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Universal acclaim- based on 260 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 20 out of 260
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  1. Sep 4, 2023
    It's one of the greatest album ever made in pop music. I have no words to say, I can only admire.

    Overall: 9,1 / 10
  2. Jun 21, 2023
    SOPHIE was an amazing musician and throughout this phenomenal piece of work her amazing production shone in bright colours. Her vocals throughout were gorgeous and while her lyrics throughout were quite minimal, I think it worked in the favour of this album which did not feel chained down by one specific genre. Throughout there were influences of hyperpop, pop, artpop, electronica, andSOPHIE was an amazing musician and throughout this phenomenal piece of work her amazing production shone in bright colours. Her vocals throughout were gorgeous and while her lyrics throughout were quite minimal, I think it worked in the favour of this album which did not feel chained down by one specific genre. Throughout there were influences of hyperpop, pop, artpop, electronica, and ambient noise, this album truly highlighted SOPHIE's prowess as a producer and an auteur in her own right. She was taken too soon. Expand
  3. Oct 18, 2022
    I can understand that many people can find some pleasure in listening to this album. It surely is unadulterated, bombastic, explosive and poetic in many ways. The transitions do have something mysterious and attractive.
    But to me it is more a majestic mess. I can't deny that I wasn't hyped or deliciously trapped in some melodies like on 'Is It Cold in the Water?' or on 'It's Okay to Cry'.
    I can understand that many people can find some pleasure in listening to this album. It surely is unadulterated, bombastic, explosive and poetic in many ways. The transitions do have something mysterious and attractive.
    But to me it is more a majestic mess. I can't deny that I wasn't hyped or deliciously trapped in some melodies like on 'Is It Cold in the Water?' or on 'It's Okay to Cry'.
    But the rest appears to me as one of the most unstructured, raw and chaotic collections of varied sounds. 'Not Okay' is a perfect example: from a given moment, I just have the impression that Sophie is pressing random buttons on a synthesizer in a screaming silence. No pattern, no construction, no research, just a plain experience of disovering numerous sounds. The last double and endless track 'Whole New World / Pretend World' also is one of the cheesiest of the record. It is repetitive as hell, raw and unnuanced all along.
    I managed to discover a few parts where a previous collaboration or closeness with Flume shows up. Excepted that he is able to bring some coherence in the messiest tracks he offers. And that is what is lacking here in my opinion.
    Unfortunately, I wish there was more to discover or to be amazed by. So few replayability in addition to this.
  4. Apr 8, 2022
    Fractured, inconsistent, broken, torn, OIL OF EVERY PEARL’S UN-INSIDES aims toward the stylistic grandness of High Pop, and in that inconsistence, it achieves it. ... It’s incredible
  5. Sep 22, 2021
    Just an amazing project. Each and every songs are unique and have its own vibes.
  6. Jul 14, 2021
    Apologies if this review is sort of unorganized. I am essentially letting a stream of consciousness flow into to this little text box. If this write-up sucks, please know that the album does not and you should definitely listen to it and share it with everyone you know.

    OIL OF EVERY PEARL'S UN-INSIDES, and SOPHIE's catalog in its entirety, is a good omen for the future of pop music.
    Apologies if this review is sort of unorganized. I am essentially letting a stream of consciousness flow into to this little text box. If this write-up sucks, please know that the album does not and you should definitely listen to it and share it with everyone you know.

    OIL OF EVERY PEARL'S UN-INSIDES, and SOPHIE's catalog in its entirety, is a good omen for the future of pop music. This claim does not come from a place of blind reverence, but rather it is a claim backed up by SOPHIE's own influence in the pop music industry - working with artists like Charli XCX, Madonna, and Shygirl.

    Without spoiling every detail of the record, SOPHIE's control over sound shines on OIL. She creates a sound world from the jump with the blissful, beautiful "It's Okay To Cry," a song which, for the first time, has SOPHIE's own voice - role usually occupied by Canadian singer, Cecile Believe - delivering her lyrics. This song then transitions into the boisterous bubblegum-bass bangers, "Ponyboy" and "Faceshopping," two of the loudest songs on the album.

    After these three headlining tracks is a period of reflection. "Is It Cold In The Water?" pierces through the noise with the power of the emotion behind it and is immediately followed by an equally-impassioned "Infatuation." Both songs serve to transition from the loud, proud beginning of the album to the meat of the midpoint, "Not Okay" and "Pretending". "Not Okay" sounds as though Cecile Believe is a loud voice in a foreign world of sound and "Pretending" follows this feeling with an ambient, confused, and troubled drone during its nigh-6 minute runtime.

    Finally, the climactic finish: "Immaterial" and "Whole New World/Pretend World." "Immaterial" breaks the drone of "Pretending" with a triumphant anthem of self-actualization. "Whole New World/Pretend World" introduces the listener to the "New World" after this actualization. All of this occurs in a tight 39 minutes and 55 seconds.

    OIL OF EVERY PEARL'S UN-INSIDES is a bubblegum-bass album for the ages, and will serve as a benchmark of 2010's pop music when looking back on the decade. Especially with SOPHIE's unfortunate passing in January 2021, her catalog should definitely be considered in conversations of the most important artists of the era.

    SOPHIE's music is great, and OIL OF EVERY PEARL'S is worth your time.
  7. Jul 2, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. reviewing sophie’s debut album (RIP SOPHIE)
    it’s okay to cry - 9 / 10
    ponyboy - 9.5 / 10
    faceshopping - 10 / 10
    is it cold in the water ? - 9 / 10
    infatuation - 9.5 / 10
    not okay - 9 / 10
    pretending - 8.5 / 10
    immaterial - 10 / 10
    whole new world / pretend world - 9.5 / 10
    overall: one of the best debut albums ever. the energy in the album is so infectious. favorite song is faceshopping / least favorite song is pretending
  8. Mar 3, 2021
    R.I.P SOPHIE. A legend in such little time. It's somehow fitting this is her last output as it seems like an exploration pf her forward thinking genius. The prowess and innovation displayed not only in song structures but in the sound pallet always sounding like her own. This is a hyper pop classic that will stand the test of time even beyond the niche genre. From the emotional openerR.I.P SOPHIE. A legend in such little time. It's somehow fitting this is her last output as it seems like an exploration pf her forward thinking genius. The prowess and innovation displayed not only in song structures but in the sound pallet always sounding like her own. This is a hyper pop classic that will stand the test of time even beyond the niche genre. From the emotional opener about coming out to the world "is it cold in the water "or the high octane "faceshopping" we knew this album wpuld be a worthwhile journey. This album is near perfect. Favourites:is it cold,ponyboy,faceshopping. Expand
  9. Jan 28, 2021
    Glitchy, bold, post - pop experiment. The first three tracks and single Immaterial represent the best of what "alt-pop" and hyperpop have to offer.
  10. Oct 1, 2020
    even tho i prefer SOPHIE’s product era, she does not disappoint in OIL OF EVERY PEARL’S UN-INSIDES. the production is really high level but i think it still misses something. it can get a little bland and it doesn’t show SOPHIE’s full potential in my opinion.

    the songs are still really interesting and bring something new to the table! fav song: it’s ok to cry, immaterial least fav:
    even tho i prefer SOPHIE’s product era, she does not disappoint in OIL OF EVERY PEARL’S UN-INSIDES. the production is really high level but i think it still misses something. it can get a little bland and it doesn’t show SOPHIE’s full potential in my opinion.

    the songs are still really interesting and bring something new to the table!

    fav song: it’s ok to cry, immaterial
    least fav: is it cold in the water?
  11. Jul 7, 2020
    to me that’s a incredible work! SOPHIE a living art pure and I’m into that whole new world she created. This album makes me so happy, AMAZING!
  12. Jan 22, 2020
    Weird, forward thinking and challenging at parts. No single genre between songs and yet they flow together well. It will grow on you the more you listen, so give it a chance
  13. Oct 1, 2019
    SOPHIE es una genio, este Album es impresionante, raro y hermoso.
    Sonidos futuristas e increíbles que van de principio a fin, un adelanto de lo que será la música en unos años más.
  14. Aug 23, 2019
    I would say that this is a MAJOR step-up to her last mixtape, SOPHIE. While I do admit the flow of this album is a little bumpy, the songs on their own give off the perfect vibrance that will make you sure this album was worth buying.
  15. BGV
    Jun 24, 2019
    When it comes to SOPHIE one word has to come to mind: modern. She is an innovative artist, a visionary producer and a witty experimental pop-scientist and all these features are shown in this album.
  16. May 21, 2019
    i hope everyone knows im just typing this to reach the heckin character lim
  17. lei
    Mar 31, 2019
    You hear traces of Aphex Twin, Autechre and LFO and of course SOPHIE's own trademark sound. Her production just blows everyone else out of the water. Cecile Believe's voice is excellent.
  18. Feb 8, 2019
    My favorite album of 2018. It's experimental, pop, avant-garde, ambient... the lyrics are beautiful and introspective, and the productions are very complex and well structured.
  19. Sep 5, 2018
    A very strong debut for SOPHIE. her first album as an out trans woman, she manages to blend the satirical commercialism of her music with the very real struggles and experiences she has as a trans woman. The album might not be for everyone, but if you enjoy people like Bjork or Charli XCX you should give it a try.
  20. Aug 11, 2018
    On this album Sophie proves that she is one of the most talented producers now. If you listen Ponyboy you must understand it. What about the pure masterpiece Whole New World / Pretend World? This genius song make you feel like you from another planet. I think, a very little stars can create this effect on their music.
  21. Jul 12, 2018
    OPN's 'Garden of Delete' was an absolute classic, and Clarence Clarity's 'No Now' was a flawed slice of near-genius...for me, this pales in comparison to those two similar-ish releases. That's not to say this doesn't have its moments, or that there's no potential shown here, just overall it becomes less and less interesting the more you listen to it - where the aforementioned two albumsOPN's 'Garden of Delete' was an absolute classic, and Clarence Clarity's 'No Now' was a flawed slice of near-genius...for me, this pales in comparison to those two similar-ish releases. That's not to say this doesn't have its moments, or that there's no potential shown here, just overall it becomes less and less interesting the more you listen to it - where the aforementioned two albums became more interesting as they slowly revealed their depths. Expand
  22. Jul 7, 2018
    Known for co-writing and producing tracks for people like Charli XCX and Madonna, SOPHIE has finally released her own debut record, and, let's be honest, it's very impressive. SOPHIE's energy is infectious, her themes are dark and thought-provoking, her aesthetic is undeniably creative, and her music is as hyper-kinetic and as chaotic as ever. The first three tracks on the album areKnown for co-writing and producing tracks for people like Charli XCX and Madonna, SOPHIE has finally released her own debut record, and, let's be honest, it's very impressive. SOPHIE's energy is infectious, her themes are dark and thought-provoking, her aesthetic is undeniably creative, and her music is as hyper-kinetic and as chaotic as ever. The first three tracks on the album are already an almost-picture-perfect triad. And just when you thought it couldn't get more chaotic and more intense, the 9-minutes-closer "Whole New World/Pretend World" hits and brings the record into a head-exploding closure. Innovative and transcendent, "Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides" sounds like what music would sound like in 20 years if an alien invasion ever takes over the earth. Expand
  23. Jul 6, 2018
    Arca meets Grimes-esque processed vocals. The middle of the album sounds literally like a Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl soundtrack - lofi noise with no vocals.
  24. Jun 29, 2018
    Um álbum totalmente diferente de tudo de hoje em dia e nos últimos anos, SOPHIE prova que além de ser uma produtora nata, consegue entregar trabalhos autorais tão bons ou até melhores quanto suas produções para diversos outros artistas. Is It Cold In The Water? é provavelmente a melhor música de PC Music que já ouvi na vida.
  25. Jun 28, 2018
    Despite not being cohesive with the transitions, OIL OF EVERY PEARL'S UN-INSIDES is an excellent, solid debut album from SOPHIE. With every listen, the songs on this album gets better and better. Amazing electronic, art pop production and fantastic sounds!
  26. Jun 24, 2018
    SOPHIE has shown what an amazing artist she is. Her abilities in producing music are awesome and in this album is where she showed it the most. Listen to it is an orgasmic experience and Mozart's Sister's voice just make it better.
  27. Jun 23, 2018
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it... she's all those things
  28. Jun 23, 2018
    The artist, SOPHIE, gave us a very exciting album, this artist is such a promise to the electronic and computer music.
  29. Jun 20, 2018
    Talent, Perfect production. BRILLIANT
    This album is excellent, this album is SOPHIE.
  30. Jun 18, 2018
    This is some high quality experimental music here. Tests the boundaries of electronic and pop at the same time. Not too many albums can go so far but feel so close. Invokes strong emotions at its highest moments. There isn't a dull moment here.

Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Sep 4, 2018
    While SOPHIE's music has never been simple, Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides' complexities and transformations make it a remarkable debut album that reveals more with each listen.
  2. The Wire
    Aug 8, 2018
    From its cryptic title to its discombobulating assemblage of stylistic approaches in the track listing, Oil Of Every Pearl’s Un-Insides is chaotic and disjointed. ... Bringing a range of seemingly contrasting elements together, SOPHIE has been problematising commonly accepted binaries since dropping the berserk dance pop of “BIPP” on Glasgow’s Numbers label in 2013. [Sep 2018, p.49]
  3. Uncut
    Jul 19, 2018
    SOPHIE effortlessly crosses detailed, quartz-like avant-garde production with pop's unapologetic, dizzying sugar rush. [Sep 2018, p.39]