• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Mar 7, 2006
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 81 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 63 out of 81
  2. Negative: 8 out of 81

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  1. paulw
    Mar 14, 2006
    I have waited so long for this album,David Gilmour has not lost any of his magic,a top chill out Album.Cant wait for the next one,well done David.
  2. RobertoF
    Mar 28, 2006
    Great album! Greats voice and guitar! Mr. Gilmour the Best!
  3. RonR
    Mar 9, 2006
    Classic D.G.,a little slow at times but grows on you after a few listens. Nice to here him back and with a few friends that hav'ent been heard from for a few years.Don't stay away so long next time!
  4. ludacrissl
    Mar 9, 2006
    you cant give less than 10 ITS DAVID GILMOUR
  5. BitBurn
    Mar 9, 2006
    Does it sound like Floyd? Well, of course. So, is that surprising? Not at all and quite welcomed to say the least! It is a very beautiful album, very enjoyable and very well crafted. Don't expect any big surprises; the man has nothing to prove here. Gilmour is a legend and we should all just appreciate that.
  6. VickyC
    Mar 9, 2006
    This album has some nice songs but is generally quite bland, it lacks any edge and it feels as if David isn't really exerting himself anymore. Maybe he has finally become "Comfortably Numb"!. As one paper said, a nice holiday album but it's not going to make your alltime favourite lists. You'll love it for a few days but the novelty will wear off. The lyrics definitely This album has some nice songs but is generally quite bland, it lacks any edge and it feels as if David isn't really exerting himself anymore. Maybe he has finally become "Comfortably Numb"!. As one paper said, a nice holiday album but it's not going to make your alltime favourite lists. You'll love it for a few days but the novelty will wear off. The lyrics definitely aren't up to much either. Expand
  7. gigii
    Apr 19, 2006
    a fine album
  8. GabrielC
    Jun 24, 2006
    I am proud this was released in 2006. Good God people! How could anyone give this a score less than a seven? there is aso much tlaent here. Gilmour gets asistance form Graham Nash and David Crosby. The harmonies are impossible for any of these wannabe rockers of today. Hearing this on the radio gives me great joy! NO it isn't a floyd record but it's a great record unto itself! I am proud this was released in 2006. Good God people! How could anyone give this a score less than a seven? there is aso much tlaent here. Gilmour gets asistance form Graham Nash and David Crosby. The harmonies are impossible for any of these wannabe rockers of today. Hearing this on the radio gives me great joy! NO it isn't a floyd record but it's a great record unto itself! What is this I hear about uninspired? Good lord people check oyur airwaves! What songs are "inspired" lately! MOst of what we hear today is garbage. this is some of the most relevant releases of this year! Expand
  9. DarrenM
    Mar 11, 2006
    You're gonna love some of the tracks like Castellorizon, On An Island, The Blue and Smile, but let's get "metaphysical," ...most others seem underwritten, lack lyrical thought and seemed deeply steeped in perhap's Gilmour's mortality. Mood is awfully slow and methodical without much bite. Still worth adding to the collection. Prefer Gilmour's self titled 1978 You're gonna love some of the tracks like Castellorizon, On An Island, The Blue and Smile, but let's get "metaphysical," ...most others seem underwritten, lack lyrical thought and seemed deeply steeped in perhap's Gilmour's mortality. Mood is awfully slow and methodical without much bite. Still worth adding to the collection. Prefer Gilmour's self titled 1978 album first with the more "pop sensible "About Face" a close second. Just can't get enough of that haunting "Echo-ing" guitar. Worth adding to the collection. Expand
  10. EricL
    Mar 10, 2006
    Take a Breath is a brutal song, and brings down the overall rating... otherwise, there are some real keepers. The CD hasn't left my player since the 7th!
  11. LaurenceK
    Mar 10, 2006
    Each song has great music in it but all put together on this CD does not work well. It is simply to slow moving and with the long lead-ins to many of the songs, it requires patiance to get to the great music that follows. The songs here should have been spread out over 2 CD's and mixed with some more lively songs where he belts out some of that great lead guitar playing he does so well.
  12. AnneMarieD
    Mar 24, 2006
    Absolutely love this album.
  13. JoeMomma
    Mar 28, 2006
    Kevin M and RH clearly don't know what they are talking about. Pink Floyd is obviously greater than the sum of its parts but David Gilmour and Roger Waters have both released quality solo records.
  14. MarkT
    Mar 28, 2006
    This is a decent album. I'll take anything I can get from Dave these days. The tracks "On an Island" and "Where We Start" are the standouts to me. If I have one complaint it's that the album is too soft. It starts out with some promise of having some of that slow & heavy Dave Gilmour brand to it, but it tapers off after the start of the album. This album also proves that Dave This is a decent album. I'll take anything I can get from Dave these days. The tracks "On an Island" and "Where We Start" are the standouts to me. If I have one complaint it's that the album is too soft. It starts out with some promise of having some of that slow & heavy Dave Gilmour brand to it, but it tapers off after the start of the album. This album also proves that Dave still has the voice and the guitar licks to pump out a few more albums (Hopefully Pink Floyd). I know the songs I mentioned earlier will be part of my personal summer soundtrack. Expand
  15. SalmanN
    Mar 9, 2006
    This album pushes you to take off your Pink Floyd hat and put on a David Gilmour hat. You must not think of this as an experimental album, nor should you call it a commercial project. It truly fits as a "music played to one's own self" album. I think that the music is very thematic, i think it is upbeat in its mood, and i like the ascendancy he takes with the guitar work time to This album pushes you to take off your Pink Floyd hat and put on a David Gilmour hat. You must not think of this as an experimental album, nor should you call it a commercial project. It truly fits as a "music played to one's own self" album. I think that the music is very thematic, i think it is upbeat in its mood, and i like the ascendancy he takes with the guitar work time to time. The music is great and leaves you On an Island by the time you are done with it. Expand
  16. PaulD
    Mar 9, 2006
    David Gilmour is the greatest guitarist of all time and will be remembered as one of hard rocks finest. He also has a soft spot for slow melody and ambience. For those Floyd fans that are looking for a nostalgic record, "On An Island" will offer only 50% that, but the other 50% is fantastic. The songs that have the most Floyd vibe are "Castellorizon," the title track, "Then I Close My David Gilmour is the greatest guitarist of all time and will be remembered as one of hard rocks finest. He also has a soft spot for slow melody and ambience. For those Floyd fans that are looking for a nostalgic record, "On An Island" will offer only 50% that, but the other 50% is fantastic. The songs that have the most Floyd vibe are "Castellorizon," the title track, "Then I Close My Eyes," "A Pocketful Of Stones," and "Where We Start" (reminiscent of "The Wall," "Meddle," "Atom Heart Mother," "Division Bell" and "Obscured by Clouds" respectively.) The other half of the album still has his distinct sound but cannot be categorized by the later. "On An Island" is well worth the 22 year wait (or 12 year or 35 year, depending on how you look at it.) We can only wish other rock legends would age this well. Expand
  17. steves
    Mar 9, 2006
    Much better than alot of 60 year old hang ons from the 60's and 70's rock era. To bad waters did not work together with gimour on it as perhaps floyd as then we trully would have the younger generation scratching their heads
  18. AlS
    Apr 3, 2006
    I think this album is great. Its a real romantic Pink Floydish memory jerking sonic daydream. I really love it and the cd packaging is quite nice. cant wait for these guys to hook up with Roger Waters again!!! "tare down the wall" -soniclove
  19. ramina
    Apr 9, 2006
    i love it
  20. bradpitt
    Apr 9, 2006
    nice work
  21. JoeA
    May 6, 2006
    I'd give this album a 9, cause I think that although the lyrics may not be absolutely amazing, the sonic quality of the album and music writing is absolutely incredible. Gilmour is certainly on form, and although there are Floyd trademarks placed everywhere on this record he manages to make himself stand out as a solo artist. Brilliance.
  22. TimK
    May 8, 2006
    iIhad high hopes for this release when I saw that Gilmour was working with the great Roxy Music guitarist Phil Manzanera. Disappointment set in quickly when I found Manzanera playing keyboards. Gilmour sounds uninspired and should have waited until he had better material to work with.
  23. klassv
    Jun 4, 2006
    the best solo work by ex-PF member.
  24. TOL
    Jun 5, 2006
    I was scared to listen to this album- could anything do justice to Floyd? Evidently, yes. Just. David has produced an album of lullaby lyrics coupled with soaring trademark guitar- a veritable feast of lush 'sleepy' music. But without the frankly psychotic Roger Waters there is no edge and no apparent passion to his music. Some tracks stand out (on an island, smile, when i close I was scared to listen to this album- could anything do justice to Floyd? Evidently, yes. Just. David has produced an album of lullaby lyrics coupled with soaring trademark guitar- a veritable feast of lush 'sleepy' music. But without the frankly psychotic Roger Waters there is no edge and no apparent passion to his music. Some tracks stand out (on an island, smile, when i close my eyes) but others seem lacklustre and not befitting of such a legend. Why a seven rating then? Gilmour could play guitar on any song and immediately triple its credibility is the simple answer. Expand
  25. budb
    Mar 10, 2006
    gilmour at his best. pure genius. his guitar licks are better than ever
  26. TheClydedog
    Mar 13, 2006
    It keeps getting bettter with each play. I had high hopes for a Floyd sound stage. But he's 60 and I'm 50, I guess we all slow down. Jumping the silver bird to LA to catch both shows, to hell with slowing down. Shine ON David, keep them coming sooner.
  27. BobB
    Mar 15, 2006
    I heard the title track first on the radio, and got excited... it's a beautiful song, lovely lyrics and melody, and the guitar playing is very Gilmour. Then, I heard the rest of the CD when I bought it, and found myself scratching my head. As others on here wrote, I agree - most of the songs just don't seem to know where they're going, they just meander around in a I heard the title track first on the radio, and got excited... it's a beautiful song, lovely lyrics and melody, and the guitar playing is very Gilmour. Then, I heard the rest of the CD when I bought it, and found myself scratching my head. As others on here wrote, I agree - most of the songs just don't seem to know where they're going, they just meander around in a soothing, peaceful way, without really saying much to anyone... each in their own little world. Expand
  28. AndrewS
    Mar 16, 2006
    Gilmour's "On an Island" tends to stay at the gentler side of Floyd style compositions, but does a good job doing so. Gilmour does a great job of making his guitar speak in its melodic lines, and fans of Floyd's more "ballad" style work should enjoy this release.
  29. SchuylerC
    Mar 21, 2006
    Everything Gilmour has done up to this point has been truly legendary. Unfortunately this album doesn't rise to that level. It's sonically excellent, but the songs just don't do it for me.
  30. KevinM
    Mar 20, 2006
    A terrible pile of lazy disassociated crud, wholly without merit. Gilmour always had the chops, but needed band-mate Roger Waters to provide the building blocks of a decent tune. Even his style sounds like a poor imitiation of itself. Buyer Beware.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. To be sure, the majority of "Island" could be Pink Floyd in all but name only.
  2. Could be the soundtrack to a blissed-out tropical holiday.
  3. Rolling Stone
    Gilmour sounds like his own man here, but you wish he had someone--anyone--to push him beyond these new adventures in tedium. [9 Mar 2006, p.92]