
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Whether or not you can get with Malin's other records is immaterial; this one should be embraced by anyone who loves rock & roll.
  2. Alternative Press
    For the Malin faithful, these are the seeds from which the glitter in the gutter sprung. [Nov 2008, p.129]
  3. An album as close to a dictionary-standard definition of the word mediocre as there is likely to be in the whole of 2008.
  4. Solid and stolid live album from glam punker turned roots rocker.
  5. Rather than offering reinterpretation, Malin sounds like an annoying guest at a house party, who despite all efforts to hide the guitar has found it and insists on playing a disparate bunch of songs much to the annoyance of everyone else, none of whom quite have the heart to tell him to stop.
  6. On Your Sleeve acts only as a fine stopgap until Malin’s next release proper. This late October disc still plays as more treat than trick for his loyal fanbase.
  7. There are some highlights--an electro update of the Stones' 'Sway' and a sweet harmony-laden take on Neil Young's 'Looking for a Love'--but other tunes feel too heavy for Malin's reedy voice.
  8. Uncut
    Odds and sods, then, but not without appeal. [Jan 2008, p.101]

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