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Universal acclaim- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 43
  2. Negative: 2 out of 43

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  1. AndrewF
    Mar 1, 2007
    This CD is an odd one for third Eye Blind, because it departs much more than most music reviewers seem to realize from their previous album formulas. Third Eye Blind and Blue were both led by immediately catchy pop hook-led songs that alone would sell the album for most, and ended with slower, more emotional songs, or in the case of Blue, with more experimental tracks like "Darwin" and This CD is an odd one for third Eye Blind, because it departs much more than most music reviewers seem to realize from their previous album formulas. Third Eye Blind and Blue were both led by immediately catchy pop hook-led songs that alone would sell the album for most, and ended with slower, more emotional songs, or in the case of Blue, with more experimental tracks like "Darwin" and "Slow Motion", the types that would become fan favorites. This album ignores that technique completely, and instead all of the songs are moderately catchy with strong but not poppy melodies and lyrics that are not as dark and suggestive as previous 3EB lyrics, but more outright, thoughtful, sometimes moody, and emotional. The album flows very well from song to song, except in the case of Self-Righteous, which would probably have done better as the last track and wants much stronger vocals and more solid guitars. With studio treatment similar to what gave unreleased track "Carnival Barker" it's emotion, this song could have been similarly touching, but unfortunately, it came out even rawer than the rest of the tracks, which conspicuously lack the electronic elements from Blue and the multi-vocal melodies from their first album. This album is my favorite Third Eye Blind album, because the more you listen to it, the more qualities you realize it really does posess, and it becomes far more endearing and personally long-lasting than either of Third Eye Blind's previous efforts. Expand
  2. BetsyG
    May 15, 2003
    I love this album I have awaited for it for the past 3 years and it was worth the wait.
  3. [Anonymous]
    Aug 11, 2005
    great album
  4. KunalM
    Apr 9, 2006
    Brilliant album, better than Blue and as good if not better than their debut album
  5. madelinex
    Oct 24, 2004
    FANTASTIC. 3EB fans will love it. Tracks 1, 2, and 3 aren't as good as Danger, CrystaL baller [what a catchy song!], My hit and run [great song], wake for young souls, and company. The Vanessa Carlton vocals in self-rigtheous could be better...but other than that it's great. better than blue and just as great as their self-titled cd. BUY IT. dont listen to the bad reviews. this FANTASTIC. 3EB fans will love it. Tracks 1, 2, and 3 aren't as good as Danger, CrystaL baller [what a catchy song!], My hit and run [great song], wake for young souls, and company. The Vanessa Carlton vocals in self-rigtheous could be better...but other than that it's great. better than blue and just as great as their self-titled cd. BUY IT. dont listen to the bad reviews. this cd ROCKS . I can't stop listening to it. Expand
  6. LeonA
    May 25, 2008
    What's funny to me is that when I first listened to this album it did sound sort of bland and uninteresting, but after revisiting it several years later I'm really beginning to appreciate what 3eb did here. I can listen to the entire thing without skipping any tracks lol. There are so many hidden gems here. I would recommend it to any person who likes them some good rock and roll.
  7. AmandaB
    Jun 13, 2003
    This Third Eye Blind cd kicks ass....
  8. mitchellcrapshoot
    May 28, 2004
    In case you dislike this CD I know of a very good mental hospital nearby.
  9. Feb 1, 2011
    Brilliant album, almost as good as Blue, and as good if not better than their debut album. I have to get to one hundred and fifty characters so I'm gonna go on a spew about mice, if you don't mind. First of all, mice have no useful properties unless you happen to have a hungry pet python. But if you don't have a pet python, they are an utter annoyance. Can I hear an amen? I mean they'reBrilliant album, almost as good as Blue, and as good if not better than their debut album. I have to get to one hundred and fifty characters so I'm gonna go on a spew about mice, if you don't mind. First of all, mice have no useful properties unless you happen to have a hungry pet python. But if you don't have a pet python, they are an utter annoyance. Can I hear an amen? I mean they're like ants but eighty times larger, they can ruin your favorite sweater, or your old tux from your wedding, and even eat through your gash-dang insulation! Mice annoy the proverbial crap out of me, I can go as far as to say I would not mind if they fell off the face of the earth. Along with bats, spiders, oh and just about all other insects. Too bad that won't be happening anytime soon. Well, I hope you've enjoyed this pointless endeavor with me. And if not, oh well, it gave me some time to think about the little things in life just in case you have a required amount of one hundred and fifty characters in order to state your opinion on one of the greatest bands greatest albums. All in all, it was utterly pointless, but nonetheless it got me to over one hundred and fifty characters, so I'm good. Expand
  10. Jan 31, 2020
    Crazy this wasn’t bigger for them. It’s got all the poppy 90 riffs you want and memorable choruses. It’s solid from beginning to end.
  11. EdG.
    Jun 3, 2007
    Can't really understand the flack this record is getting. The only reason i can think of is that it's a result of naive critics giving it a couple of listens and hastily condeming it as a poor offering. In reality the album has overall a higher number of good tracks than 'blue' which really struggled after the 1st seven tracks. The melodies are not as obvious as on Can't really understand the flack this record is getting. The only reason i can think of is that it's a result of naive critics giving it a couple of listens and hastily condeming it as a poor offering. In reality the album has overall a higher number of good tracks than 'blue' which really struggled after the 1st seven tracks. The melodies are not as obvious as on previous albums, but grow over time to become quite astonishing at times, especially in the case of 'misfits' and 'forget myself.' Lyrically the album is far superior to any other band in this genre, as usual deep and emotional yet unobvious. In response to a previous comment on Jenkins' 'rapping!' The man does not rap and would never claim to do so, the poetic interludes which have been a feature on every album are sublime and far superior to any rapper i've ever heard. The fact of the matter is, this album is too easy to criticise due to poor sales which came as a result of record comany problems which meant under funded marketing. However the fact remains that this record is 3EB's second best to date, and immeasurably enjoyable to music lovers willing to give it the time needed to blossom. Expand
  12. ScottM
    May 26, 2003
    This CD impresses me more that i thought it would.
  13. CharlesS
    Apr 23, 2007
    Great album. Don't quite hear the 'badness' the professional reviewers are spewing out on this one. Exremely listenable and fun.
  14. JosephA.
    May 24, 2003
    This is really a great album, nearly as good as theyre debut, which in my opinion was incredible. It only falls a little short. All the songs are thoughtful, melodic, and well produced. Great hooks. Well worth the wait.
  15. Jul 12, 2016
    A near-perfect venture for Third Eye Blind into a more 'alternative' side of pop rock. This is probably my favorite 3eb album of their current catalog. Each song has a life and vibe unique to itself in this album. This album feels more "San Francisco" than some of their previous efforts, so as an SF native, it definitely gives me a more nostalgic feeling than their newer releases.
  16. NathanC
    Jun 1, 2004
    As many others before me have described, this CD sounds bland, and nothing seems to stand-out as a large radio hit - the first listen through. Because of the amazing ST, and the cult Blue, this CD has high expectations to fans. This is not to say that the first listen is a bad experience, but those without the patience to listen to it a few times and start to understand the lyrics, well, As many others before me have described, this CD sounds bland, and nothing seems to stand-out as a large radio hit - the first listen through. Because of the amazing ST, and the cult Blue, this CD has high expectations to fans. This is not to say that the first listen is a bad experience, but those without the patience to listen to it a few times and start to understand the lyrics, well, they will be missing out on one of the most lyrically powerful, emotion elicting, guitar pounding, burst-out-singing anthmic albums of the year. Some of you may not enjoy this album, but none of these people have EVER turned this album up to full volume while driving down the road alone. This album is my stand-alone favorite of the year, and it would be the ONLY CD I listen to all year if I didn't want to save my enjoyment of it for years to come. Cliff Notes: Warning, this CD does not play well with others, and may drive your friends crazy from its exclusive home in your CD player for 5 months. As a side-note, I believe that more songs are attributed to the singer's movie-star breakup than is warranted. For instance, some people attribute the opener "Faster" to Charlize, but it sounds more like his relationship with his current girlfriend Vanessa Carlton. "Forget Myself", "Good Man", and "Can't Get Away" are the trio of break-up songs. Expand
  17. MatthewS
    May 13, 2003
    Not as musically creative as Blue. However the lyrical workings are quite amazing. It still has the very distinct Third Eye Blind sound. Modest fans will enjoy, hardcore fans will Love, first timers will be the big question as far as sales go. I for one, love it!
  18. MikeH.
    May 15, 2003
    Not as good as their first album, but overall it's a pretty good collection of tunes. I'd give it a "B".
  19. ryane
    May 17, 2003
    This CD is as good as i had hoped if not better
  20. raVen
    Dec 7, 2003
    I remember how cool "Semi-charmed Life" was when it came out. When I finally got my hands on the disc, it was like finding buried treasure. And I remember how relieved I was that "Blue" was a more than worthy successor, despite the higher profile. That album had direction, and some great hooks. When I heard "Blinded," I couldn't wait to pick up this album. As it turns out, "Blinded" I remember how cool "Semi-charmed Life" was when it came out. When I finally got my hands on the disc, it was like finding buried treasure. And I remember how relieved I was that "Blue" was a more than worthy successor, despite the higher profile. That album had direction, and some great hooks. When I heard "Blinded," I couldn't wait to pick up this album. As it turns out, "Blinded" is one of just three really good songs on "Out of the Vein." (Hint: This is not a three-song album) They seem like leftovers from the first two, thrown into a pile of other stuff that I really don't know what to make of. Bit of a shame. Expand
  21. daven
    Sep 22, 2006
    If you download these songs individually you won't understand the bad rep this CD has been getting. Purchase the CD and listen to it as a whole and then you'll understand why. Great tracks individually, but when played together it just doesn't piece together as a whole and ends up being Third Eye Blind's weakest effort to date.
  22. Ad
    Jun 26, 2006
    The user reviews seem to be quite positive, which is amazes me, because this album is baaaaaad. Real bad. And I love the s/t album. This isn't even in the same league.
  23. twelve13
    Oct 27, 2003
    complete crap. Third Eye Blind was Stephan Jenkins and Kevin Cadogan, an incredible guitarist and a solid songwriter. Now that Kev's gone, Stephan has to step up, but he just wants to be vain. an EMBARASSMENT compared to the self titled.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. A semi-charming collection of catchy hooks, decent pop rock and just enough shades of darkness to keep you interested.
  2. Blender
    The group's lite grooves, awful raps and wide-screen choruses are beginning to sound desperate. [#17, p.144]
  3. Too much of... Out of the Vein struggles to scratch its way into your memory banks, hobbled by its own melodic shortcomings.