• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Aug 14, 2001

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Jul 24, 2012
    This is grown-up, frequently gorgeous music that epitomises the very best in neo-soul.
  2. This album leaves little doubt that when it comes to expressing the joys and heartbreak of life, few R&B singers do it as gracefully as Maxwell.
  3. 80
    When Maxwell sings songs cultivated to melt a girl's heart ("Silently"), it sounds more like grand, fervent gospel than a cheap, fevered move.
  4. But for all its stylish exuberance, 'Now' is an album full of wonderful sounds that's lamentably thin on songs.
  5. 100
    Maxwell's latest finds the steady and seductive soul-provider drawing more from the class of Marvin Gaye than the trash of R. Kelly--with a touch of spirituality thrown in.
  6. As mellowed-out as much of ''Now'' is, it's definitely not aural wallpaper, but a cohesive effort that rewards repeated listenings -- a veritable slow jam-boree.
  7. It should stand up as one of the most accomplished R&B recordings of this year, but one that is not emblematic of the artistic growth that Embrya suggested.
  8. Q Magazine
    A much more focused and funky set than Embrya. [Oct 2001, p.127]
  9. This third full-length album continues to mine past gold, integrate rock and jazz elements, and work Maxwell's beautifully supple vocals around old-school styles.
  10. Now is Maxwell's best album, because he's learned that while soul can be suggested by a good groove, it really lives in a song.
  11. Maxwell continues to delve into the sensuality that drove 1996's spacious Urban Hang Suite as well as '97's often over-decorated Embrya, but with a newly pared-back attack. He's in top-notch voice...
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 34 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 34
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 34
  3. Negative: 9 out of 34
  1. Oct 7, 2021
    Great soul music. His sound reminds me Marvin Gaye.
    Get to Know Ya and Lifetime are my favorites.
  2. LorraineM
    Mar 6, 2006
    Best of the best i've ever heard.
  3. CocoaC
    Sep 8, 2004
    Love the way he matures and converse to "Change" whenever it's in his space. His latest CD "NOW" is funky and smoothe at the same time. Love the way he matures and converse to "Change" whenever it's in his space. His latest CD "NOW" is funky and smoothe at the same time. Maxwell has the best soulful first of our times. Awaiting his lastest rebirth in album. Full Review »