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Universal acclaim- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 38
  2. Negative: 0 out of 38

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  1. DaveD
    Sep 10, 2009
    Absolutely outstanding album. Brimming with beautiful imagery and stunning settings, the album has a real epic quality.
  2. TJS
    Oct 15, 2007
    An excellent album. More mellow than their first effort, but more mature as well. The song "Please Stand Up" should have had major play on radio stations all across the world. And the world would have been a better place because of it. A shame it didn't happen. Look forward to their next release.
  3. MusicMaven
    Apr 12, 2005
    A notch below their debut album, but still very good indeed. They've definitely toned down their hard edge -- nothing on Open Season rocks as hard as "Apologies To Insect Life" or even "Remember Me" from the first album. While I do miss them rocking out a bit, they've come up with some great melodies over which to sing their paeans to love, nature, and arctic ice shelves. My A notch below their debut album, but still very good indeed. They've definitely toned down their hard edge -- nothing on Open Season rocks as hard as "Apologies To Insect Life" or even "Remember Me" from the first album. While I do miss them rocking out a bit, they've come up with some great melodies over which to sing their paeans to love, nature, and arctic ice shelves. My personal favorites at the moment are "Oh Larsen B" and "Please Stand Up" which may be their best track yet. Expand
  4. SeamusS
    Apr 7, 2006
    A Beautiful Kind Of Effort That Lifts You Away From Where Ever You Are. Alive Beautiful Amazing
  5. PeterD
    Apr 5, 2005
    I just hate anyone that doesn't like this album. They have no soul.
  6. JakeF
    Apr 7, 2005
    It's the greatest work of art since......... the last BSP album!
  7. DavidG
    Apr 8, 2005
    Quality album - trying to be different to "the decline of...", which is appreciated. "Please stand up" and "The land beyond" are highlights for me at the moment.
  8. PauloD
    Jun 2, 2005
    the album have a variety of influences from beatles, david bowie mixed with modern britpop but the songs don't have personality and the "indie" feel this efort have it can make you bored of this band.
  9. DuffMan
    Apr 4, 2005
    An album of explicit beauty.
  10. jimmyp
    May 13, 2005
    fuck yeah!!!!!
  11. davem
    May 31, 2005
    What a great second album, rounded and bulked up the sound of there music, which is a nice exstension to their music.stand out tracks -first 4 and the last 7! great - north hanging rock what a beaut
  12. honzau
    Jul 2, 2005
    Excellent album!! Smooth, melodic, mellow, poppy, sometimes nicely calm, just awesome.
  13. LA
    Apr 29, 2005
    excellent from start to end
  14. KumikoR
    Apr 4, 2005
    I've just listened this once and a bit dissapointed because even though this is a good album it lacked the impact of the first album. Personally I prefer the songs like "Please Stand Up" and "North Hanging Rock" as they successfully recreate the atmosphere of The Decline, which made the band so special. In comparison to those, opening songs sound too pop & easy-listening.
  15. D.S.
    Apr 4, 2005
    Excellent sophomore album. Anyone who's a fan of atmospheric, intelligent, slightly unsettling rock should check this band out. Far more passionate and energizing than most of their peers and far more interesting than those other Brit bands we're told to love (Franz, Bloc, Kaiser et al).
  16. donnayfoo
    Apr 4, 2005
    Having been listening the leaked album for weeks I can say that this is a very subtle album. It sounds very samey at first but after a few weeks of listening, like all good albums its many intricate hooks grab hold of you.
  17. LaurenH
    Apr 4, 2005
    This is a fantastic, near-perfect follow up. Larsen B!
  18. ChrisC
    Apr 5, 2005
    They are good at writing nice pop-rock sounds, but they don't really stand out in any particular way. And the fact that the instrumentation sounds like Coldplay doesn't help that fact, since Coldplay writes better songs over that music.
  19. JohnR
    Apr 6, 2005
    Doesn't quite reach their first record, this one still has a handful of stellar tracks. A little samey through the middle third, but a solid disc nonetheless.
  20. AramisG
    Apr 7, 2005
    A lot of people complain that many of these
  21. MichaelA
    Apr 7, 2005
    It's nice to see a band pulling from the early '80s new-wave explosion rather than exploiting it a-la Killers and Franz Ferdinand. I was a fan of the debut, but I am glad to see their melodic and textural prowess really stepped up a notch. This is a much more subtle album, and strangely, much more rewarding. The melodies are breathtaking but simple. "Please Stand Up" and "The It's nice to see a band pulling from the early '80s new-wave explosion rather than exploiting it a-la Killers and Franz Ferdinand. I was a fan of the debut, but I am glad to see their melodic and textural prowess really stepped up a notch. This is a much more subtle album, and strangely, much more rewarding. The melodies are breathtaking but simple. "Please Stand Up" and "The Land Beyond" are brilliant, summery anthems. Expand
  22. DoubtingThomas
    Jun 3, 2005
    A great young band who carry forward the spirit once exuded by Brit pop stalwarts Echo & The Bunnymen, Julian Cope, and The Smiths.
  23. BoL
    Aug 25, 2005
    Not Great, not bad. Some songs really seem to fly you to other worlds (Please Stand Up, Be Gone). Others (To Go To Sleep, ...Find My Way Home) seem to stagnate in their own north sea water. This album reminds me too much of the way below average albums by The Soundtrack of Our Lives.
  24. Oct 27, 2014
    BSP have a nice spacey brand of indie rock, often reminding me of how Pulp would sound without their charismatic frontman. "Open Season" is definitely a grower. On the surface we have 11 reasonably straightforward guitar driven tracks, however repeated listens to the record allows it to unfold into something much more detailed. For the most part, the album has a distinct feel to it - veryBSP have a nice spacey brand of indie rock, often reminding me of how Pulp would sound without their charismatic frontman. "Open Season" is definitely a grower. On the surface we have 11 reasonably straightforward guitar driven tracks, however repeated listens to the record allows it to unfold into something much more detailed. For the most part, the album has a distinct feel to it - very spacey and chilled out. Having said this, there is always an anthemic feel to the songs. "Please Stand Up" is my favourite track on the album but there are plenty of other highlights accompanying it. Well worth checking out Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. It’s a good record, and doesn’t try to recreate The Decline, but it doesn’t manage to capture its energy, fear and grandeur.
  2. The first few songs are so jaw-slackeningly great, it can take days to get to the album's highlight, the epic eight-minute medley of "Please Stand Up" and "North Hanging Rock."
  3. It's a triumphant lesson in sweeping gracefully towards the mainstream with your imagination and mystery intact.