• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Sep 18, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 36 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 36
  2. Negative: 7 out of 36

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  1. ShapingM.
    Sep 20, 2007
    Awful. The 1 point is for the single, which luckily is the first track on the album, so i can listen to it then skip to the next CD.
  2. TheSmokingCupcake
    Oct 19, 2007
    Not quite up to Stars of CCTV, but a helluva lot better than we deserved. Why more people don't compare Hard-Fi's vibe to early Oasis is a mystery to me, but these boys wear their blue collars proudly. This is working man's pop music, despite is glossy sheen. Seriously, to all the haters out there, What's the Story?, proceeded by the Whatever single, sounded just as Not quite up to Stars of CCTV, but a helluva lot better than we deserved. Why more people don't compare Hard-Fi's vibe to early Oasis is a mystery to me, but these boys wear their blue collars proudly. This is working man's pop music, despite is glossy sheen. Seriously, to all the haters out there, What's the Story?, proceeded by the Whatever single, sounded just as glossy and, if memory serves correct, got panned. In an era of New Order wannabes and (c)rap, a band with balls like Hard-Fi should be universally welcomed. Expand
  3. BK
    Sep 18, 2007
    I got a little freaked when I saw allmusic.com gave it 2.5 stars, but then again, critics generally didn't like the band's debut either (which I consider one of the top 5 of 2006). But damn, they do NOT disappoint, rank this right up there with "Neon Bible" and "Weekend in the City" as one of the best CDs this year... not quite as awsome as their debut, though, but maybe I got a little freaked when I saw allmusic.com gave it 2.5 stars, but then again, critics generally didn't like the band's debut either (which I consider one of the top 5 of 2006). But damn, they do NOT disappoint, rank this right up there with "Neon Bible" and "Weekend in the City" as one of the best CDs this year... not quite as awsome as their debut, though, but maybe I'm just being stubborn. Expand
  4. JoJ
    Sep 24, 2007
    Derivative, uninspired, banal; the weakest facet of this record, though, does not lie in the music, but rather, the lyrics. I think most anybody who listens to this entirely objectively will at first be struck by the lazy, hackneyed, witless, depthless nature of the lyrical content. And none of the tunes are good enough to compensate for that, either. Cover art idea is pretentious as Derivative, uninspired, banal; the weakest facet of this record, though, does not lie in the music, but rather, the lyrics. I think most anybody who listens to this entirely objectively will at first be struck by the lazy, hackneyed, witless, depthless nature of the lyrical content. And none of the tunes are good enough to compensate for that, either. Cover art idea is pretentious as anything I've ever seen. Summary: inferior product. PS band's been major label since first release, so why the "indie" label? Expand
  5. Cat
    Sep 18, 2007
    Probably the best album of the year.
  6. MikeS.
    Sep 18, 2007
    Album of the Year, easily. Uplifting, poignant, beautifully produced, not a weak moment on the whole record, and it's been years I heard a CD where I love every song (U2's Achtung Baby was the last - 16 years ago). Hard-Fi have released a CD that will bring people together, that will make people feel good about themselves, and I for one love it. Move aside Cribs, hang on to your Album of the Year, easily. Uplifting, poignant, beautifully produced, not a weak moment on the whole record, and it's been years I heard a CD where I love every song (U2's Achtung Baby was the last - 16 years ago). Hard-Fi have released a CD that will bring people together, that will make people feel good about themselves, and I for one love it. Move aside Cribs, hang on to your hats Monkeys, Britain has some other lads to be rightly proud of. This will be a huge it, worldwide, because we've all been waiting for this immaculate feel good rock for years and Hard-Fi have hit the spot! Expand
  7. VE
    Sep 19, 2007
    Really solid top to bottom with several stand outs
    Sep 19, 2007
    It is a crap record! CCTV was great and "Hard to Beat" is genius....there aren't any moments even close. Save your money or throw it out the window even.
  9. RobB.
    Sep 19, 2007
    I don't understand, given so much unlistenable mediocrity coming out of the music world, that people don't get psyched for such energetic, catch, and yes, creative music.
  10. TwelveVolts
    Sep 21, 2007
    Pretty catchy but requires a few plays to get into your head.
  11. judweiser
    Sep 20, 2007
    Best album of the year! More impressed with this than angry mob, weekend in the city, and favourite worst nightmare. how anyone can say this is crap.. and worse to give it lower than 5 is just nuts. Its obviously not your genre of music if you think its that bad. This is the type of music i listen to(brit pop/rock) and this is definitely an excellent album if thats the type of music you like.
  12. Megakraak
    Sep 28, 2007
    Worst than the new Editors' album and the cover art is terrible. Hard-Fi need to work very hard to improve their knowledge in music. As the single says, it's a very suburban album. Maybe 'Once Upon a Time In Suburbia' instead 'in the West'.
  13. BlakeD
    Sep 18, 2007
    A great, great second album by these four young talented lads.
  14. mydogputthepooinpoochlemiwinks
    Sep 19, 2007
    dumbed-down robbie williams wannabees, & that's not a particularly good thing. (lead singer's eyebrows over-tweezed between the eyes, above the nose).
  15. Jack
    Sep 19, 2007
    The soundtrack to Once Upon a Time In the West is amazing. This is not it.
  16. Mar 8, 2013
    A reasonably solid, very polished Indie rock album. For the most part the song writing is very fluid and most of the songs are built around strong tunes and big choruses. Lyrically, it's only so so for me and there a couple of songs that let the rest of the record down. It's a decent record without being one that you'll come back to repeatedly.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. It might be a little too airbrushed, arch and meticulous for some, but it's brilliant all the same, and, in the tradition of all great second albums, it could prove to be Hard-Fi's defining moment.
  2. The aforementioned 'The King' is a string-laden lament on changing times and love in their small pocket of the world, and it's better than most of the songs that precede it. But it’s not enough to pull Once Upon A Time In The West out of it’s own lumpen mediocrity.
  3. While the songs aren't particularly complex and won't be to the taste of anyone after something challenging, the band impress with how easy they make straightforward songwriting look.