
Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Aug 10, 2020
    One of her most consistent and wonderful collections of unique, heartfelt, and depressing songs yet, even if it’s somewhat hampered by the need to make it “as cathartic and minimal as possible.” While Andrew Sarlo’s production is occasionally sedate, the writing is still exemplary.
  2. Jul 28, 2020
    While it occasionally loses itself in the past, Old Flowers doesn’t rely solely on nostalgia for its power. Andrews never wallows. She is somehow able to be both full of regret and gratitude at the same time. At its very best, Old Flowers recalls the melancholy piano sing-song of Tapestry and the forlorn love songs of country greats like Emmylou Harris and Linda Rondstadt.
  3. Jul 24, 2020
    Heartache has inspired countless songs and albums over the years and if nothing else Old Flowers shows how humans will continue to turn to music for comfort in times of sadness for many years to come. These songs have clearly provided solace to Andrews and it’s likely they’ll do the same for others in similar need.
  4. Jul 24, 2020
    Andrews’ vocals may not have the hard-bitten vernacular of Iris Dement, but in their purity of tone share the same deep level of pathos.
  5. Jul 24, 2020
    She is mourning and healing all at once here, and while at times it can feel a bit tedious, overall she’s delivered one solid collection of songs.
  6. Jul 24, 2020
    In some respects, Old Flowers could be called a shade too successful, since it casts a specific understated spell, but listened to in the right mood or hour of the day, it's a bewitching affair.
  7. 80
    Musing on the break-up of a nine-year-long romantic relationship, simplicity is key to ‘Old Flowers’’ innate grace.
  8. 70
    Continuing to imbibe her music with a remarkable pathos that has these new songs greeting the listener like familiar friends by the second spin, Courtney Marie Andrews keeps growing and Old Flowers is the fruit of this blossom.
  9. Q Magazine
    Jul 22, 2020
    Her observations possess a nuance that blasts away old cliches, but are also related with a pleasing simplicity. [Aug 2020, p.107]
  10. Uncut
    Jul 22, 2020
    Andrews' deft touch with an insidious melody and candid phrase extends whatever solace she finds to her audience as well. [Jul 2020, p.27]
  11. 80
    Old Flowers conclusively proves that Courtney Marie Andrews has reached a difficult to attain level, showing once again that the timeworn trope of “breaking up is hard to do” can be dreadfully unsettling personally but also creatively rewarding.
  12. Mojo
    Jul 22, 2020
    With the voice of Linda Ronstadt and songwriting gifts of Joni Mitchell, there simply isn't anything to dislike about Old Flowers. [Jul 2020, p.84]
  13. Jul 22, 2020
    It is emotional, redemptive and leaves an indelible mark on the listener. Andrews provides a raw, honest and unflinching look in the mirror of a failed relationship and finds herself; it's a story as old as time, but somehow told more achingly beautiful here.
  14. Jul 22, 2020
    2018’s May Your Kindness Remain was singer-songwriter Courtney Marie Andrews’ breakout album. Old Flowers, her third for Fat Possum, surpasses that effort. ... Whether you choose to immerse yourself in this emotional journey or not, you’ll be impacted. Andrews has now reached the point where she is one of today’s most distinct voices.
  15. Jul 22, 2020
    When Andrews focuses on her own story, she's an immensely compelling songwriter. It's when she speaks in a general sense about heartache that her powers are weakened.

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