• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Oct 7, 2014

Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
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  1. Under The Radar
    Dec 19, 2014
    For all its intriguing flourishes, it's hard not to think of Our Love as a slightly limp but occasionally brilliant follow-up. [Dec 2014, p.62]
  2. Mojo
    Nov 5, 2014
    [An] irresistibly immersive fourth album. [Nov 2014, p.89]
  3. Magnet
    Nov 5, 2014
    Snaith crafted Out Love with all the care of a handwritten mixtape. [No. 114, p.52]
  4. Oct 28, 2014
    The well crafted moments within Our Love outshines the weaker numbers and makes the album a fun and danceable listen.
  5. Oct 21, 2014
    He made this latest emotionally and intellectually supple album specifically for that dance community.
  6. Oct 15, 2014
    Guest turns by singer Jessy Lanza and violinist Owen Pallett are telling high points--if Snaith's vocals sometimes lack character, his tracks never do.
  7. Oct 10, 2014
    By tweaking the sound of his previous record, adding wisely chosen collaborators, and not trying to totally revolutionize what was already working quite well, Snaith has created one of the most enjoyable, crowd pleasing records of the year.
  8. Oct 9, 2014
    A natural progression from the delicately beautiful and strangely funky shoegazer dance pop of his last album, Swim.
  9. Oct 8, 2014
    Upon repeated listens, Our Love reveals itself as quite the complicated record; nothing ever stays still for very long, whether that’s Snaith’s serpentine compositions or his lyrics, so often cast in shadows as they are triumphantly lit up.
  10. Oct 7, 2014
    It’s rich in slow-burning ambiguity, and it may be vibrant and clean, but it doesn’t entice dialogue quite the same way his past albums have.
  11. 80
    Each track says something different, but with his honest subject matter and his unique arrangements constantly in focus, Snaith never loses his way.
  12. Oct 7, 2014
    Not everyone will be pleased, but those hooked on Swim will be thrilled.
  13. Oct 7, 2014
    With Our Love, Snaith largely succeeds in bridging the two worlds, crafting radio-friendly cuts that can't be mistaken for the work anyone but Caribou.
  14. Oct 7, 2014
    Our Love is a very assured record, from its unconventional, austere arrangements to its unrelenting focus and thematic consistency.
  15. Oct 7, 2014
    Like most Caribou albums, Our Love is a grower.
  16. 67
    It’s one of Snaith’s least cohesive and affecting full-lengths, even as it provides us with some of his strongest individual tracks to date.
  17. Our Love, then, is the moment it all came together for Caribou.
  18. Oct 6, 2014
    All told, Our Love stands as the most straightforwardly danceable Caribou album to date, but holds on to both the experimental bent and composition-minded musicality that helped build the project's one-of-a-kind sound world.
  19. 80
    The fine line between euphoria and melancholy is negotiated brilliantly on tracks such as Can’t Do Without You.
  20. Oct 3, 2014
    Snaith eventually does work his way out of the darkness, and while the consistent production value and a pair of vibrant, energetic closing tracks keep the album from feeling like a total wash, it's also an uncharacteristically uneven effort from a generally consistent artist.
  21. Q Magazine
    Oct 3, 2014
    This beautiful, open-hearted album explores every one of its title's implications, wrapping both the blessed and the lost in its generous embrace. [Nov 2014, p.105]
  22. Oct 3, 2014
    Our Love is a record that feels distinctly his own, accessible yet containing minute touches that you’ll need to listen to many times to appreciate.
  23. 90
    It's an emphatic 42 minutes of contentment, of genuine happiness that is so rare within music.
  24. Oct 3, 2014
    Our Love lacks the element of surprise that Swim had, but still holds in abundance all the hallmarks of a master: so rich, so textured and despite being predominantly electronic, so human--speaking with painful honesty to a condition that ranks just below death and taxes in uniting us all.
  25. Oct 3, 2014
    The result is one of the most eminently playable and rewarding electronic albums of 2014, and one that respectfully casts a glance backwards while sounding both indelibly contemporary and unmistakably Caribou.
  26. Oct 2, 2014
    This is rich, strange, endlessly fascinating music: a subtle, beautiful triumph.
  27. Oct 1, 2014
    It’s the sound of meeting someone for the first time, pulses racing, love rising up --that’s not best expressed in pure formula. Caribou has successfully managed to see past sense, instead opting with an instinct that tends to produce dazzling results.
  28. Sep 30, 2014
    Danceable, intelligent and always emotionally charged--and Dan Snaith’s most profound and accomplished piece of work to date.
  29. Sep 30, 2014
    It’s a smart, attentive-demanding progression--within the song and throughout the album as a whole--that deftly captures various stages of love’s cycle. With added synths.
  30. Sep 25, 2014
    Our Love isn't an explosion of delight so much as it is an affirmation of the moment, in many different forms.
  31. Sep 25, 2014
    Every track pulses with a live feel, but they’re all underpinned with the best elements of house, live jazz and even ambient music.
  32. Sep 25, 2014
    There's a strong sense that Our Love is an important step in the evolution of Caribou. Whatever the formula is, it's working.
  33. Uncut
    Sep 25, 2014
    Snaith has perfected his recipe for bite-sized psychedelia. [Nov 2014, p.71]

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 75 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 63 out of 75
  2. Negative: 5 out of 75
  1. Oct 9, 2014
    I've been a long fan of Caribou's music, especially the thrilling Up in Flames and the luscious pop on Andorra, but I'm having troubleI've been a long fan of Caribou's music, especially the thrilling Up in Flames and the luscious pop on Andorra, but I'm having trouble following him into this new territory. Our Love showcases relatively simple ideas stretched thinly over these spare tracks, reluctant to take any left turns or offer anything challenging. While that might function nicely for a low-key electronic ambient album, I can't help feel like I've heard everything here before. The angelic vocals on the pretty but flat 'Silver' for example, were done more soulfully by Mayer Hawthorne and Rhye. If you are gonna go for these cookie-cutter drum n bass loops, at least add some zest or humor like hot chip and cut copy. Critics talk about something unifying in the lyrics, but few of the songs even have any other than a bitesize vocal sample, and those that do are just serving you rather straightforward lamentations about girls who didn't quite pan out. Full Review »
  2. Nov 28, 2021
    pulses with a live feel, but they’re all underpinned with the best elements of house, live jazz and even ambient music
  3. Sep 7, 2015
    I bought this album on a whim and I really didn't like it at first because I felt that it was repetitive, but after multiple listens II bought this album on a whim and I really didn't like it at first because I felt that it was repetitive, but after multiple listens I realized that this is a pretty good album. It's nice to relax and study to. Can't Do Without You is the best song on this album in my opinion. Full Review »