie scene connotation to them. This is unfounded, Animal Collective has never tried to be anything but Animal Collective. They are not pretentious and are some of the personally most humble and kind human beings in the music business. Do not be dismissive of their music because you perceive them to be some hipster indie fad.

    The record explained on a no B.S musical level -

    This record is a very solid release. All of the songs are short yet effective, they all establish a unique auditory theme that is examined and climaxed in the course of 2-4 minutes. This is extremely admirable, there are 12 stories told on this record, all completely unique and interesting whilst retaining a cohesiveness that is rare on an album where each track is such a stand out statement. The vocals on this record are absolutely amazing, Avey Tare and Panda Bear take turns serving as each other's echo on various tracks, this seems like it may become a gimmick, but it is used sparingly and in a tasteful manner where it does not become intrusive and adds to the character of this record. The only time this seems to fail is on the track "Summing the Wretch", where the vocal trade off is delayed enough to cause a slight discourse in the listening experience. Alternatively, on the track "Hocus Pocus", the two vocalists seem to fuse into one powerful two-headed vocalist who delivers his lines as if he were a jazz musician scatting. Another stand out feature of this record is its unique striped down production style that in a paradoxical way appears both extremely full and empty at the same time. The electronic elements exist without reverb which leaves empty spaces, it feels like the music is aerated, it is very refreshing and allows a further exploration of various elements of the records. You can focus on a certain chime or ding or bing or bang without it being hidden by a cloud of reverb. This is some of geologist's finest work. The only part of this record that I feel is too cluttered is during "Vertical", when Tare sings "So high and still it sends a feeling to me", it's just a bit much but it doesn't exist for too long of a time to be any real distraction or impediment to the success of the song. Other notable elements of this record include the incredible beginnings of the tracks "Lying in Grass" for its unique repetition of what appears to be Avey Tare making unintelligible noises, "Golden Gal" for it's amazing sample and joyful "da da da da" and "Hocus Pocus" for its dinosaurs and great beat. The song "Bagels in Kiev" is the quietest song on the record, and most ambient and ethereal, it is a standout for this along with its overall mystical nature, it feels like a flashback which is what the subject matter of the song is, so it is effective in that sense and also in every other sense that a song can be successful in. "Recycling" is a great track, it feels like one of those factories in an animated movie that moves to the beat of a song, you know exactly what I mean don't pretend that you don't. "The Burglars" has perhaps Avey Tare's greatest achievement vocal wise, his vocal chords are running on a treadmill and he just keeps pumping up the speed to a sprint, but he does not fall, go him, it's great, so insane, seriously even if you hate this record go listen to this just to hear how fast he speaks it is insane like woah, man oh my god, are you alright? Should I call a doctor, like wow. The song ends a little abruptly though, I wish they would have just kept going with that for a little longer. The synths of "Spilling Guts" are pounding and infectious. "On Delay" will have you saying "like a double exposure, just waiting to happen" to yourself for days. "FloriDada" is sort of this record's banger, something you can really sing along to, it makes you want to find a friend to sing along to it with so each of you can do the two vocal parts, really twisty and tangly in that way. Once "Natural Selection" gets going it is very boingy, and very interesting in its stereo trade off.

    The only track that I don't really dig is "Summing the Wretch" not bad, just a bit much, personally just not my favorite.

    The record is really good, something new, something interesting, something UNIQUE. A true stand-out achievement for Animal Collective. Good job guys :)
  7. Feb 19, 2016
    not everyone is going to like this album, fans of the band included. but i sure do. a big step forward for the band. it perplexes, it's uncomfortable, but it's beautiful. everything i expect from an animal collective record and more. some of the cleanest material they've ever made, which I think is why some people dislike it. my only criticism is maybe the over use of the interlockingnot everyone is going to like this album, fans of the band included. but i sure do. a big step forward for the band. it perplexes, it's uncomfortable, but it's beautiful. everything i expect from an animal collective record and more. some of the cleanest material they've ever made, which I think is why some people dislike it. my only criticism is maybe the over use of the interlocking vocal parts, but this has been growing on me with each listen. the band has been changing since their inception and master every sound they try out. favorite tracks: vertical, the burglars, bagels in kiev, on delay, spilling guts, golden gal, recycling. Expand
  8. Jul 26, 2016
    This may not be there best album, but it is very creative and most songs on this album are very enjoyable. Not as crowed as Centipede HZ, but not as polished as Merriweather Post Pavilion. In the middle which sounds good. The trial on the new vocals works out in most songs.
  9. Feb 24, 2016
    Love this album, a lot catchier and more exciting than Centipede Hz, reminds of their wilder, earlier work but with tighter production and more emphasis on the band's strengths - beach boys harmonies, watery sound effects, tribal rhythms, psychadelic moods. The kind of stuff that made Water Curses such an impressive single are front and center here. I just get up and dance around my roomLove this album, a lot catchier and more exciting than Centipede Hz, reminds of their wilder, earlier work but with tighter production and more emphasis on the band's strengths - beach boys harmonies, watery sound effects, tribal rhythms, psychadelic moods. The kind of stuff that made Water Curses such an impressive single are front and center here. I just get up and dance around my room singing a long and making a fool out of myself everytime I put it on. It's not perfect through and through, but there's a lot to love.

    Favorite song - On Delay
  10. Feb 19, 2016
    An album that isn't memorable from front to back nor does it has a solid flow to it.

    However there are enough stand out tracks, 3 of which are songs they released before the album, to make it a pretty good album. Painting With isn't an overall fantastic overall experience like their other albums but it is one that was good enough for me to warrant actually buying because I keep
    An album that isn't memorable from front to back nor does it has a solid flow to it.

    However there are enough stand out tracks, 3 of which are songs they released before the album, to make it a pretty good album. Painting With isn't an overall fantastic overall experience like their other albums but it is one that was good enough for me to warrant actually buying because I keep returning to it for the stand out songs.
  11. Apr 24, 2018
    I think the reception for this album has been a little harsh, it's not pushing the boundaries like they typically do but it's very enjoyable, just not as much depth as I'd expect from an AnCo release
  12. Feb 20, 2016
    Some of the critical reviews are the case of what happens when a band everyone expects a masterpiece from merely releases a good album.Saying that this album does feel somewhat restrained and never reaches greatness, despite remaining consistent in production and lyrics throughout. Im not sure whether I should give this a 7 or an 8 as I feel my judgement is being clouded by high expectations.
  13. Feb 20, 2016
    The return of Animal Collective consists of joyful and vibrant music covered by layers of mess and confusion. Painting With doesn't bring any innovation into the group's sound, that's true, but this work is strong enough to stand by itself, especially when the listener enjoys it without great pretensions and, most important, without comparing it with 2009's Merriweather Post Pavilion.The return of Animal Collective consists of joyful and vibrant music covered by layers of mess and confusion. Painting With doesn't bring any innovation into the group's sound, that's true, but this work is strong enough to stand by itself, especially when the listener enjoys it without great pretensions and, most important, without comparing it with 2009's Merriweather Post Pavilion.

    Best Tracks: FloriDada, Golden Gal, Hocus Pocus
  14. Feb 19, 2016
    I'm not sure how the critics gave this one a pass on general. I really enjoyed this, there wasn't one song I could say that was bad. The only thing is that the vocal arrangements can get old in certain songs, with the boys latin type 2 person hocketing that Avey and Panda do in a lot of these tracks. Other then that, melodies can be as wonderful as Feels and also be as weird as StrawberryI'm not sure how the critics gave this one a pass on general. I really enjoyed this, there wasn't one song I could say that was bad. The only thing is that the vocal arrangements can get old in certain songs, with the boys latin type 2 person hocketing that Avey and Panda do in a lot of these tracks. Other then that, melodies can be as wonderful as Feels and also be as weird as Strawberry Jam. Over all, its the innovative Animal Collective we know. They just seemed to take out the big passages of psychedelic noise and made straight forward songs, which has had positive and negative effects on the overall project. The negative of this is that the pacing of the album can be too much, as in all songs are delivered very clearly without any passages and any reverb, and their usually high speed. A couple subtle low speed songs in between these fast paces ones could have left some breather room for all the songs to shine. The positive is, the songs have great structures, its probably the best production that they have ever done and melodies are very memorable.

    The best part of all of this is that, they are back to innovating and doing different things. Centipede Hz. was original, sure, but for an Animal Collective record it seemed to miss the complete innovation of sound from album to album that they do with pretty much everything they release. This has all of the innovation that you would expect from them. I feel like a bit more pacing would do this album justice, and it would have been rated higher by the critics.

    I believe this is a great album and there are many songs here that will be stuck in your head for a while. Specially AC fans.

    Fav songs: Floridada, Vertical(seems to be overlooked, its a contender as one of my fav AC songs of all time), Natural Selection, Golden Gals, Recycling.
  15. Feb 22, 2016
    Thought it was a good album despite that it didn't reach the same heights or greatness as AC's earlier works but that doesn't mean it's bad either. It's a solid album and worth listening to.

    Sorry if my review is vague and lacking, not really sure how to critique music.

  16. Mar 5, 2019
    While there isn't really a bad song on here, it's hard to come up with a single one that stuck out to me. All the songs sound extremely similar, and they use the whole back-and-forth vocal thing WAY too much.
    Favorites: FloriDada, Vertical, Bagels in Kiev, On Delay
  17. Jul 3, 2016
    There's no denying that it's fun; it's the Animal Collective that we've all come to love dearly, and whose childlike personas have birthed such creativity and life into music that can't be replicated elsewhere. Why, then, does Panting With feel like it has a curfew to its immediate showcase of enjoyment?
  18. Jan 30, 2023
    Honestly Animal Collective is one of my all time favorite band but this is their worst album. Yes worse than Danse Manatee. While Danse Manatee has new interesting sounds which is what the bad is known for there is little new and interesting here. Its pretty by the numbers psych pop. There are moments of greatness on tracks like "Bagels In Kiev" and "Vertical" but they are few and farHonestly Animal Collective is one of my all time favorite band but this is their worst album. Yes worse than Danse Manatee. While Danse Manatee has new interesting sounds which is what the bad is known for there is little new and interesting here. Its pretty by the numbers psych pop. There are moments of greatness on tracks like "Bagels In Kiev" and "Vertical" but they are few and far between. I feel this album really suffers from the lack of live drums because when I saw this album performed live with live drums the songs were far more enjoyable. Expand
  19. Feb 19, 2016
    Love Animal Collective, but this album just wasn't worth all the hype it generated. I was excited after Floridada and Lying in the Grass, but it seems I found this album to be quite boring as a whole and it lacks a lot of range and dynamics, or personality for that matter. Seems like they threw in a lot of electronics I'm guessing for no reasons. Even though the songs are short they tendLove Animal Collective, but this album just wasn't worth all the hype it generated. I was excited after Floridada and Lying in the Grass, but it seems I found this album to be quite boring as a whole and it lacks a lot of range and dynamics, or personality for that matter. Seems like they threw in a lot of electronics I'm guessing for no reasons. Even though the songs are short they tend to meander around and overstay their welcome. I mean it was a nice experiment, but this just fell short of my expectations Expand
  20. Apr 21, 2016
    I've loved everything else Animal Collective have done, but I cannot get into this album.

    There's some good moments (On Delay intro, Bagels in Kiev build, Golden Gal), but the song sounds are too similar and all seem to end up sounding like the same gloopy sickly detuned mess.
  21. Feb 20, 2016
    Alright, fine. Painting With is "dense." It's got a lot of synths buzzing and glooping and...whatever else they're doing in the background. But dense production does not necessarily mean the music is complex, original, challenging, or interesting whatsoever. On AnCo's latest record, it only serves to muddle the already repetitive and boring melodies that plague the listener withAlright, fine. Painting With is "dense." It's got a lot of synths buzzing and glooping and...whatever else they're doing in the background. But dense production does not necessarily mean the music is complex, original, challenging, or interesting whatsoever. On AnCo's latest record, it only serves to muddle the already repetitive and boring melodies that plague the listener with extraordinary levels of pure, undiluted boredom.

    Each of these tracks on their own are not terrible, some are quite good. FloriDaDa and Golden Gal bookend the record (closely enough) with less purposefully overwhelming, more straightforward 60's pop flavored melodies that work well. Other tracks, like Hocus Pocus, aren't spectacular, but do not result in my wanting to commit suicide. In the context of the album, however, the flaws that pervade each of these tracks are made significantly more detrimental. The result is an album that gets worse the more you listen to it.

    I could talk about how the vocals (presentation AND performance) are abysmal and how every track follows the same structure and how the songwriting feels unfinished and how the production exudes this pretentious fake "complexity"...instead I will end by saying I simply do not get the appeal of this record. If you enjoy it, by all means keep doing so, but aside from a choice few tracks, there is little to nothing here that I find remotely enjoyable.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 36
  2. Negative: 1 out of 36
  1. Apr 28, 2016
    Full of punch, the album still never quite reaches its destination.
  2. Mar 31, 2016
    Painting With is by a distance the most annoying album you'll hear this year, and not just because it sounds exactly how those people imagine the band always has.
  3. Mar 2, 2016
    The confident, relaxed, but still concise and appealing “Vertical” indicates that Animal Collective still have some life in them, and as much as some of Painting With can tend to grate, it’s still an improvement from the band’s last two albums; trying to write pop songs instead of dance records or noise jams suits them in their middle age.