• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jul 12, 2019

Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 14
  2. Negative: 2 out of 14
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  1. Jul 18, 2019
    Its glassy, placid groove isn't a reflection of his blandness, but how Sheeran knows that this is the sound that defines global pop in 2019.
  2. Jul 15, 2019
    Overall, No 6 Collaborations Project is an eclectic mix of songs, some familiar, some forgotten after the first listen and some deeply impactful.
  3. Jul 19, 2019
    On this record, he’s taking a stab at, well, every genre. It doesn’t pay off, though, because this effort results in a sense of emptiness, an abyss of authenticity or real feeling. And that’s the problem: Despite writing “emotional” ballads for a huge part of his career, none of us really have any idea who Ed Sheeran is.
  4. Jul 19, 2019
    While there are plenty of people who are able to seamlessly blend their preferred musical genre with Hip Hop (Machine Gun Kelly, Travis Barker, Billy Ray Cyrus), Ed Sheeran isn’t one of them. And because he spent the whole album trying too hard, it falls flat, overall.
  5. 60
    It’s less an album, more a collection of savvy and generally savvy collaborations which blurs traditional genre boundaries unselfconsciously and acknowledges that Latin-pop is the sound of the near-future. Most of the time, it’s a credit to Sheeran’s songwriting skills and well-honed persona.
  6. Jul 16, 2019
    Few releases have been as baldly transparent and destined for ubiquity as No.6, which has all the conspicuous mining of a Drake album, but very little of the finesse or cultural fluency.
  7. Jul 16, 2019
    Sheeran’s unobtrusively sweet voice easily slips between genres, but he struggles to connect with many of his A-list guest artists, deepening the album’s isolated mood.
  8. Jul 18, 2019
    Too often here, Sheeran feels like a supporting player, especially when he strays from his wheelhouse. For instance, if the singer wants to lean into rapping more, he’s not likely to benefit from doing so on the same track as Chance. And when Sheeran trots out his bad-boy routine, his music feels ersatz. It’s playacting of the worst kind.
  9. Jul 12, 2019
    Unsurprisingly, the end result sounds not unlike a Top 20 rundown or Spotify’s Hot Hits UK playlist. That should give you an idea of whether you’ll like it. ... Sheeran succeeds in pulling off his patent trick of simultaneously stunning you with the pitiless commercial efficiency of his writing while retaining a certain ordinary-bloke humanity.
  10. 40
    Though his fare is bland, it is sincere and hygienically prepared. No thrills, but all affable, affordable, family-friendly fills.
  11. Jul 17, 2019
    No one is quite as adept amid a range of styles as Sheeran. ... But right near the top of this album, he stretches too thin. On “South of the Border,” which features Camila Cabello and Cardi B, Sheeran dips into a little Spanish, as has become de rigueur, and leans into the tired trope that going “south of the border” is where real freedom reigns. ... But even though this record presents countless opportunities for Sheeran to fumble, there is something to be said for his choice to release it at all.
  12. Jul 22, 2019
    A cynic would call this hotchpotch of genres and guests a laser-guided exercise in streaming monopoly, a credibility-by-osmosis playlist primed for summer dominance. And that person would be 100% correct.
  13. Jul 12, 2019
    Sheeran has delivered a solid commercial showcase of the power of contemporary pop music brands. It is a case of Superstars Assemble. A fan base shared is a fan base multiplied.
  14. Jul 12, 2019
    In its herculean embrace of teamwork, it suffers uniformly from the same flaw that infects nearly every other recent one-off that embraces the F-word in its credits: There’s no real trading off, and never for a moment do you imagine any of these people were in the same room. With such an impressive friends list, you hope for at least the illusion of chemistry somewhere along the way, but it’s the ultimate Dropbox duets album.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 246 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 92 out of 246
  1. Jul 14, 2019
    A few songs that good ain't enough to make up the residue. This album can't even be considered an 'upgrade' from Ed Sheeran's Divide. Rather,A few songs that good ain't enough to make up the residue. This album can't even be considered an 'upgrade' from Ed Sheeran's Divide. Rather, it's another low albeit his overproduction and adventurous effort. Many songs of it don't blend the collaborations properly, and Ed himself is being the guilty for many parts. Antisocial (a track from the album) is the worst one. Full Review »
  2. Jul 12, 2019
    Beautiful people 7.5/10 I like the beat, Ed and Khalid do a good job with it but nothing really stands out here.
    South of the Border 6/10 the
    Beautiful people 7.5/10 I like the beat, Ed and Khalid do a good job with it but nothing really stands out here.
    South of the Border 6/10 the beat is ok and so is Ed, Camilla serviceable and Cardi is good.
    Cross Me 7/10 the beat is really good, Ed is great here but PnB Rock is ok and so is Chance.
    Take Me Back to London 7.5/10 the beat and Ed are good and Stormzy is great.
    Best Part of Me 5/10 it is good but it is really really slow, Ed and Yebba are ok but nothing more.
    I Don't Care 6.5/10 the beat is fine, Ed is ok and Justin is average.
    Antisocial 8/10 everything about this song is great, Ed and Travis do an amazing job with the beat.
    Remember The Name 8.5/10 the beat is really good, Ed is great and so is Eminem but the flow is weird at some parts, Fifty is really good but the his flow isn't as good as the other flows.
    Feels 6.5/10 the beat is good, Thug is fine, Ed is good and so is J Hus.
    Put It All on Me 7/10 the beat is ok, Ed is ok and Ella is great.
    Nothing On You 6.5/10 the beat is ok, Ed is good and both features are ok.
    I Don't Want Your Money 8/10 the beat and Ed are good and H.E.R is great.
    1000 Nights 7.5/10 the beat and Ed is Great, Meek Mill is really good and Boogie is good.
    Way To Break My Heart 7.5/10 the beat is great and Ed is good here.
    BLOW 8/10 the beat is really good and everyone is great here but the song is really out of place in this album.
    Overall 7.1 this is a really good album but most of the beats are to similar in my opinion.
    Full Review »
  3. Jul 13, 2019
    This album is so bad that is just goes to show how untalented ed sheeran really is even with the help of his so called mates. There's not oneThis album is so bad that is just goes to show how untalented ed sheeran really is even with the help of his so called mates. There's not one good song on this album. All sound the same. All a pile of poop. This guys needs to do the world a favour and stop making music. He's already destroyed the music industry as it is. Terrible. No doubt his fellow gingers will love it though. Full Review »