
Universal acclaim - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Beautiful, sprawling, peaceful, wise, and as tenderly romantic as the world is round, these Dennis Wilson gems are as revelatory as they are stunning.
  2. The album manages to co-opt elements of the Beach Boys - soaring harmonies, tack piano, orchestral arrangements - yet doesn't particularly sound as if it were recorded by the group.
  3. Adding a plaintive beauty and combining it with coke-ravaged, mid-Seventies, Spector-ish AOR and some playful studio trickery, the album is a raw, introspective and melancholic delight.
  4. Full of lush harmonies, grandiose orchestrations and poignant lyrics, these ambitious songs have lost none of their innocent melancholy over the last three decades.
  5. This double-disc set includes the first official release of Pacific’s follow-up Bambu, a harder-rocking but weaker set that Wilson never finished. Yet the reissue’s heart lies in tracks like “River Song” and the rollicking “What’s Wrong” — two raw, emotional highlights that are as moody as anything Brian ever composed.
  6. The new Pacific Ocean Blue: Legacy Edition corrects that [being out of print] while confirming the rumors of the album's greatness.
  7. 100
    Unavailability has also played its part in pumping up the myth – so much so that you wonder if, heard in 2008, these songs stand to disappoint. In fact, key moments of Pacific Ocean Blue square dramatically up to your loftiest expectations.
  8. 80
    The raw-throated, harmonically rich ballads transcend the occasionally schmaltzy production [June 2008, p.119]
  9. Q Magazine
    In the end, though, to fixate on these 33 songs' serial flaws and occasional bad odours is to miss the essential point. The music amounts to a compelling period piece. [July 2008, p.116]
  10. Filter
    This is one of the quintessential L.A. albums, for its fireworks of fame and celebrity are stripped naked and left to wander. [Spring 2008, p.94]
  11. Though at times difficult to listen to, the effect is a clear view of an artist's process. Herein lies the true value of Dennis Wilson's legacy: an open invitation to simply listen.
  12. Blender
    Pacific Ocean Blue [is] a moody, groovy and deeply congenial solo album. The earthier Banbu. regularly rises to the Malibu heights of the first album. [July 2008, p.79]
  13. Under The Radar
    Unfortunately, the all-star collaborators mire Wilson’s primary-colored tunes in pointless excess and self-indulgence. Point being, some albums are lost for a reason and Pacific Ocean Blue is overwrought yacht rock schlock. [Summer 2008]
  14. It's also a meditation on a complex world, one devoid of the nostalgic innocence preached by the Mike Love-fronted Beach Boys of late, and its remastered, 2xCD Legacy Recordings release- the first CD release of the album since 1991--is astoundingly refreshing.
  15. The Wire
    Pacific Ocean Blue has aged well, considered over 30 years later. [July 2008, p.46]
  16. Pacific Ocean Blue makes a strong case for Wilson's skill as a songwriter and arranger.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 38
  2. Negative: 5 out of 38
  1. Apr 29, 2016
    The BEST Solo Beach Boy Album. Dennis Wilson was a genius and just listening to this album will show you why that is. River Song and You and IThe BEST Solo Beach Boy Album. Dennis Wilson was a genius and just listening to this album will show you why that is. River Song and You and I are probably my favorites. Full Review »
  2. MarkK.
    Jun 21, 2008
    I've had the bootleg for years - love the new deluxe package. Wonderful!
  3. DavidS.
    Jun 20, 2008
    Very over rated. The title cut (Pacific Ocean Blues) has lyrics that are cringeworthy and simplistic. Some decent tracks - especially Very over rated. The title cut (Pacific Ocean Blues) has lyrics that are cringeworthy and simplistic. Some decent tracks - especially Farewell My Friend but not worth the universal acclaim it is getting on re-release. Full Review »