• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 17, 2008

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 18
  2. Negative: 3 out of 18
  1. The problem is not with Katy's gender-bending, it's that her heart isn't in it; she's just using it to get her places, so she sinks to crass, craven depths that turn One of the Boys into a grotesque emblem of all the wretched excesses of this decade.
  2. Engineered for short attention spans at just 44 minutes, One of the Boys is still more than enough to make this one long, hot summer for Perry.
  3. 70
    Perry’s creative-writing-class punch lines don’t always justify her self-congratulatory drag-queen tone. But she hiccups quirkily enough, and myriad big-name producers (from Dr. Luke to Glen Ballard) keep the new-wave synth hooks hopping
  4. Careering from tart-tongued vixen to rough-and-tumble tomboy to woeful lonelyheart may reflect her real life, but it makes for a thematically bumpy ride.
  5. Katy Perry's second album offers minimal creativity or originality, but there are several likeable tracks--despite their turgid, juvenile and bordering-on-offensive lyrical content.
  6. Where it hits the mark, One Of The Boys is sparky and accomplished--though entirely disposable--pop.
  7. Madonna and Perez Hilton may be fans, then, but if you’ve got even a passing interest in actually enjoying a record, don’t buy this one.
  8. The bulk of Boys is sufficiently well put together; the generally witty pop walks that tricky line between edginess and accessibility.
  9. Ultimately, its a fun teen party album. Just don't call it girl power.
  10. Perry is most enjoyable when her songs are simple and senseless. Profundity is just way too problematic.
  11. Q Magazine
    This is a catchy, cocky, Avril Lavigne-y debut, its surface gloss making up for an ultimate lack of depth. [Nov 2008, p.118]
  12. Yes, Perry has a heart, but it sounds like her bustier's too tight for her to use it.
  13. 'Mannequin' features some cleverly written lyrics, but Perry doesn't possess the grit or vocal prowess to follow through, and the title track is like No Doubt's 'Just a Girl' sans personality and conviction.
  14. 30
    The rest of the album plods with formulaic, hormone-heavy Kelly Clarkson outtakes, or perhaps Liz Phair during her bleak, sparkly descent.
  15. While undeniably catchy, the hyper-produced songs have a familiar radio-ready quality that becomes infuriatingly mind-numbing over time, and Perry's vocals sound like a less-soulful Kelly Clarkson at best, a drunken, spurned sorority girl at worst.
  16. Her producers furnish the punchy soft-rock that has become the default signifier of pop "attitude" and Perry obliges with self-congratulatory sass that never rings true.
  17. Ms. Perry is curiously blank on her major-label debut album (in 2001 she released a moody, eclectic collection of Christian contemporary music).
  18. Uncut
    Gwen Stefani should be nervous. [Oct 2008, p.105]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 1099 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. IGa
    Jan 30, 2016
    Maybe the highlight of "One Of The Boys" is not in the beautiful beats and quirky vocals, but in different lyrics addressed in intuitive andMaybe the highlight of "One Of The Boys" is not in the beautiful beats and quirky vocals, but in different lyrics addressed in intuitive and fun themes. The album walks among **** boyfriends, assumed betrayal, low self-esteem, fun in Las Vegas and lesbian kiss. Themes nothing predictable and varied beats. The richness of this album is quirky and often frowned upon, but certainly there is a lot of fun hidden between the lines. Full Review »
  2. Aug 26, 2013
    It's good. Not the best album of 2008, but it's definitely close. The only bad thing on the album is some of the songs would be better forIt's good. Not the best album of 2008, but it's definitely close. The only bad thing on the album is some of the songs would be better for other singers. Full Review »
  3. Mar 25, 2012
    Good album! Funny and simply! Love the way she sings with a guitar........... I prefer "Teenage Dream" but this is good, too. ( sorry for my English )