• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Dec 15, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 118 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 97 out of 118
  2. Negative: 13 out of 118
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  1. Dec 16, 2017
    one of the best albums of 2017. critics will miss this late surprise album in their lists! everything pharell williams touches becomes a sheer gem. so many hits.
  2. Dec 28, 2017
    Cool, diverse, upbeat, cheerful, danceable, like a Mark Ronson turned hiphop.
    Best tracks:
    Lemon (feat. Rihanna)
    1000 (feat. Future)
    Lightning Fire Magic Prayer
    Kites (feat. Kendrick Lamar and M.I.A.)
  3. Dec 15, 2017
    Boundlessly creative, relevant, socially conscious and impactful project from N.E.R.D. All the features delivered and fit well in NERD's sonic world (Rihanna, Kendrick, and Andre in particular). I thoroughly enjoyed it (only a couple tracks that didn't stick but may later on). It's definitely relevant to what we as a country and entire world are going through today socially andBoundlessly creative, relevant, socially conscious and impactful project from N.E.R.D. All the features delivered and fit well in NERD's sonic world (Rihanna, Kendrick, and Andre in particular). I thoroughly enjoyed it (only a couple tracks that didn't stick but may later on). It's definitely relevant to what we as a country and entire world are going through today socially and politically, but executes in a way that's inspiring at the same time and makes you want to dance and crash tables at walls. I got the same vibes and energy of Gorillaz, Beastie Boys, Rage Against the Machine, etc. Expand
  4. 4za
    Aug 13, 2018
    A severely underrated album. One of the best from 2017 and possibly my favourite N.E.R.D project. The experimental-ish pop sounds of the album are amazing and I've yet to find one track I dislike. Even 1000 with Future has grown on me over time becoming one of my favourite cuts on the album. The features are all on point and Pharrell comes through with some amazing performances. WillA severely underrated album. One of the best from 2017 and possibly my favourite N.E.R.D project. The experimental-ish pop sounds of the album are amazing and I've yet to find one track I dislike. Even 1000 with Future has grown on me over time becoming one of my favourite cuts on the album. The features are all on point and Pharrell comes through with some amazing performances. Will definitely go down as one of the most creative pop rap releases in the past few years. Expand
  5. Dec 16, 2017
    This album is the definition of a banger! Each track contains the Neptune's trademark 2000s sounds of energetic and forward thinking beats and production, each one catchier than the next. Even with the album faltering at the middle with some weaker cuts that the repetitious ESP and the weak slowdown of Lightning Fire Magic Prayer, the album is a consistent banger with tracks like Lemon,This album is the definition of a banger! Each track contains the Neptune's trademark 2000s sounds of energetic and forward thinking beats and production, each one catchier than the next. Even with the album faltering at the middle with some weaker cuts that the repetitious ESP and the weak slowdown of Lightning Fire Magic Prayer, the album is a consistent banger with tracks like Lemon, 1000, Voila, and Don't Don't Do It providing some of the most unique dance tunes to come out in a long time! And very much needed in 2017! Pharrell is even back at his A game with him waving his freak flag high and just going nuts on his rapping and R&B croons. Even with some impressive guest spots like Rihanna on lead single Lemon, Kendrick Lamar on Don't Don't Do It and Kites, a co-joint with M.I.A. who is at home here, and Andre 3000 on Rollinem 7s. However, if there is a bummer on this album, it is the lyrics. Now N.E.R.D. are more about the beat and vibe than providing lyrical brilliance, and that's fine. However, it is one thing to have sleezy lyrics about sex on a dance beat, it is another to have political leaning tracks that feel more like shallow sloganeering than something deep and meaningful. Considering that Kendrick Lamar and Andre 3000, rappers that do know how do deliver deep song topics dealing with certain issues while also having some damn catchy hooks and beats, it's a shame they don't have more spots here and there to wax philosophical. Still this is a banger of an album, and definitely a great album to end off this turbulent year right up to the New Years. Expand
  6. Dec 20, 2017
    What a beautiful way to end 2017. Great music here while also pushing the envelope. It's weird but still normal. The production is insanely good which is always expect from Skateboard P. I would definitely consider this a top rap/alt-rap/funk/rock album. Every song is exciting and brings something new to the album and keeps the listener from being bored.
  7. Dec 16, 2017
    Pharrell and the gang return as the N*E*R*D crew to release maybe their best album yet, "No_One Ever Really Dies". Featuring a very funk-infused post-punk sound pallet, Pharrell continues to bring musically-pleasing performances along with an impressive list of guests (Rihanna, Future, Ed Sheeran, etc.). "Lemon" and "1000" gave listeners a very good idea of what to expect, both sonicallyPharrell and the gang return as the N*E*R*D crew to release maybe their best album yet, "No_One Ever Really Dies". Featuring a very funk-infused post-punk sound pallet, Pharrell continues to bring musically-pleasing performances along with an impressive list of guests (Rihanna, Future, Ed Sheeran, etc.). "Lemon" and "1000" gave listeners a very good idea of what to expect, both sonically and quality-wise, while exemplifying N*E*R*D's signature sound, mixed with more modern pop elements. This continues on songs like the flashy "Voila", featuring a catchy Gucci Mane chorus, or "Don't Look Down", a more socially-conscious track, on which Kendrick Lamar spits one of his most impressive guest verses this year (with a flow similar to Andre 3K's on "B.O.B."). Speaking of Andre, he also features on "Rollinem 7's" over a more experimental beat. There are a few duds that pale a bit, but with a very consistent, dream-like vibe fueled by great writing and production throughout, N*E*R*D gives us a great comeback album.
    Favorites: "Lemon", "Deep Down Body Thrust", "Voila", "1000", "Don't Don"t Do It!", "Kites"
    Least Favorites: "Secret Life Of Tigers", "Lifting You"
  8. Dec 15, 2017
    I really enjoyed the hell of it, I love the fact that Pharell's reviving the nonlinear and energetic sound of punk and post-punk, the sound of the riot and rebelling against the system. It really reflects to the politic theme of the album (there's no better musical current to use), plus the jungle Drum and bass sounds that remind me of the huge chaotic and anarchic rave parties in the 90sI really enjoyed the hell of it, I love the fact that Pharell's reviving the nonlinear and energetic sound of punk and post-punk, the sound of the riot and rebelling against the system. It really reflects to the politic theme of the album (there's no better musical current to use), plus the jungle Drum and bass sounds that remind me of the huge chaotic and anarchic rave parties in the 90s that felt like a riot; and that's what the album is about it’s like a call to assemble people for revolution and chaos; just watch the video clip of 1000 to see what I mean, it's aggressive pertinent and very relevant, and it exploits a new sound it's nothing like the albums out there in the mainstream. who thought that the punk would be brought back to life by rappers? A really Good album one of the best this year, by mixing 3 of the rawest and piercing musical genres out there they made cultural re-contextualization much more efficient and N.E.R.D finally found their groove. Expand
  9. Dec 25, 2017
    Youthful, in your face, abrasive, catchy, but most importantly, a lot of fun, N.E.R.D come back from a 7 year album hiatus with a slap in the face. (That’s a good thing) It’s almost wrong to listen to this album without getting up and jumping around. Pharrell really flexes his beat skills and song writing on these songs, all of them being a nice combination of rap grooves and punkYouthful, in your face, abrasive, catchy, but most importantly, a lot of fun, N.E.R.D come back from a 7 year album hiatus with a slap in the face. (That’s a good thing) It’s almost wrong to listen to this album without getting up and jumping around. Pharrell really flexes his beat skills and song writing on these songs, all of them being a nice combination of rap grooves and punk attitude. Although the political messages are not as fleshed out as the production, this album is a MUST listen. In a musical landscape of slow, moody songs, N.E.R.D shows the standard 808 drums can be utilized for so much more. Expand
  10. Dec 15, 2017
    Brilliant album! N.E.R.D finally perfects their sound. Fun, different and excentric whilst still being accessible. That's rare these days but Pharrell and the gang pull it off. Don't Don't Do It is possibly the best song I have heard this year. Give this album a listen and do yourself a favour!
    Best Tracks: Don't Don't Do It!, Lemon, Lightning Magic Fire Prayer, Rollinem 7's
    Worst Track:
    Brilliant album! N.E.R.D finally perfects their sound. Fun, different and excentric whilst still being accessible. That's rare these days but Pharrell and the gang pull it off. Don't Don't Do It is possibly the best song I have heard this year. Give this album a listen and do yourself a favour!
    Best Tracks: Don't Don't Do It!, Lemon, Lightning Magic Fire Prayer, Rollinem 7's
    Worst Track: Lifting you
  11. Dec 19, 2017
    A very low album for N.E.R.D. standards. This is not their style. Also if you look at the singers accompanying the album, they have missed a great potential. Because there is no iconic song on the list.
  12. Dec 19, 2017
    N.E.R.D. is one of my favorite groups. I've been listening to their albums since the 90s. But I did not like this album. It does not fit them. Even Kendrick can't save this album for me, but I wouldn't call it a bad album in anyway.
  13. Jan 31, 2023

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  14. Dec 18, 2017
    Imagine you were so high and paying something in your car , and you didn't even understand what's going on because your were high and all you heard was some weird drums and tunes playing . and when you are up next day , you might not even remember what it was , you might wonder what was that ? a DJ.? Well , this is that kind of album but in this case , You dont really have to be high toImagine you were so high and paying something in your car , and you didn't even understand what's going on because your were high and all you heard was some weird drums and tunes playing . and when you are up next day , you might not even remember what it was , you might wonder what was that ? a DJ.? Well , this is that kind of album but in this case , You dont really have to be high to forget anything in this album . I had hope about Pharrell Williams in this but well , Its mostly a disappointment . Expand
  15. Apr 4, 2018
    I like NERD a lot. "In Search Of..." is one of the greatest albums of all time. I was front and center seeing NERD in 2007 and it's still one of the best shows I've ever seen in my life.

    However, this album from NERD failed to deliver anything with any substance. At all. Most of the songs featured completely obnoxious beats, doubled with a petulant throwing of Pharrell's voice. At
    I like NERD a lot. "In Search Of..." is one of the greatest albums of all time. I was front and center seeing NERD in 2007 and it's still one of the best shows I've ever seen in my life.

    However, this album from NERD failed to deliver anything with any substance. At all. Most of the songs featured completely obnoxious beats, doubled with a petulant throwing of Pharrell's voice. At least one song features strange manic lyrics about "law of the universe" pseudo-science. The guest artists are an all-star cast of A-listers, but none of them are able to save the album, for lack of substance given to them to perform.

    The world could use more Pharrell's genius fusion of funk, disco, and rock, but this album unfortunately doesn't have any of it. Hard pass on this one.
  16. Dec 19, 2017
    This is probably the worst album they have ever made. I have no plans on listening to any if the sings on this album ever again. Thoroughly disappointed. They went too pop. That's not what core fans want.
  17. Dec 17, 2017
    A mish mash, nothing new, nothing that mister "great taste for **** hasn't played or showed already....someone heard post-punk here ??? - give me a break....this is a piece that nobody will ever play at any party, not in the car while being stuck in rush hour...nothing....this is just another display of mister **** kaka.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. The Wire
    Feb 23, 2018
    Not everything is great--in particular “Lifting You” with Ed Sheeran is about as limp as you’d expect--but even the clumsier moments feel relevant and contemporary. [Feb 2018, p.51]
  2. Jan 10, 2018
    The trio’s meandering avant-rap is somehow more encumbered by its lack of ideas than its lack of editorial savvy.
  3. 80
    Once a groove machine that favored the warmth of live instruments, N.E.R.D has roughed up its sound to match these themes; No_One Ever Really Dies is full of heaving beats and harsh digital textures that catch the day’s chaotic spirit in the same way that Williams’ and Hugo’s flashy production work as the Neptunes reflected the prosperity of the post-bling era.