• Record Label: Yep Roc
  • Release Date: May 15, 2012

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Under The Radar
    Jul 9, 2012
    Despite such guests as Jon Spencer and John Langford--and The Sadies themselves-you just want this to be better. [Jun 2012, p.151]
  2. 60
    Andre Williams is a renegade R'n B spirit who remains, in his seventies, as scurrilous as ever.
  3. May 23, 2012
    Though it never feels disjointed, it never feels fully realized, either. In the end, it's hard to tell exactly what the album is aiming for, but taken as another rowdy set of tunes from a living legend, Night & Day delivers from both sides of whichever dichotomy it's grappling with at any given moment.
  4. 60
    This 30 minute set [provides] a crazed, occasionally unhinged yet always riveting experience.

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