• Record Label: Heavenly
  • Release Date: Apr 29, 2016

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Apr 29, 2016
    King Gizzard's inventive sound, giant hooks, and hard-as-titanium playing make Nonagon Infinity not only their best album yet, but maybe the best psych-metal-jazz-prog album ever. That can be debated, but at the very least artists like the Flaming Lips, Ty Segall, and others who think they are doing something cool and weird should check it out and take a few notes.
  2. 70
    A whole album at 100 mph needs skill at the wheel not to start sounding slow, and for all the sensation of manic burn-out, every track has disciplined intricacy, using hairpin turns and jolting tape-slices to sculpt the gush of drums and feedback into prog-garage shape.
  3. Apr 29, 2016
    There may be reference points aplenty throughout Nonagon Infinity and its creators make-up but King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard sure know how to put their own spin on things. And in doing so have created their finest body of work to date.
  4. Apr 27, 2016
    Nonagon Infinity is a definite mind-melt (see how many times you can loop it without losing it), and impressively keeps up with its initial premise.
  5. Mojo
    Apr 27, 2016
    Four albums in 18 months might induce a malaise within lesser bands, but King Gizzard's current purple patch peaks here. [Jun 2016, p.96]
  6. Apr 25, 2016
    A whirling dervish of an album, and a culmination of all their previous hard work, Nonagon Infinity is the sound of a band at their wigged out best.
  7. It can be a taxing eardrum workout--its beefed-up guitar work (from Walker, Stu Mackenzie and Cook Craig) and jackhammer rhythms (drumming duo Michael Cavanagh and Eric Moore) barely let up. But it’s also loads of fun.
  8. Apr 28, 2016
    It makes for something of a experimental jam session where its members are trying to perfect a unified sound alongside different lyrical approaches, which strike a fine balance between campy sci-fi imagery and silly, doom-laden metal tropes. And yet, once it’s fused all together it comes across as one big slab of raucous, careening psychedelia. King Gizzard are still grounded to their garage roots.
  9. May 4, 2016
    Nonagon Infinity is overstuffed with so many stomach-tossing thrills that you’ll actually be jonesing to ride the roller-coaster all over again.
  10. Q Magazine
    Apr 25, 2016
    It's seamless, silly, but seriously good stuff. [Jun 2016, p.113]
  11. May 20, 2016
    For all the exuberant looseness of their recordings, most remain essentially song-based, skilfully produced and slyly focused.
  12. Apr 25, 2016
    There is a sense of urgency to this latest offering, as if last year’s fey and breezy LP Paper Mâché Dream Balloon acted as a process of blissed-out creative rehab.
  13. 80
    It sounds like they’ve given kautrock an intense, life-threatening electric shock, while simultaneously floating through 41 minutes (or your entire lifetime, dare you interrupt the endless loop) with the elegance and unpredictability of a kite in the sky.
  14. Uncut
    Apr 27, 2016
    King Gizzard's most cohesive record to date--a hyper-detailed punk opera that few of their peers have matched for intensity, ambition or sheer derangement. [Jun 2016, p.77]

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 101 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 94 out of 101
  2. Negative: 4 out of 101
  1. Apr 30, 2016
    This is the musical version of 'Mad Max: Fury Road'. This is definitely something that you have never heard before if you are looking forThis is the musical version of 'Mad Max: Fury Road'. This is definitely something that you have never heard before if you are looking for originality. Full Review »
  2. Apr 29, 2016
    This new album is very original, it's hard to place in a box. It's notable that this band has made eight albums since 2012, yet their sound isThis new album is very original, it's hard to place in a box. It's notable that this band has made eight albums since 2012, yet their sound is not generic or 'been there done that'. A pretty good modern rock album alltoghether Full Review »
  3. May 1, 2016
    Funny, loud, crunchy, simple yet extremely complex, with hooks everywhere. A great rock album that will keep you dancing in the psychFunny, loud, crunchy, simple yet extremely complex, with hooks everywhere. A great rock album that will keep you dancing in the psych weirdness they've composed.Fans of Thee Oh Sees will surely find it around the same cosmology. Full Review »