• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Sep 23, 2008
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 223 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 40 out of 223

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  1. TomA
    Sep 25, 2009
    At best, its fairly average. 2007's Because Of Times was one of the best albums of the last decade, but this fell along way short of that benchmark. There are 1 or 2 decent moments, but most of the songs are wastefully transparent, the lyrics are horribly cliched and any trace of that quirky edge ,which made the band so likeable in earlier albums, has been washed away in a tide of At best, its fairly average. 2007's Because Of Times was one of the best albums of the last decade, but this fell along way short of that benchmark. There are 1 or 2 decent moments, but most of the songs are wastefully transparent, the lyrics are horribly cliched and any trace of that quirky edge ,which made the band so likeable in earlier albums, has been washed away in a tide of indie-rock mediocrity. It seems that Kings of Leon have transcended from different but brilliant to uniform but sellable; pressure from their record company may not have helped, but the whole of this record seems to have slipped into the line of 'fashionable' music. A special mention, finally, for 'Use Somebody'. Quite simply, one of the worst songs ever written by any band with their level of talent. It really is awful - yet it has risen to new heights of adulation. And that, in a way, pretty much sums up this album. Expand
  2. Rhys
    Oct 6, 2009
    As a result of this album, I have completely lost faith in the Kings. It's a sell out that escapes into soft core stadium rock, almost completely lacking any of the original grit that defined the Kings as a band. The only throwback to that sound is the building tension in "Be Somebody," which is reminiscent of "Four Kicks," but is resolved with no dirty guitars or guttural vocals, As a result of this album, I have completely lost faith in the Kings. It's a sell out that escapes into soft core stadium rock, almost completely lacking any of the original grit that defined the Kings as a band. The only throwback to that sound is the building tension in "Be Somebody," which is reminiscent of "Four Kicks," but is resolved with no dirty guitars or guttural vocals, just a sweet, "easy" chorus. The only benefit of this album is that it made me able to appreciate "" as still retaining some of the magic seen on the first two albums, which is completely lost here. It's safe to say that after this, I'll be downloading the next album, if I bother with it at all. Expand
  3. RickyP.
    Jan 25, 2010
    This is perhaps one of the biggest sell out albums (if not THE biggest) of the past decade. A band with much talent goes and releases drivel in order to please people in clubs. There is no intelligence involved and no insight that made previous efforts worthwhile. Truly disappointing, in the context of their talent.
  4. CailyD.
    Sep 23, 2008
    Pure cock rock drivel for scenesters. Why does the UK and Australia dig this banal crap so much?
  5. BrianB
    Jul 23, 2009
    When you consider their their first 2 records, this is a zero. But rating it against the field, I still have to give it some credit, there are 3 or 4 songs I don't mind listening to. I call this record their "get laid and paid in America" record. Because that's all it's good for. Congratulations guys, you were my favorite band, and now you have 10x as many fans but they are When you consider their their first 2 records, this is a zero. But rating it against the field, I still have to give it some credit, there are 3 or 4 songs I don't mind listening to. I call this record their "get laid and paid in America" record. Because that's all it's good for. Congratulations guys, you were my favorite band, and now you have 10x as many fans but they are all douche bags. So disappointing. Y&YM remains one of the greatest albums EVER! Expand
  6. Oct 21, 2010
    def the worst album outta the five though its far from bad. still some great songs on this album, sex on fire, cold desert, manhattan, crawl and i want you are great kings songs.
  7. Mar 4, 2011
    kol have made a great soft rock album here. i do prefer the earlier sound but bands change, thats what bands do. Crawl, i want you, manhattan, cold desert and revlery are the stand out tracks.
  8. Oct 11, 2013
    Simply brilliant. All of the band's albums before this were genius and nothing has changed. Only by the Night is diverse and unique. Each track is totally different and it will be known as one of the best rock albums of our generation. It's truly one of the best albums I have ever heard by one of the best bands I have ever heard. Well done, Kings of Leon. My favorite tracks are BeSimply brilliant. All of the band's albums before this were genius and nothing has changed. Only by the Night is diverse and unique. Each track is totally different and it will be known as one of the best rock albums of our generation. It's truly one of the best albums I have ever heard by one of the best bands I have ever heard. Well done, Kings of Leon. My favorite tracks are Be Somebody, Closer, Crawl, Notion, Cold Desert and Revelry. Expand
  9. James
    Jul 20, 2009
    I was a fan of Kings of Leon until this album. It represents the opposite of everything they were built on.
  10. WD1
    Apr 27, 2012
    I see reviewers writing whole essays about this album, but I think one word can easily sum up Only By The Night: tame. "Crawl" is actually pretty good, though.
  11. Oct 4, 2010
    Never has an album stripped the credibility from a band in such dramatic fashion. 'Crawl' is probably the worst, weakest at the knees and ill-timed stab at political commentary ever written. Kings of Leon: I don't believe you.
  12. GaryC.
    Oct 11, 2008
    Fantastic Revelry is probably song of the year.
  13. GrenL.
    Oct 8, 2008
    Took the risk to become stars. One of the best bands out now. Sex on fire is one the best rock songs in the last 5years.
  14. DmitryS
    Aug 3, 2009
    Great album, remind me of u2 achtung baby and other great stuff. Very accessible, good music. don't care about words much though.
  15. KennyM
    Sep 24, 2008
    Why do Kings of Leon suck now?
  16. JonG
    Aug 28, 2009
    Comical that critics pounced on this for being, ohmygosh, commercially successful. Meaning if a lot of people like it it must be dumb, because all people besides me, the critic/hipster, are dumb. Actually, this is a fantastic album, not going to appeal to the NPR/Paste magazine set but great rock music, with well constructed well written songs. Not for fans of The Decemberists.
  17. fredr.
    Sep 24, 2009
    This album has been at or near the top of the Soundscan album sales chart since its release. KOL obviously know what they are doing. It makes me wonder whether their critics were paying customers.
  18. Oct 10, 2010
    absolutely **** terrible, to put it bluntly. because of the times was easily one of, if not THE best album of the decade. This would be one of the worst considering the potential this band has shown they have. only half decent song is Crawl which resembles because of the times
  19. Cameron
    Oct 22, 2008
    KOl of my favourite band and i was eagerly anticipating this album yet apart from 'Use Somebody', 'Crawl', 'Cold Desert' and perhaps 'Closer' the rest is not up to their colossal standards that were shown on the last 3 albums. To me it seems rushed with too many leftovers from their last album.
  20. CribbB
    Jan 2, 2009
    Kings of Leon are getting worse by the album. This has nothing on youth and young manhood or aha shake heartbreak. The band may have improved but the music they have produced for this album is just full of radio-friendly drivel with little redeeming aspects. Sellouts.
  21. ZachP
    Dec 21, 2008
    It's a shame that this is the album that will make them famous. It's solid and incredible but pails in comparison to the epic-ness of their three previous. Still, all 13 tracks (counting bonuses) are incredible and the album is probably perfectly mixed.
  22. LisaZ.
    Dec 4, 2008
    Maybe they have changed their sound - more like evolved, which is normal for a group of young guys. Well...these are no ordinary guys...they're story is unique and amazing, and their music continues to amaze. There is plenty to love on this album, and the huge hit they've had with "Sex on Fire" has won them a whole new fan base, which may be a bummer for those of us who have Maybe they have changed their sound - more like evolved, which is normal for a group of young guys. Well...these are no ordinary guys...they're story is unique and amazing, and their music continues to amaze. There is plenty to love on this album, and the huge hit they've had with "Sex on Fire" has won them a whole new fan base, which may be a bummer for those of us who have loved them from the beginning and had hoped to keep them to ourselves, but at the same time it's great to see them get the recognition they deserve. They still play their hearts out at every live show...I know that we can expect only more great things to come from them in the future. Expand
  23. CoryB.
    Oct 4, 2008
    One of the strongest rock vocal albums in a while.
  24. MichaelM.
    Sep 23, 2008
    Not their best but certainly the best rock music around!
  25. DanielC.
    Sep 23, 2008
    Strong effort. After hearing "Sex on Fire," I felt like giving these guys another chane. My purchase was well worth it. Don't buy the negative reviews. These guys are trying to be nothing more than they are. Who cares if they have left garage-rock for arena rock? I consider this a better sound for them.
  26. zoy
    Sep 24, 2008
    Well i think it's great album,i can't get enough of specialy the first 3 tracks.in this album kings of leon look more relaxed and more focused.i think it deserves a little more appreciation and a good listen. enjoy it.
  27. NicoleG.
    Sep 25, 2008
    Love the depth & torque of this album!
  28. ColinR.
    Sep 26, 2008
    Not perfect, but the closest album to it that I've heard this year. No fillers, although some songs do take a while to grow on you but give it a few listens and you'll be hooked.
  29. Mislav
    Sep 27, 2008
    I was surprised to learn that the Kings of Leon were releasing a CD so soon after Because of the Times. I thought maybe they could continue making strong music like they did on that album (which I wasn't a huge fan of, but I certainly enjoyed it). Closer was a wonderful opener and set my hopes high. Crawl was still pretty good, but I could tell that Closer wasn't going to be I was surprised to learn that the Kings of Leon were releasing a CD so soon after Because of the Times. I thought maybe they could continue making strong music like they did on that album (which I wasn't a huge fan of, but I certainly enjoyed it). Closer was a wonderful opener and set my hopes high. Crawl was still pretty good, but I could tell that Closer wasn't going to be matched throughout the album. After Crawl it just became by-the-books Kings of Leon, neither good nor bad, rather like how The Darkness epically failed on their second album. The tracks all kind of blend together in a monotonous mediocrity without anything interesting to pull you in. Any fan of Kings of Leon will find some redeeming qualities in this, but if you're looking for a good album, this doesn't quite cut it. It seems rushed and, as others have probably said, seems like they're trying to just make more money, very quickly. Get good reviews on a few albums and a rushed follow-up is a sure way to get more fans... just don't lose those who were with you at the start. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 30
  2. Negative: 3 out of 30
  1. Mojo
    Only By The Night is best viewed as a transitional record from a band who have quite literally done their growing up in public. [Oct 2008, p.98]
  2. The dreamy 'Cold Desert' is the perfect maudlin end to this short, sharp, 42-minute, no-filler album, revelling in every miserable blues-rocker cliché as Matthew's guitar goes all shoegazey and then briefly threatens to turn the whole thing into a 'Purple Rain' wig-out.
  3. As it is, it's a very fine record from a band who are seemingly growing in stature, confidence, and ability by the day.