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Universal acclaim- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 43
  2. Negative: 6 out of 43
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  1. Oct 18, 2021
    if my bf liked i liked and that's on that. if my bf liked i liked and that's on that. if my bf liked i liked and that's on that. if my bf liked i liked and that's on that. if my bf liked i liked and that's on that. if my bf liked i liked and that's on that. if my bf liked i liked and that's on that. if my bf liked i liked and that's on that.
  2. Oct 22, 2021
    Love this album. It's really really * good. All the lyrics and the style. It's amazing.
  3. Oct 31, 2021
    The best album by a male this whole year. Everything in here is just beautiful and personal, and just know then this album was make just by him, means the world.
  4. Nov 2, 2021
    this is one of the most beautiful album released on this year, no skips. good job, finneas.
  5. Oct 17, 2021
    Overall it's a great debut album. The Grammy Award winner doesn't disappoint in his production. With "bold" choices that characterize his songs, especially "The 90s", "The Kids Are All Dying" and "How It Ends". This album has its standouts lyrically as well, being the first track and "Love Is Pain" great examples of his songwriting skills.
    I guess some people will find it "boring" if they
    Overall it's a great debut album. The Grammy Award winner doesn't disappoint in his production. With "bold" choices that characterize his songs, especially "The 90s", "The Kids Are All Dying" and "How It Ends". This album has its standouts lyrically as well, being the first track and "Love Is Pain" great examples of his songwriting skills.
    I guess some people will find it "boring" if they expect mainstream music from him as a solo act.
    Its weakest song in my opinion is "Medieval".
    P.S: Would've added "Break My Heart Again" and/or "Die Alone" to the tracklist.
  6. Oct 24, 2021
    finneas has mastered a diverse sound, focusing on making each track special in some way. improved lyrically since his last project, consistently impressive artist

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Nov 11, 2021
    What begins as a deeply personal commentary eventually evolves into a world-renowned producer taking the attention away from his ability to refine others’ work, alternately placing the spotlight over his own voice, with its startling ability to carry a tale of kindred love, loss and the weight of fame.
  2. Nov 8, 2021
    While not necessarily “solid” and occasionally clumsy. ... Enjoy Optimist for what it is—an honest and insightful bit of commentary from a seemingly centered, obviously talented young artist.
  3. Oct 29, 2021
    O’Connell colours firmly between the lines. His ideas do not stray beyond the conventions you’d expect for each singer-songwriter outfit he puts on from song to song.