
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Oct 14, 2021
    While Optimist makes a good case for FINNEAS' skills around a pop melody and a perceptive viewpoint, he also drops the instrumental piano piece "Peaches Etude" in the middle of the track list. Accordingly, the album plays like a portfolio, perhaps fitting for a musician still sorting out and amplifying his potential.
  2. Nov 11, 2021
    What begins as a deeply personal commentary eventually evolves into a world-renowned producer taking the attention away from his ability to refine others’ work, alternately placing the spotlight over his own voice, with its startling ability to carry a tale of kindred love, loss and the weight of fame.
  3. Mojo
    Oct 19, 2021
    Nothing remotely insipid here; rather anger as an energy and top tunes. [Dec 2021, p.84]
  4. 80
    ‘Optimist’ is an accomplished first album that really shines and, given Finneas’ track record so far, we wouldn’t have expected anything less.
  5. 80
    This album feels like the most cohesive and considered statement of who he is, both as an individual and as a solo artist. Stylistically, it has everything: chamber pop, grunge, classical, Latin, rock.
  6. 80
    Optimist is unlike any other debut, as this is not an introduction but rather a fateful reckoning.
  7. Nov 8, 2021
    While not necessarily “solid” and occasionally clumsy. ... Enjoy Optimist for what it is—an honest and insightful bit of commentary from a seemingly centered, obviously talented young artist.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 43
  2. Negative: 6 out of 43
  1. Oct 17, 2021
    guys. can we really not do better than “politicians are lying”? that’s as deep as any of FINNEAS’ takes get on this album. I would have lovedguys. can we really not do better than “politicians are lying”? that’s as deep as any of FINNEAS’ takes get on this album. I would have loved to enjoy this album- blood harmony had its merits, a lot of his singles are at the very least danceable! this is a bad album though. Full Review »
  2. Feb 12, 2022
    The problem with this release like other finneas releases is range. His production is never weak but his songwriting lacks that consistency.The problem with this release like other finneas releases is range. His production is never weak but his songwriting lacks that consistency. The single"the 90's" feels like a stiff attempt at nostalgia and has one of the worst moment's on the album due to the vocoder(something i usually appreciate in music) but here it feels misplaced. With that said the bridge is one of the best ones of this year. Then the listless "peaches entrede" is more successful at being skippable than anything else. The opener is one of his best songs which isn't surprising given love songs are his strength. This is a good enough record of lukewarm proportions. Could be a precursor of something greater to come or the first of regular overstuffed disappointments to come. Full Review »
  3. Nov 2, 2021
    this is one of the most beautiful album released on this year, no skips. good job, finneas.