
Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. A semi-charming collection of catchy hooks, decent pop rock and just enough shades of darkness to keep you interested.
  2. Blender
    The group's lite grooves, awful raps and wide-screen choruses are beginning to sound desperate. [#17, p.144]
  3. Too much of... Out of the Vein struggles to scratch its way into your memory banks, hobbled by its own melodic shortcomings.
  4. Mostly, it pumps and choogles along at such a clip that there's little time to focus on the shortcomings of individual tracks.
  5. If they can keep this sound and get back the hooks, they'd have something as good as their first two records, but, as it stands, this is their first stumble.
  6. Spin
    Shows a weakness for arena-rock voguing and Dawson's Creek-dipping melancholia. [Jun 2003, p.108]
  7. Third Eye Blind are as earnest and energetic as ever but sadly uncatchy.
  8. To his credit, Jenkins is much more interesting a songwriter when he's wounded, offering candor that's not evident on TEB's first two discs.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 43
  2. Negative: 2 out of 43
  1. Jan 31, 2020
    Crazy this wasn’t bigger for them. It’s got all the poppy 90 riffs you want and memorable choruses. It’s solid from beginning to end.
  2. Jul 12, 2016
    A near-perfect venture for Third Eye Blind into a more 'alternative' side of pop rock. This is probably my favorite 3eb album of their currentA near-perfect venture for Third Eye Blind into a more 'alternative' side of pop rock. This is probably my favorite 3eb album of their current catalog. Each song has a life and vibe unique to itself in this album. This album feels more "San Francisco" than some of their previous efforts, so as an SF native, it definitely gives me a more nostalgic feeling than their newer releases. Full Review »
  3. Feb 1, 2011
    Brilliant album, almost as good as Blue, and as good if not better than their debut album. I have to get to one hundred and fifty charactersBrilliant album, almost as good as Blue, and as good if not better than their debut album. I have to get to one hundred and fifty characters so I'm gonna go on a spew about mice, if you don't mind. First of all, mice have no useful properties unless you happen to have a hungry pet python. But if you don't have a pet python, they are an utter annoyance. Can I hear an amen? I mean they're like ants but eighty times larger, they can ruin your favorite sweater, or your old tux from your wedding, and even eat through your gash-dang insulation! Mice annoy the proverbial crap out of me, I can go as far as to say I would not mind if they fell off the face of the earth. Along with bats, spiders, oh and just about all other insects. Too bad that won't be happening anytime soon. Well, I hope you've enjoyed this pointless endeavor with me. And if not, oh well, it gave me some time to think about the little things in life just in case you have a required amount of one hundred and fifty characters in order to state your opinion on one of the greatest bands greatest albums. All in all, it was utterly pointless, but nonetheless it got me to over one hundred and fifty characters, so I'm good. Full Review »