
Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
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  1. [Pageant Material] sounds effortless and fully formed from first note to last.
  2. Jun 16, 2015
    Ahe stumbles when she gets lighter, particularly on "Family Is Family," where it seems like she can't wait to be rid of those leeches--but it's hardly enough to prevent the album from being a rich, enchanting collection of stories, confessions, and the occasional joke.
  3. 80
    Every pretty melody, every sweet-tart lyric, every vocal and instrumental flourish... they definitely earn her--to borrow a title-song reference--a 4.0.
  4. Aug 6, 2015
    Eschewing Top 40 twang's shellacked production as well as God-and-guns patriotism, she adopted a gritty, unfettered small-band approach. Pageant Material maintains those standards, but spruced-up production and the "aw shucks" wonderment of her new reality.
  5. Jun 16, 2015
    This is an even better album than her last, with more consistency and variety.
  6. Jun 22, 2015
    With her slight but sweet voice, Musgraves has a way with a sing-songy chorus, many of which she co-writes with her frequent collaborators and fellow hitmakers Shane McAnally, Brandy Clark, and Luke Laird.
  7. Jun 18, 2015
    Together, Musgraves and her dream team of co-writers (Brandy Clark, Shane McAnally, and Luke Laird) draw from the well of folksy tales about letting your freak flag fly one too many times.
  8. Jun 26, 2015
    Kacey adroitly communicates who she is through her music, maturing in her artistry while staying true to herself. Pageant Material deserves to win some sort of title--and it just might.
  9. Jun 23, 2015
    Smart, funny, empathetic and wise, Musgraves is one of the best in the business right now--even when it seems she might be treading water.
  10. Magnet
    Jul 8, 2015
    The relationship songs are distressingly generic; she backpedals on her "edgy" (for country) envelope-pushing; and she sings about what's she's not. [No. 122, p.57]
  11. Dec 21, 2015
    Listeners with open minds are strongly recommended to give Pageant Material a try. It’s brimming with wit and wisdom, and it really should have featured on more end-of-year lists.
  12. Dec 1, 2021
    Musgraves plays up her lyrical prowess to the detriment of the instrumentation, which is crisp but generic and unremarkable. Neither is there much stylistic variety in terms of vocals or even the attitude Musgraves brings to her songs.
  13. Jun 25, 2015
    She sounds older and smarter, but a bit unsure of which way to take that experience.
  14. Jun 25, 2015
    At 26, Musgraves has kept her wonder, honed her focus and remained true to her core.
  15. Jun 24, 2015
    It's a strange and forgiving album, less toothsome than the ones that preceded it, but Musgraves' resistance makes this album important, even when it's imperfect.
  16. Jun 30, 2015
    Her music is constructing itself before our ears, filling itself out with complexity, regardless of how we want to judge it. It’s another way the album seems to be reacting to the cultural moment and standing outside of it, on its own two feet.
  17. 83
    Kacey’s dulcet voice and talent for melody are still worthy of great respect--just about every tune connects.
  18. Jun 23, 2015
    Songs like the title track allude to Musgraves' whiplash fame, but she dodges any second-album slump with weed jokes and homegirl charm.
  19. Jun 17, 2015
    Her music is as rooted in organic country and western traditions as ever, flush with cosmopolitan strings, instrumental banjo breaks, and generous portions of pedal steel, but the songwriting comes less organically, too often stretching itself thin over a genre that's historically benefited from a measure of simplicity.
  20. Jun 22, 2015
    On her excellent second album, she brings us the whole block.
  21. Jun 23, 2015
    Some tracks, like “Fine” and “Somebody To Love,” drag a bit, bringing the already slightly slow record down a notch. Still, tracks like the aforementioned “Biscuits” and weed-infused opener “High Time” more than make up the difference, making Pageant Material a must listen for anyone who’s a little bit country, a little bit rock ’n’ roll, and just a little bit crazy.
  22. Jun 18, 2015
    Though her songwriting partners--Nashville A-listers Luke Laird and Shane McAnally--are on board again, the acuity is lessened.
  23. Jun 22, 2015
    Though hooky and melodic, none of these songs quite has the earworm adhesiveness of the best country pop but Musgraves makes for enjoyable company nonetheless.
  24. Jun 22, 2015
    Her new album is a successful repetition of the formula: sweet, crisp country licks with witty twists of live-and-let-live philosophy.
  25. Uncut
    Jun 16, 2015
    Musgraves' willingness to address a life built on knotty contradictions give her songs resonance far beyond Golden's borders. [Jul 2015, p.82]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 121 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 5 out of 121
  1. Jun 27, 2015
    Mediocre, tepid-flavored country album.
    I'm sorry to say I hated her first album and I still have to understand why everyone rated it as
    Mediocre, tepid-flavored country album.
    I'm sorry to say I hated her first album and I still have to understand why everyone rated it as excellent.
    Pageant Matrial is slighly better, it sounds a bit deeper and emotional.
    Unfortunately, the good lyrics are ruined by the underproduction and the monotony that pervade the entire album. It's sad to say that the instrumental is pretty much THE SAME in every track, that's annoying and denoting unconcern and/or lack of creativity.

    I definitely hate the lead single 'Biscuits' where her voice sounds like Meghan Trainor.

    Best song is 'Somebody To Love'.
    Full Review »
  2. Jun 23, 2015
    Pageant Material is not the same as Same Trailer, Different Park and it isn't too different either. Pageant stands on its own two feet,Pageant Material is not the same as Same Trailer, Different Park and it isn't too different either. Pageant stands on its own two feet, Kacey's songwriting and voice has developed even more. Same Trailer was about a small town and Pageant is about a small town's point of view on the world. Same Trailer will always have a special place in my heart, but Pageant is competing for it as well. Well done Kacey, another amazing album. Highlights: Dime Store Cowgirl, Pageant Material, Good Ol' Boys Club, and This Town Full Review »
  3. Jun 23, 2015
    Pageant Material isn't as good and consistent as Same Trailer, Different Park. The difference between both are in the way the lyrics arePageant Material isn't as good and consistent as Same Trailer, Different Park. The difference between both are in the way the lyrics are presented, they're still good but it feels that Kacey and her writers could 've done better. Full Review »