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Generally favorable reviews- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 20
  2. Negative: 2 out of 20

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  1. KileyL
    Nov 10, 2006
    yeah, ryan adams, 3 in 2005.
  2. GregK
    Nov 4, 2006
    Kevin... Sorry to say bud, but quantity does not trump quality. Brighteyes has been really trying, but fails to bring anything new to the table. Releasing B-Sides for mediocre music is a really shady thing to do.
  3. JosephPieinthesky
    Dec 29, 2006
    Mediocre at best.Not too many quality songs on there, but still easy on the ears
  4. KevinK
    Oct 29, 2006
    hey todd i guess you forgot about him releasing two albums in one year. can you name any other songwriters who have done that recently?
  5. drewc
    Apr 19, 2007
    these are b-sides??? there are a couple duds (mainly the earliest stuff) but i think very few artists can create non-album tracks this good. his song writing amazes me!
  6. DougR.
    Nov 11, 2006
    Kevin, Ryan Adams actually released three last year. Double album the year before that. Neil Young did two in one year not too long ago. Haven't actually heard this record yet but I like Connor and have heard a lot of his early demos/stuff. So Icansafely give it a 7 no problem.
  7. benzo24
    Nov 27, 2006
    great song, great album.
  8. ToddW
    Oct 24, 2006
    There's nothing that indicates artistic indifference towards one's audience more than cleaning out your song closet for mass consumption. All under the guise that it is somehow rare new music, worthy for our ever-eager ears. Yet that's precisely what Oberst does with this pile of literal musical crapola. There's nothing on here that is even remotely up to par with his There's nothing that indicates artistic indifference towards one's audience more than cleaning out your song closet for mass consumption. All under the guise that it is somehow rare new music, worthy for our ever-eager ears. Yet that's precisely what Oberst does with this pile of literal musical crapola. There's nothing on here that is even remotely up to par with his recent work, therefore money must be tight in Bright Eyes bank account. I'm wide awake, Connor, and this noise floors me for your audacity. Expand
  9. JeremyF
    Apr 12, 2007
    Not his best, but a few fantastic songs. um... yeah, Kevin. Bryan Adams is a great example. And Isobel Campbell... two in one year. Both exceptional.
  10. NashaCrablegs
    Dec 28, 2006
    beautiful, one of my favourite bands of all time.
  11. Oct 1, 2013
    I really can't believe this is a B-sides album. I absolutely love Bright Eyes and everything else Conor has done but this is my favorite album by far. The songs are all so different but still flow so well together. A hauntingly beautiful CD.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. The songs on Noise Floor don’t rank with his best, but there’s a reckless spirit to the endeavor that’s alluring, and representative of his music overall.
  2. Noise Floor presents a mixed bag that will enthrall hardcore Conorites but leave others frequently reaching for the skip button.
  3. 70
    This orderly collection of messy leftovers suits his disheveled talents. [Nov 2006, p.137]