• Record Label: Yep Roc
  • Release Date: May 15, 2012

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. May 23, 2012
    [Williams] remains agile, mobile and hostile as the Sadies choogle, twang and vamp behind him.
  2. May 23, 2012
    Night and Day [is] another true testament by one of America's last genuine musical anti-heroes.
  3. These 13-songs-in-35-minut​es, cut half in 2008 when he was drunk and half in 2010 when he was sober, are shockingly strong for the first eight or nine, which unfortunately include all the drunk ones.
  4. Mojo
    Jul 19, 2012
    The album is at its rawest and most dynamic on such garage tracks as I Gotta Get Shorty Out Of Jail and One-Eyed Jack. [Aug 2012, p.90]
  5. Jun 13, 2012
    Both sides are endearing in their own way, and both show off a musical legend with plenty left to say.
  6. May 25, 2012
    Williams's gruff narratives are backed by one heck of a band. The Sadies, masterful songwriters in their own right, offer sizzling support. Their manic-rodeo sound and energy doesn't just serve as a backdrop, though. They seem at times to push Williams even further.
  7. Q Magazine
    Aug 3, 2012
    The singer's greasy, street pimp-talking vocal style is sometimes at odds with The Sadies' cleaned-up garage vibe, but if you can reconcile a 70-year old drug addict growling: "I like my rum, cos I got no teeth, I let it flow over my gums"... with fiddle-led folk rock and surf guitar, then Night & Day will push all your buttons and then some. [Aug 2012, p.111]
  8. Uncut
    Jul 5, 2012
    It's the gravitational pull of Williams' great jowly voice that remains the defining feature of an often vitriolic set of songs that veer between snake-hipped R'n'B and blasted soul'n'roll.

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