• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Jun 1, 2018

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Jun 4, 2018
    Noonday Dream can feel ephemeral at times, but never is it unpleasant, even when it's fishing for emotional truth in unstable waters. Introspection rarely feels this inclusive.
  2. Jun 1, 2018
    His third album is an engrossing, deeply atmospheric trip, helmed by seven-minute monster ‘A Boat To An Island On The Wall’, that serves as a repositioning as well as a new highlight.
  3. Mojo
    Jun 28, 2018
    The result is a meditative set full pf surprises, and songs that haunt. [Aug 2018, p.90]
  4. Q Magazine
    Jun 4, 2018
    Howard's evolving sound is fast becoming distinctively his own. [Jul 2018, p.118]
  5. Jun 5, 2018
    It’s Ben Howard doubling down on ambiance, creating a collage of moments both fleeting and everlasting while choosing the art of the craft over the simplest path to accolades. It may take more time to appreciate, but it’s a masterclass of songwriting that will likely dictate the future direction of his music.
  6. Jun 7, 2018
    Complex, surreal and divine. Noonday Dream is Ben Howard's best work to date.
  7. 100
    On Noonday Dream, he expands the Cornish landscape that has impacted his previous work and brings in sounds and instruments that spark the imagination for places further afield, in the most exquisite way.
  8. 70
    The result is not a focused or sharp record--but it doesn’t need to be. The allure of Noonday Dream comes in its willingness to swell and expand, before Howard sits up and starts kicking, slowly but precisely, to steer the track in a new direction.
  9. Uncut
    Jun 15, 2018
    Each track comes shrouded in glitchy systems noise and Eno-esque ambient drones. The best moments maintain Howard's way with a melody. [Aug 2018, p.28]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 48 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 48
  2. Negative: 5 out of 48
  1. Jun 5, 2018
    Incredible follow up to I Forget Where We Were, an album that didn't seem possible to top. Yet Ben has somehow managed to come up with a pieceIncredible follow up to I Forget Where We Were, an album that didn't seem possible to top. Yet Ben has somehow managed to come up with a piece of work that builds on his past accomplishments, explores new moods and sonic territories, while at the same time being so uniquely its own. Unlike anything he has done before, and yet Noonday Dream feels like a natural progression from his prior work. An album to get lost in and discover more and more of as the years go by. Full Review »
  2. Jun 5, 2018
    The man is surely channeling 'World of Echo' Arthur Russell through the vocal chords of Jose Gonzalez, thankfully he's doing a successful jobThe man is surely channeling 'World of Echo' Arthur Russell through the vocal chords of Jose Gonzalez, thankfully he's doing a successful job at it. A grower (as if you needed this spelling out) and wonderfully expansive, this has an addictive ebb and flow to it. One to relax into. Full Review »
  3. Jun 3, 2018
    In Noonday Dream, Ben has built an oasis of ethereal, sprawling soundscapes. Sit back, relax and allow yourself to drift away. It won't be theIn Noonday Dream, Ben has built an oasis of ethereal, sprawling soundscapes. Sit back, relax and allow yourself to drift away. It won't be the sound of your radio summer, but not all music has to be. Full Review »