
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Aug 22, 2017
    The most surprising element to this enjoyable and thoughtful album is that this is their first duet album. That the songs are covers is ultimately irrelevant to the care, arrangements, and deliberate duet Lynne and Moorer deliver, the songs finding their strength and shared focus to push ahead after loss.
  2. Aug 21, 2017
    Their voices interweave majestically on cover versions that stretch with surprising ease from bluegrass to grunge.
  3. Aug 18, 2017
    This long-gestating duet LP shows a shared sensibility and two perfectly matched voices.
  4. Aug 16, 2017
    There is just enough difference in the two voices to keep things interesting, while producer Teddy Thompson corrals an A-list of session players, including Benmont Tench, Davey Faragher and Doug Pettibone to add empathetic instrumental accompaniment.
  5. Aug 16, 2017
    It's a stark, beautiful recording that hopefully proves something to both Lynne and Moorer: That what's here is a new beginning and that there is much more to explore.
  6. Aug 16, 2017
    Not Dark Yet is too harrowing to pass for casual entertainment, and too good to ignore.
  7. Magnet
    Aug 15, 2017
    Their voices blend together beautifully. [No. 145, p.57]
  8. Aug 14, 2017
    None of the songs covered on Not Dark Yet really count as obscurities, but Moorer and Lynne's interpretations are loaded with surprises and packed with personal conviction.
  9. Uncut
    Aug 14, 2017
    Their voices blend beautifully, especially on Dylan's title track and Jason Isbell's "The Color Of A Cloudy Day," but they caterwaul awkwardly on an unintentionally silly version of Nirvana's "Lithium." [Sep 2017, p.32]
  10. 80
    The combination of the sister’s voices on this material is stunning in its natural beauty. Stripped-down arrangements and producer Teddy Thompson’s light hand help accentuate the words, emotions and the interwoven singing.
  11. Mojo
    Aug 14, 2017
    Despite the eclectic material, the slow tempos and monochrome tone gets wearing. [Sep 2017, p.94]
  12. Q Magazine
    Aug 14, 2017
    Lynne and Moorer are at their best on the straight country material, but their take on The Killers' My List usurps the original. Sadly, things take a turn for the worse later. [Sep 2017, p.113]

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