
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Feb 23, 2011
    The change might not be as shocking as, say, when Bob Dylan went electric, but it's still something of a shock to hear the pastoral sound of the Cave Singers' past chopped down by plugged-in axes.
  2. Mar 17, 2011
    Huddling together former members of the erstwhile Pretty Girls Make Graves, Seattle's Cave Singers have fashioned a deeply masculine disc in No Witch, the trio's third LP and first for Jagjaguwar.
  3. Mar 15, 2011
    Steel strings slick with gumbo grease and sweet gospel inflections.
  4. Feb 25, 2011
    No Witch might not be a particularly ground-breaking album, but it is a significant leap forward for this band, and that's most definitely a step in the right direction.
  5. Feb 28, 2011
    Three albums in, they haven't yet – but I trust The Cave Singers – I think their next might be the one.
  6. Dusted Magazine
    Feb 25, 2011
    As these descriptions should suggest, none of the songs on No Witch grabs you on its own as a standout piece of songwriting. It's less that the instrumentation and tones are structural veneers concealing merely passable songs and more that the record is just one extended riff on a host of roots music styles.
  7. Apr 4, 2011
    Though the sound may be different, The Cave Singers stay within themselves to make their best record to date.
  8. Mojo
    Apr 6, 2011
    Third, and finest, brew of Seattle trio's fever-folk moonshine. [March 2011, p. 99]
  9. Feb 25, 2011
    Like their revivalist peers, Cave Singers aren't reinventing a genre here, but they lend their local folkie scene a welcome dark side, and No Witch is their strongest album yet.
  10. Feb 25, 2011
    It might still be restrained, and it still sounds fragilely beautiful, but even when it just misses this album will stir you up in all the right ways.
  11. Mar 22, 2011
    Unfortunately with No Witch, there just isn't enough excitement to hold the listener's attention for long. And while the group is to be commended for their artistic efforts, it could benefit from a more aggressive fusion of sounds on its next album.
  12. Feb 23, 2011
    As its title implies, No Witch is missing something: Where magic and a little evil ought to dwell, there's workmanship dressed up in wizard's robes.
  13. Uncut
    Mar 29, 2011
    While not quite a handbrake turn, No witch shows a band moving out of the woods into wider spaces. [Apr 2011, p.77]
User Score

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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 3
  2. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Mar 20, 2011
    This is a band that shows some good potential and they are pretty decent at their playing. While this is a green score, it's more like barelyThis is a band that shows some good potential and they are pretty decent at their playing. While this is a green score, it's more like barely above average; the songs wear out their welcome too quickly, the mix of folk, blues, and rock is executed not too well, and it just feels too long for its own good. The band is interesting though and when they make good music, the music is pretty damn good. Hopefully future outputs will be much better than this. Full Review »