• Record Label: MCA
  • Release Date: Aug 28, 2001

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 12
  3. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. 100
    Injecting the album with plenty of soul, gospel and throwbacks to that old-school Motown sound, producers like the Neptunes, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis and guests like Eve help round out what's possibly the best R&B album this year.
  2. Other than "PMS," a misguided Lauryn Hill cop, the album also gets stronger as it plays, concluding with an impressive trio of songs that show off Blige's gospel roots.
  3. In the past, that voice has conveyed untold worlds of pain and anguish, but on Blige's fifth studio album, No More Drama, it's put to good use mining the foreign terrain of happiness, contentment, and other emotions seemingly antithetical to the soul singer's tragedy-filled milieu.
  4. The multiproducer arrangements are expansive yet warm, and Blige's pushy rasp has never sounded better.
  5. More than ever, Blige's harmonious state just isn't an interesting place to be: Songs like "Beautiful Day" and "Flying Away" express exuberance of the rainbows-and-flowers variety. Miserable, Blige can be penetrating and profound; happy, she comes off generic and bland.
  6. Because her samples are so shameless, so out in the open, what No More Drama sounds like in the end is Blige singing along to the radio: equal parts fan and artist.
  7. In 2001’s current crop of R&B singers, Blige’s voice is truly inimitable. It’s husky, strong, soulful and full of maturity. Make no mistake, though, this lady can still flow like no one’s business...
  8. Pulling it all together is her beautifully rough voice, which has grown more precise without losing any of its raw, bluesy power.
  9. This is Blige's most rhythmic album ever, and even the ballads that can drag r&b down here bristle with bumping beats.
  10. At first, she sounds almost tepid in comparison to her older work, but this is music that grows in depth and feeling with each listen.
  11. Q Magazine
    A record that occupies the exact mid-point between the ghetto sass of her Puff Daddy-produced debut and 1999's poised, soulful Mary. [Oct 2001, p.117]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 35
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 35
  3. Negative: 6 out of 35
  1. Dec 10, 2013
    This Album got better once it was release. No More Drama was a world needed word that enough was just that with tears falling and relationshipThis Album got better once it was release. No More Drama was a world needed word that enough was just that with tears falling and relationship fading No More Drama was Mary at her best after escaping the madness Never Been Touched Family Affair Rainy Days. This cd reminds fans of a once Young And Restless in heart that we all share Full Review »
  2. AutumnB
    Apr 6, 2004
    Ilove all of Mary J. Blige albums all them touch my life and relationship. i can't wait to see her in concert.
  3. TinaK-S
    Mar 24, 2004
    Love it more each time I listen. Fills me with emotion. Sometimes it fits too well with my mood. Scary. She is something else.