• Record Label: XL
  • Release Date: Jun 23, 2017
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Universal acclaim- based on 692 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 53 out of 692
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  1. Jun 24, 2017
    The 20 years that have passed since this albums release only solidifies it's greatness. Undoubtedly a seminal, game changing, influential, masterpiece and yet it also still sounds like nothing else. The songs themselves almost defy description such is their originality and eclectic nature but the words I'll use are - inventive, powerful, beauty, nuance and just about every emotion allThe 20 years that have passed since this albums release only solidifies it's greatness. Undoubtedly a seminal, game changing, influential, masterpiece and yet it also still sounds like nothing else. The songs themselves almost defy description such is their originality and eclectic nature but the words I'll use are - inventive, powerful, beauty, nuance and just about every emotion all rolled into one. In the last 20 years nothing comes close. Expand
  2. Jun 23, 2017
    In the entire history of modern music I cannot see more than two albums getting (marginally) better than OK Computer (Nirvana's Nevermind and Kate Bush's Hounds of Love). Original track list is just completely perfect. The added ones would be great for almost anybody else but not for them. Maybe, with the exception of majestic Man of War. A classic.
  3. Jun 25, 2017
    One of the greatest albums of all time. This is a great reissue that contains unreleased songs and songs from the Airbag / How Am I Driving? EP. There aren't many albums that withstand the test of time like OK Computer has. If you're a fan of Radiohead, get this reissue.
  4. Jun 24, 2017
    In the mid 90's I loved The Bends and also thought Pablo Honey had its charms. OK Computer came out and I thought that while it's had some good tunes, without being able to put my finger on it, I just felt there was something not quite right about it. A couple of years after it came out (on a Christmas Eve in fact) I was coming down with the chicken pox although I didn't actually know itIn the mid 90's I loved The Bends and also thought Pablo Honey had its charms. OK Computer came out and I thought that while it's had some good tunes, without being able to put my finger on it, I just felt there was something not quite right about it. A couple of years after it came out (on a Christmas Eve in fact) I was coming down with the chicken pox although I didn't actually know it yet. I was feeling a bit spacey and a bit out of it and had this record on and it's the first time I remember it clicking with me, specifically the song "Lucky". This was when I realised that the "something not quite right" feeling was purposefully built into the album by Radiohead, it was the essence of what the band wanted to get across. Since I first came up with my favourite 10 albums of all time list, probably 14 or 15 years ago now, there have been a couple of changes but OK Computer has been a consant. It's gotten better with age and now never fails to blow my mind. Its records like this that make me so passionate about music. Airbag introduces the album with a riff that's got a hint of the East about it but the vocals, guitars and rhythm section come together beautifully to begin this masterpiece. Only Radiohead could write something so magical about a car safety device. This leads into the epic Paranoid Android, up there with Bohemian Rhapsody as one of those songs whose creation process will raise as many questions as the origins of the Universe itself. The paranoia levels are maintained across the rest of the album. At its heart is the track "Let Down", a song that just swells with downbeat emotion and is one of the most beautiful songs ever recorded by a rock band. "Electioneering" and "Climbing Up The Walls" give you that frantic feeling of being stuck in a broken elevator and are particularly easy to relate to these days. "No Surprises" calms everything back down and the album cruises to a relaxed finish with "Lucky" and "The Tourist". Alot of my friends are big music fans and I'd have a high degree of respect their opinions. Some of them "just don't get" this record. Maybe they need to listen to it while coming down with the chicken pox :-) Expand
  5. Jul 30, 2017
    Loved OK Computer back in my teens and I still love it now. I like the additional B-Sides they released to this, Man of War being my favorite. Still holds up to this day
  6. Jun 30, 2017
    Can't believe this album came in 1997, it still feels so ahead of our time, not a single bad song in this álbum exept fitter happier but even fitter happier in context of the album is amazing. i gotta say this is the best album i ever lsiten to.

    People who gave negaive score to this album are those idiot teenagers who can't stand with a 100 score on metacritic that's not from a **** pop
    Can't believe this album came in 1997, it still feels so ahead of our time, not a single bad song in this álbum exept fitter happier but even fitter happier in context of the album is amazing. i gotta say this is the best album i ever lsiten to.

    People who gave negaive score to this album are those idiot teenagers who can't stand with a 100 score on metacritic that's not from a **** pop album of recent times.
  7. Jun 23, 2017
    Timeless. Classic. Masterpiece. Ingenious. Perfect. Ahead of its time. Ahead of our time. Beautiful. Haunting. Paranoid. Changed the course of music for the 21st century. Will change the course of our lives to come.
  8. Jun 26, 2017
    One of those albums where you can’t really add much that hasn’t been said about it. When OK Computer released in 1997, people said that it would be a future legendary classic we’ll still be talking favorably about in 20 years’ time. I listened to it in 1997, though with quite a young ear and I enjoyed it but was unable to enjoy it to its fullest (that wouldn’t be done for probably 7 or 8One of those albums where you can’t really add much that hasn’t been said about it. When OK Computer released in 1997, people said that it would be a future legendary classic we’ll still be talking favorably about in 20 years’ time. I listened to it in 1997, though with quite a young ear and I enjoyed it but was unable to enjoy it to its fullest (that wouldn’t be done for probably 7 or 8 years later). Well here we are in 2017 and we’re still talking about this album. It feels like it hasn’t aged a day, at least in my opinion. It’s still as gorgeous as it was years ago. The B-Sides aren’t quite up to the standard of the proper album, so it’s understandable as to why they weren’t included, but they’re still really good and kind of give us a glimpse as to what was going through their minds as they wrote OK Computer. Definite 10 out of 10 and one of the best alternative albums ever created. Expand
  9. Jun 23, 2017
    I would think everyone knows where they were and how they first listened to OK Computer in its entirety. It's one of those rare albums like Dark Side of the Moon or Abbey Road that put a permanent stamp into your memory banks. Call it a desert island disc or a death bed album--it's one of those works of art that you always want immediate access to. The new master sounds great, although II would think everyone knows where they were and how they first listened to OK Computer in its entirety. It's one of those rare albums like Dark Side of the Moon or Abbey Road that put a permanent stamp into your memory banks. Call it a desert island disc or a death bed album--it's one of those works of art that you always want immediate access to. The new master sounds great, although I haven't noticed any huge difference in quality. Lift, Man O War, and I Promise are here as studio versions and they also sound fantastic. If you are a fan of the band, you already know the other B sides on Disc 2 are great songs. Hopefully younger millennials who haven't heard this beauty before will give it a spin and fall in love with it. It's a perfect record. If I could give it an 11 I would. Expand
  10. Jun 25, 2017
    This album is better than the original. It feels like a brand new radiohead because of the unreleased tracks and It all sounds noticeably better. So it's perfect.
  11. Apr 15, 2021
    Radiohead's defining statement and an album truly ahead of its time. It grabs you and never lets go. Perhaps their most down to earth album, that still sounds futuristic to this day.
  12. Jun 24, 2017
    How do the critic scores average out to a perfect 100? I'm not saying it's not, I actually give this album a 10. It's perfect to me. But isn't Metacritic supposed to take an average of the critic ratings? Strange. It's starting to make them less credible for me
  13. Jun 25, 2017
    The album that branded a before and after in carrer of Radiohead. An essential of 90s. Karma Police, Paranoid Android and No surprises are the most compelling, absorbing songs of ever of british band.
  14. Jul 17, 2017
    Years removed from its source, its impact is multiplied tenfold. In 1996, it was a path towards adult-contemporary pop radio; today, it’s an exquisitely faded Polaroid.
  15. Aug 29, 2019
    While it may have taken about five listens to fully pin down, and enjoy, enjoy it I did, and still do immensely.
    This album is such a step-up from the great, albeit slightly formulaic and generic sound of The Bends, into the masterful territory. Thom sounds amazing, be it on the epic "Paranoid Android", to the immense closing chorus of "The Tourist".
    The instruments are wild and take
    While it may have taken about five listens to fully pin down, and enjoy, enjoy it I did, and still do immensely.
    This album is such a step-up from the great, albeit slightly formulaic and generic sound of The Bends, into the masterful territory. Thom sounds amazing, be it on the epic "Paranoid Android", to the immense closing chorus of "The Tourist".
    The instruments are wild and take from a lot of other styles, which I do love. The guitars in the album are a lot more subtle than on The Bends, and, added with the masterful use of electronics, the album manages to be atmospheric without losing its rhythm.
    The lyrics on the album are so accurate in our modern age, that it's kind of scary. The underlying themes of paranoia, technology and the upcoming new digital age are done subtly, but to great effect.
    The tracklist is quite solid. While I think the album does lose its footing a bit on tracks 7-8 (Fitter is a great concept, but a bit dull, while Electioneering is a great song, but just doesn't compare to the rest of the pack), and "The Tourist" closes the album off perfectly.
    All-in-all, Radiohead did smash it out of the park with their third album. It's over 20 years old, but still sounds modern and will remain one of my favourites of all time.
    Favourites: Paranoid Android, Let Down, Climbing Up the Walls, The Tourist
    Least Favourites: Fitter, Happier, Electioneering (Still a pretty good song, though.)
  16. Jun 24, 2017
    Ok Computer is one of the best albums the last 20 years. Absolutely a masterpiece, the 3 known songs that they've add makes BETTER this reissue. "Man Of War" i didn't expect that one day they put it on an album, in my opinion, it one of the best tracks in b-sides Ok Computer sounds fresh and very clean. I feel really glad to live in a world with Radiohead. Perfect, amazing, brilliant, MASTERPIECE.
  17. Jun 23, 2017
    It's OK Computer. What can really be said that hasn't already be said? This album is brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I honestly didn't expect the remaster to do much since the original is already mastered quite well but dang it sounds amazing. Also we finally have the studio recordings we've been waiting for!! Definitely one of the best reissues as of recent.
  18. Jun 23, 2017
    The Album itself is a masterpiece and one of the greatest Rock Albums of all time, but in
    this review I only rate the B-Sides and how the new mix "Improved" the album and what can I say; the new mix didn't made that much, cause the 1997 original didn't sound dated a single bit, but it made the Album sound a little bit cleaner.
    The song that got the largest improvement was "Subterranean
    The Album itself is a masterpiece and one of the greatest Rock Albums of all time, but in
    this review I only rate the B-Sides and how the new mix "Improved" the album and what can I say; the new mix didn't made that much, cause the 1997 original didn't sound dated a single bit, but it made the Album sound a little bit cleaner.
    The song that got the largest improvement was "Subterranean Homesick Alien". When it comes to the B-sides I was surprised how good every Track is; especially for B-sides, with Man of War and Lift as highlights, together with the Acoustic-Ballad i Promise and my personal favorite Polyethylene there is nothing to complain about.

    Best Songs: Karma Police, Paranoid Android, No Surprises,Subterranean Homesick Alien
    Best Songs B-Side: Man of War, Lift
    Worst Songs: Flitter Happier
  19. Jul 7, 2017
    For the past three years, Ok Computer has been a personal part of my life. Whenever I am feeling down or alienated from the world, I always came to this album to remind myself that I'm not the only one with problems. Instead of going over the tracks from the original album, I figured that I should go over the b-sides and the three new tracks that had never been released before... so IFor the past three years, Ok Computer has been a personal part of my life. Whenever I am feeling down or alienated from the world, I always came to this album to remind myself that I'm not the only one with problems. Instead of going over the tracks from the original album, I figured that I should go over the b-sides and the three new tracks that had never been released before... so I guess I'll get started then.
    *Just because every song doesn't get a 10... doesn't mean that the album won't get a 10... it really just depends on how a person weighs the pros vs the cons... and there are very few cons.
    I Promise: Starts off on a soft acoustic note that casually blows through two verses before an orchestra sweeps the song away until Thom comes back, and maintains a sweet presence throughout the song. For a track that was never released, the arrangement was very well developed. (10/10)
    *I'll make the track reviews shorter now.*
    Man of War: Probably the most well-developed out of all three of the unreleased tracks, this hints at how Thom's vocals in the future would become even more haunting than they were back then. (10/10)
    Lift: When Thom finally comes in, the track achieves it's more thematical intentions... it's a sad (albeit revealing) reminder of what never was. (8/10)
    Lull: Hypnotic song, somewhat reminiscent of No Surprises (simply because of the instrumentation) Also reminds me of a Beatles song considering the short length and quick build-up. (9/10)
    Meeting in the Aisle: Singlehandedly has one of the most interesting intros out of all of the b-sides and entrances much more easily than Lull... unfortunately it never completely builds up.(8/10)
    Melatonin: Just the first 5 seconds of this song feel sad... Jesus Christ! Almost reminds me of Motion Picture Soundtrack. Since it's undeveloped, I'll give it a pass. (10/10)
    A Reminder: Ha... it literally reminds me of the album artwork, considering how the chatter at the beginning can't be drowned out no matter how loud the guitars can be. A simple, but effective track. (8/10)
    Polyethylene: Thom's voice sounds really desperate, and the way he just breaks out of it is hilarious. The second part just goes to show how vulnerability doesn't have to be expressed in one emotion... I should've looked up the lyrics. (8/10)
    Pearly: This is a sign to the days in which they just stopped giving a crap... more seriously, Thom's deeper vocals, the presence of backing vocals, melodic drumming, this song literally hints at albums like Amnesiac and Hail to the Thief. (10/10)
    Palo Alto: Well... how this song didn't make it on the album simply for being so **** blunt about "the future" shocks me. An interesting quiet then loud dynamic, resembles Nirvana... sorry for thinking that, considering how people actually get upset about that. (10/10)
    How I Made My Millions: Well... it's the most raw out of all of the b-sides, considering the fact that you can actually hear the keys on the piano... as in the noise they make when you "move" them. However, I still want it to last despite the fact that listening to it for any longer will force tears to come to my face. (10/10)

    Total: 10/10... because math.

    Well... I'll be honest, this wasn't a very good review and it probably wasn't very helpful either, but hopefully you can find a way to enjoy the album as I did. If not, I don't really care what music you like or dislike, considering that there are so many genres to choose from. If you haven't listened to any alternative rock music before listening to this album, I wouldn't be surprised to see you dislike it. Ok (oh **** I technically did a pun just then), I'm done yapping now, lol.
  20. Jun 25, 2017
    Excelente DISCAZOOOOOOOOO, inolvidable reedición, tres canciones memorables que por fin tienen su versión de estudio muy merecida compra y buenas notas
  21. Jul 22, 2017
    Nostalgia kicked me in the face with this crystal like reissue. This is one of "those" albums that will never be forgotten through it's endless impact on music that can still be heard today. This reissue is one of the best albums of all time with a few "cherry on top" bonus tracks. if you haven't heard this album, please do.
  22. Feb 5, 2018

    This is a stellar release and probably Radiohead's best. It stands as one of the greatest of all time for a good reason. The last of Radiohead's stripped back "Bends"-esque melodies, but their most experimental and intense album yet, Radiohead finds the perfect balance. Every song feels important and necessary, the album is great in

    This is a stellar release and probably Radiohead's best. It stands as one of the greatest of all time for a good reason. The last of Radiohead's stripped back "Bends"-esque melodies, but their most experimental and intense album yet, Radiohead finds the perfect balance. Every song feels important and necessary, the album is great in every sense. From the uncharacteristically grungy start in Airbag, to the craziness of "Paranoid Android" and the occasional stripped back, "Karma Police" or "No Surprises" to the creepy "Climbing Up The Walls" final chime on "The Tourist", this is the Radiohead we were promised, but much more. Radiohead does it all here, and the brutally honest "Ok Computer" is simply a necessary album.

    GRADE: A+
    Favorite Tracks: All of them
    Least Favorite: Too good
  23. Apr 24, 2018
    I don't even like rock music. In fact, this is the only pre-2000s album I've ever gotten into. But this album is a KNOCKOUT front to back
  24. Nov 9, 2017
    Лучший ремастеред в истории лучшего альтернативного рока в истории.Оригинальный
    OK COMPUTER был и без того прекрасным альбом предсказавшим множество современный трендов и в какой-то степени был революционным.Отдельно хочется отметит то,что , Radiohead не проседают с годами по качеству и выпускают хороший материал,но этот материал уже никогда не переплюнет OK COMPUTER и теперь уже
    Лучший ремастеред в истории лучшего альтернативного рока в истории.Оригинальный
    OK COMPUTER был и без того прекрасным альбом предсказавшим множество современный трендов и в какой-то степени был революционным.Отдельно хочется отметит то,что , Radiohead не проседают с годами по качеству и выпускают хороший материал,но этот материал уже никогда не переплюнет OK COMPUTER и теперь уже OKNOTOK,наверное нам стоит быть благодарными,что именно в 2017 Radiohead выпустили дополненный релиз и без того шедевральной пластинки.Новые композиции никак не мешают старым,а даже наоборот добавляют некий контраст между новым творчеством группы и старым.
  25. Dec 28, 2017
    Even though it only offers three new songs, it's OK Computer; it stands the test of time. Masterful, brilliant, cynical, bittersweet.
  26. Jun 22, 2018
    One of the greatest achievements in rock music. I can still come back to this album after having listened to it many times and get the same level of enjoyment.
  27. Apr 8, 2018
    Oh what a fantastic CD! The one song I could never get into much funnily enough is "Paranoid Android", which I know is a very much loved song, but everything else I love, in particular the wonderful "Let Down"! Great for driving (I keep the CD in the car) and a CD that will always be remembered for pushing the boundaries.
  28. Oct 18, 2018
    El álbum es un nuevo concepto que ha perdurado en el tiempo, este pedazo d colección recolecta un nuevo sonido que se ajusta a las ambiciones del grupo, donde canciones como paranoid android demuestran la madurez de su concepto con respecto a pablo honey.

    El álbum atribuye elementos de un alto nivel, que confirman su experiencia para hacer música, como su influencia por parte de otros
    El álbum es un nuevo concepto que ha perdurado en el tiempo, este pedazo d colección recolecta un nuevo sonido que se ajusta a las ambiciones del grupo, donde canciones como paranoid android demuestran la madurez de su concepto con respecto a pablo honey.

    El álbum atribuye elementos de un alto nivel, que confirman su experiencia para hacer música, como su influencia por parte de otros artistas como pink floyd en lucky, donde su vibra espacial y psicodelica me lleva a comparar esto con una cancion de the dark side of the moon, pues el manejo de la guitarra,agrega de forma perfecta un estilo de pink floyd después del piper and the gates at dawn.

    Sin embargo, forjan su propio estilo con canciones como karma police, no surprises, airbag y la extraña fitter happier, que toma d revolution 9 la inclusión de voces extrañas en la composición, transmitiendo un mensaje, donde su capa sonora es misteriosa y no tranquiliza al escucha.

    Era cuestión de segundos par que el álbum reviviera el concepto que quería transmitir, una nueva concepción de música interesante con su cancion airbag, donde los ritmos son diferentes a pablo honey, una cancion sin pautas de creatividad o ritmo, es una liberación del mejor contenido de radiohead (no excluyo a kid a) en términos simples.

    Un disco de melodias majestuosas donde todo conforma parte importante del todo, uno de los mejores discos de todos los tiempos, que vera su proyección en kid a, su comparación con a rush of blood to the head y su perduracion como uno de los mejores discos de todos los tiempos, que no excluye el mas mínimo detalle. En síntesis, perspicaz y clásico.

    Por eso le doy 100/100.

    Nota completamente diferente a la reseña:

    RECIENTEMENTE VI EL LISTADO DE LOS MEJORES ÁLBUMES DE TODOS LOS TIEMPOS, con el que no he tenido tanto acuerdo, pues creo que hay discos importantes que competirían con los del listado, este es mi listado de los mejores discos de la historia, segun alphabtdisas reviews official:

    - Rubber Soul.
    - Pet sounds.
    - OkComputer.
    - Kid a.
    - Revolver.
    - Sgt. Peppers lonely hearts club band.
    - Nevermind.
    - The piper and the gates of dawn.
    - The dark side of the moon.
    - The wall.
    - ANIMALS.
    - White album.
    - Unknow pleasures.
    - Turn on the bright lights.
    - A rush of blood to the head.
    - Lonerism.
    - Kill em all.
    - Abbey road.
    - Magycal mystery tour.
    - RE.
    - London calling.
    - In rainbows.
    - Flying microtonal banana.
    - Innerspeaker.
    - lED Zepellin iv.
  29. May 8, 2022
    Ok Computer: 10
    Goes without saying just how perfect this record is. A magnificently hollow unpacking of loneliness, depression and anxiety with risks imitated so often now they've adapted into standards. The unofficial best band in the world claimed their thrones on this 1997 masterpiece with their commentary on the overpowering sense of alienation that results from living in an
    Ok Computer: 10
    Goes without saying just how perfect this record is. A magnificently hollow unpacking of loneliness, depression and anxiety with risks imitated so often now they've adapted into standards. The unofficial best band in the world claimed their thrones on this 1997 masterpiece with their commentary on the overpowering sense of alienation that results from living in an increasingly self-indulgent and technologically-dependent society.
    The opener is a quasi-biographical car accident thom experienced and survived due to an airbag. It's imagery of fear and foreboding allow an urgency into the mix as if a call to action . The guitar's almost sound fatal! The following classic (and dare I say album centerpiece) "paranoid android " is a spiritual successor to Queens "Bohemian Raphsody " as it's a schizophrenic polymorphic thrill partly inspired by a snobbish (and frankly rude) incident in which a woman freaked out at a waiter(see:Gucci little piggy). Composed through a method that would influence Kid A it's culled from a collective of different ideas written by different members of the band. It's a career peak that fades into the mellow crystalline anxiety of "Subterranean Homesick Alien". Titled in reference to a Bob Dylan song the 3rd song is an unnerving breakdown you could fall asleep too. It's the first of the recurring desperate loneliness that centers this masterpiece.

    "(Exit music) For A Film " is truly phenomenal stuff. It's a slow burn eruption lined with bitterness and delivered with tearful rage. A devastating song which when you find out was intended for the Romeo + Juliet film feels intentionally spiteful. Afterwards the melodic "Let Down" is an apathetic walk down the city. It's a lonely journey of judging glances,distant closeness and unhappy people. Thom really gets into the pits of the isolation of young adulthood or existence in general without sulking. "Karma police " might have some abstract lyrics but the meaning is clear :corruption isn't going anywhere. It's a dejected descent into a radicalism. One of the weirder cuts "Fitter Happier " is an eerie robotic Ad made up of seemingly random but evidently creepy "self help" suggestions that get darker the longer the song goes making you thankful it stays short. "Electioneering " is a rough scream against the sham of political campaigns, like how interest and agendas of parties preceed the collective need. Exploring the manufactured nature of it all as politicians make promises in return for re- election or just being elected that they neglect once in power. "Climbing up the walls " is a clandestine paranoid trip into the worst parts of human nature. Thom sounds insane on this one! Then the dejected "no surprises " sounds like a suicide letter by an empty man,done with the political incongruity or lack of emotional relationships. It's sad but "lucky" comes in almost like a hopeful lie to oneself to try live,that it can get better. "The tourist " reckons with identity and change punctuating the record with an encouraging message to "slow down ". To take stock of the lives we live instead of the ones we haven't. Tying up one of the best albums ever made!
  30. Feb 19, 2019
    Timeless. An art rock masterpiece. My picks from this one would be the beautiful "Karma Police" and the bar-esque "Electioneering".

Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 15
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 15
  3. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Jul 6, 2017
    OKNOTOK will be of little interest to a passerby in a record store; its main value even for the die-hardiest of Radiohead fans is that little peek behind the curtain, a crack of light closer to understanding the way one of the most elusive bands in the world works.
  2. 100
    The actual content of OKNOTOK, in terms of what’s new, is hardly justification for any casual listener to pick it up, but the excuse to revisit the record itself would absolutely vindicate the purchase.
  3. Jun 30, 2017
    All [of the unreleased songs] were recorded around the time of OK Computer; all are unimpeachably first-rate; and yet, all were sensibly left off the original. Nevertheless, they complete the picture of one of rock's greatest bands cresting their first creative peak.