• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Sep 27, 2011
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Universal acclaim- based on 438 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 438
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  1. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt bom, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  2. Jul 3, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Timeless. You have to hear it to believe it. Must listen for literally any person ever. Expand
  3. Jun 2, 2023
    Este disco lo veo como algo mas que un disco, lo veo como una obra de arte musical que hizo famoso a un genero buenísimo como lo es el grunge, es lo que me inicio en la música y lo que me sigue hasta el día de hoy. Nevermind es uno de los mejores discos de la historia indiscutible mente no tiene ni una sola canción que no sea mala es sin dudas mi disco favorito (lo único mal que tendiraEste disco lo veo como algo mas que un disco, lo veo como una obra de arte musical que hizo famoso a un genero buenísimo como lo es el grunge, es lo que me inicio en la música y lo que me sigue hasta el día de hoy. Nevermind es uno de los mejores discos de la historia indiscutible mente no tiene ni una sola canción que no sea mala es sin dudas mi disco favorito (lo único mal que tendira seria lo quemado que quedo smells like teen spirit pero eso es otro tema) Expand
  4. May 31, 2023
    This album has everything it takes to be one of the best albums! The songs are beautiful, the stories are riveting, and the musicians behind them are also incredible
  5. Apr 30, 2023
    Probably my favourite album of all time, I don't even need to begin to explain why because all of the bangers on there speak for themselves. If you haven't listened to it yet first of all, WHAT, and second of all DO IT NOW BECAUSE IT IS INCREDIBLE
  6. Aug 14, 2022
    The only album where i like every song on it, it is a perfect album in everyway
  7. Jun 16, 2022
    There was a time in my life when I was addicted to these songs I don't know why they are still good
  8. Nov 24, 2021
    I expected negative reviews from some people. Their excuse is always that it's overrated, these are the same people who claim The Beatles are overrated. There is this obsession with anything that garners major critical acclaim and popularity from sort of nowhere to face a backlash. A backlash from the sort of people who would have liked the album had it never been popular. The Album. It'sI expected negative reviews from some people. Their excuse is always that it's overrated, these are the same people who claim The Beatles are overrated. There is this obsession with anything that garners major critical acclaim and popularity from sort of nowhere to face a backlash. A backlash from the sort of people who would have liked the album had it never been popular. The Album. It's perfect. Although, forgive me for this Orwellian wording, not as perfect as In Utero but that's fine this album is still perfect. I can't fault it. Every rock band since has been influenced by it. This can not be denied. It may not even be musically. Now to the music. It starts with, the most popular and most acclaimed (although in my mind not the best) Smells Like Teen Spirit. This was the moment that Hair Metal was told to **** off and Nirvana and all other equally good underground rock bands hit the mainstream (Sonic Youth, Pixies). It would take too long to do a track-by-track review. I'm not going to pick the best songs because all of the songs are amazing like OK Computer or Loveless or Daydream Nation. Equally good albums. Now..... the reissue. Forgive me for sounding like a raging hipster but it's just a horrible money making scheme. There is nothing new to know about this album, the remaining members and Butch Vig have spoke a lot of **** over the past few months because as perfect as this album is as much influence as it has had, it is an album. Just an album, just an amazing, influential, perfect album. Thank you Kurt Cobain. **** you people trying hard not to like it Expand
  9. Nov 21, 2021
    Some songs better than others found the album to be quite dark and bland and repetitive.
  10. Sep 23, 2021
    Great album, every song is great. My favorite is a tie between breed and territorial pissings. my least favorite has to be endless, nameless. I love the strong vocals mixed with the sometimes low mellow guitar and sometimes strong guitar its just a perfect mix.
  11. Sep 18, 2021
    How dare anyone not give this masterpiece a 10? Anyways Kurt, thanks for this. This is the best album ever. Drain you & Lounge Act so damn good and Smells Like Teen Spirit will always be a classic.
  12. Sep 11, 2021
    Всё гениальное - просто. ᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠ
  13. Aug 7, 2021
    This album is truly a masterpiece. The best grunge album of all time.
    Best songs: Smells Like Teen Spirit, Come as You Are, Lithium, In Bloom, Something in the Way, Polly, Breed
    Worst songs: -
  14. Jul 7, 2021
    Personally speaking i don't like this kind of genre, but i like this album!
  15. Jun 4, 2021
    I love this album. My mom listened to the exact same album when she was a teen and now I love it just as much as she did.
  16. Apr 15, 2021
    This is the biggest sounding album I've ever heard, thanks to Butch Vig's production, and Kurt Cobain's vocals come alive like nothing else. It feels like I'm breathing in extra oxygen.
  17. Apr 10, 2021
    this album is a 10 this album is a 10 this album is a 10 this album is a 10
  18. Mar 23, 2021
  19. Feb 6, 2021
    A pure 90s classic. If you want to listen to hard grunge this is where to start. The production is amazing. Vocals are gritty and tell a story. Dave Grohl pounds hard on the drums and makes the drum deep and amazing. Krist Novaselic is a madman on bass putting out unique grooves never before heard in other 90s albums. A classic. Great album. Must listen for Grunge fans
  20. Jul 18, 2020
    Best album that i ever hear'd. Nevermind has so many good songs like: Territorial pissings, lounge act, smells like teen spirit, come as you are and lithium. Those are the best songs of this album, but that's my opinion. You have to hear this album even once. Basically best album that i've hear'd.
  21. Jul 17, 2020
    Best Album of Rock/ Grunge, The voice of Kurt the Guitar and drum is so good to listen,
  22. Jul 15, 2020
    What of the best and most recognized albums of the 90s. The album alone started it's the whole movement of the grunge scene.
  23. May 20, 2020
    El DISCO que cambió el rock en los 90. Punk rock con melodías pop. La batería de Ghrol aporreada con fuerza, el bajo de Novoselic y las guitarras de Cobain impresionantes. Y de su voz.....que decir.
  24. Apr 13, 2020
    Definitly iconic! This album impacted the music industry especially alternative rock. In my opinion this album is more iconic than In Utero. Kurt's voice sounds legendary and the instruments are very heavy and distorted.
    Favorite Tracks: Something In The Way, Lithium, In Bloom, Drain You.
  25. Jul 19, 2019
    The only album in my eyes that is close to perfection. Kurts vocals evoke all types of emoition out of me. The songs are simple pop rock with a nirvana flavor. Everything on this album is almost perfectly executed but Kurts vocals is the highlight.
  26. Feb 10, 2019
    I give nevermind crap a lot but it is still a perfect album, but I don't think it still holds up to this day like in utero does, Smells Like Teen Spirit changed everything but now other have done that also and some have even capitalized on it, this is for the most people the album that they recognize nirvana but there are a bunch of songs here that you never even heard of like ''On aI give nevermind crap a lot but it is still a perfect album, but I don't think it still holds up to this day like in utero does, Smells Like Teen Spirit changed everything but now other have done that also and some have even capitalized on it, this is for the most people the album that they recognize nirvana but there are a bunch of songs here that you never even heard of like ''On a Plain'' ''Lounge Act''. I listen to this and In Utero at least once a day and i love both of them. Expand
  27. Aug 21, 2018
    An album that I have never forgotten. When I am in high school every day I play the Nevermind album. Nirvana is my inspiration, and Nevermind will still be the best album
  28. Jul 27, 2018
    This album speaks to me on so many levels, I'm still lost trying to figure out which level it's targeting with my last listen. From sexuality - a lot of it, to standing up for your friends (come, as you are, as a friend...; we'll make a pact, to learn from whoever we want...), to the usual rigors of immense, deprecating drug addiction to even a little ditsy about an adoration-turnedThis album speaks to me on so many levels, I'm still lost trying to figure out which level it's targeting with my last listen. From sexuality - a lot of it, to standing up for your friends (come, as you are, as a friend...; we'll make a pact, to learn from whoever we want...), to the usual rigors of immense, deprecating drug addiction to even a little ditsy about an adoration-turned kidnapping (she's just as bored as me...), this album is not for the light-hearted, and of course the shouting and screaming of many of the pieces like Breed, Stay Away and especially Territorial Pissings will raise plenty of flags with parents. As if they didn't already in the '90s, they will still bring up many controversial and wholly uneasy subjects when your guardians discover your interest in such a disturbing, yet genuinely fascinating, defunct group that were these musicians.

    My only major complaint is that, although I can listen to and appreciate all kinds of death metal bands... Kurt's constant yelling in some songs grows intensely tiring after too many listens. I can't stand Territorial Pissings anymore. Also, while I adore the lyrics, I can't make myself take Something in the Way seriously, no matter how much I know I should.

    Other than that, a hallmark of hallmarks for the rock industry, paving new ways for underground music in general. It gave hope that your scene buried in the midst of much more recognized acts CAN change the way people think for the better... given a while to sift beneath the surface and shine once discovered, despite how inherently difficult it is to listen to at first.
    RIP Kurt Cobain, your legacy continues.
  29. Apr 29, 2017
    If the same album was released by an obscure alternative band, I'm sure all the people complaining that this masterpiece is "overrated" would be saying how this album is underrated and one of the best of all time.

    Nevermind isn't the first album that smashed the ratings, reached insane sale levels or defined a generation. But it is one of the very few that achieved all.
  30. Apr 24, 2017
    One of the most famous albums ever released. The re release makes it even better. Although in many aspects, I prefer it's follow up In Utero, Nevermind is irresistible and deserved the acclaim and monster success it got. 12 tracks and not a dud to be found. Most of it is very accessible and the rawer, harsher tracks like Territorial Pissings, Stay Away and Polly just highlight the contrastOne of the most famous albums ever released. The re release makes it even better. Although in many aspects, I prefer it's follow up In Utero, Nevermind is irresistible and deserved the acclaim and monster success it got. 12 tracks and not a dud to be found. Most of it is very accessible and the rawer, harsher tracks like Territorial Pissings, Stay Away and Polly just highlight the contrast and the thin line that can exist between pop and punk. Probably the best example you'll find of Grunge and Pop fused together. The results are blistering. One of those record you have to hear before you die, and due to it's massive success, most people will. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Mojo
    Dec 22, 2011
    Every inch of tape had emotional or melodic purpose. [Nov 2011, p.109]
  2. Dec 16, 2011
    This reissue tweaks the sound with little discernible effect, and adds a package of goodies.
  3. Dec 8, 2011
    Live at the Paramount--also included as a CD--comes off as otherwise bloodless. Joyless. That goes double for the lifeless remastering of the original LP.