• Record Label: XO
  • Release Date: Feb 24, 2017
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 41
  2. Negative: 20 out of 41
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  1. Dec 29, 2017
    Pretty dope album. Greats bars. He's talking about his struggles from Rexdale and his community.
  2. Jul 15, 2023
    Album aged better with time. It's a classic and has no many songs I go back too.
  3. Apr 13, 2017
    Nav is all about the vibes. It's simply good music to listen to. Nothing special lyrically, but his cadences are interesting and most of the songs have a lot of replay value.
  4. Mar 27, 2017
    An uninspiring debut effort, choc full of every bromide and hackneyed lyric imaginable. Nav's success partially hinges on his ability to contrive and place 11 sonically-identical tracks on the same project. The capable production largely carries him and makes his general one-note, syrupy, muddled droning tolerable. Even so, staying fully lucid over the duration of this album requiredAn uninspiring debut effort, choc full of every bromide and hackneyed lyric imaginable. Nav's success partially hinges on his ability to contrive and place 11 sonically-identical tracks on the same project. The capable production largely carries him and makes his general one-note, syrupy, muddled droning tolerable. Even so, staying fully lucid over the duration of this album required liters of coffee.

    Favorite Songs: Myself, Lonely, Some Way (ft. The Weeknd)
  5. Jan 9, 2018
    Capable of plenty with his unique and appealing voice; NAV fails to deliver on his debut project with constantly cringe worthy lyricism and sub-par melodies. Strong features and some standout songs keep this album afloat from being an utter failure
  6. Sep 30, 2017
    I like Nav I don't believe he's a bad artist. But I can not stand his repetitive flow on every single track of the album!! This album is more of a "put it in my playlist on shuffle" type. Probably most effortless album of 2017 maybe ever.
  7. Apr 17, 2017
    I entered this project intrigued, being a huge Weeknd fan I was interested to see why Nav has earned himself co-signs from Abel as well as other artists such as Travis Scott. Unfortunately this album is dreadful, to the point where it is actually laughable at times. The beats are generic, the lyrics are painfully generic and Nav's overall vibe is just generic. This guy is the most averageI entered this project intrigued, being a huge Weeknd fan I was interested to see why Nav has earned himself co-signs from Abel as well as other artists such as Travis Scott. Unfortunately this album is dreadful, to the point where it is actually laughable at times. The beats are generic, the lyrics are painfully generic and Nav's overall vibe is just generic. This guy is the most average rapper/singer I've heard in a long time. He sounds like if somebody merged Bryson Tiller with PARTYNEXTDOOR, and then sucked all the emotion and originality out of them to leave a dry, uninspired Toronto rapper. The lyrics are terrible throughout, I get that many rappers are not trying to be lyrical but at least artists like Young Thug come out with some unique, catchy or at least entertaining lines. Nav genuinely doesn't go more than ten seconds without mentioning how he started from nothing, he pops pills and how he **** your girl'. The line about how he gets 'free sneakers' actually made me laugh out loud it was so terrible. This album is one of very few where I would actually judge someone for liking it, only reason it isn't a 1/10 is because Weeknd's verse is decent on 'Some Way'. Expand
  8. Apr 4, 2021
    Clearly a greedy for money approach. NAV surprisingly manages to compile the major flaws of today's mainstream and uninspired rap 'artists'. Lyrics are boring, circular, unattractive, tasteless. Their delevery also is dull and repetitive. NAV didn't do any effort on his tone and flow. When he sings it is barely okay but the rest of the time he is just speaking, I can't even call it rap.Clearly a greedy for money approach. NAV surprisingly manages to compile the major flaws of today's mainstream and uninspired rap 'artists'. Lyrics are boring, circular, unattractive, tasteless. Their delevery also is dull and repetitive. NAV didn't do any effort on his tone and flow. When he sings it is barely okay but the rest of the time he is just speaking, I can't even call it rap. Production so appears to be the only part a little bit appealing in this project. If I would say 80 to 90 percent is about classic trap beats there however are some (few) agreable moments of easy-listening. But obviously those times are totally annihilated by the absolute unoriginality of this effortless record as a whole. Expand
  9. Apr 18, 2018
    This thing is bad.

    The music here does technically sound good. The melodies do work, everything is in sync and the mixing is alright, but it's still the most unoriginal and lifeless album I've heard in a while. Everything sounds exactly the same. People say that NAV is supposed to be listened for the chill vibes, but this isn't chill, this is f*cking boring. The beats sound like they're
    This thing is bad.

    The music here does technically sound good. The melodies do work, everything is in sync and the mixing is alright, but it's still the most unoriginal and lifeless album I've heard in a while. Everything sounds exactly the same. People say that NAV is supposed to be listened for the chill vibes, but this isn't chill, this is f*cking boring. The beats sound like they're building up to something but they never do, they just stay really underproduced and half assed. The overall sound is so unoriginal, there's not a single song that feels personal and it felt like the producer was just copying others but with less effort. Sure you can have a style, but don't just copy and paste.

    Track after track NAV delivers almost the exact same terrible lyrics about drugs, women and money over and over again. The lyrics are so bad at times that one of the lines was quite literally "I remember being broke and down bad, now I pay nothing for my sneakers 'cause I'm NAV", he must have written these lyrics in two minutes. There's also the bar "Always f*ck b*tches in pairs, I wanna f*ck a b*tch in Paris". It sounds like he didn't even feel like writing, and just went for the most obvious and cheesiest rhymes and called it a day. I absolutely despise how self-important some of the lyrics are when they are so bland and written with such little thought and effort that it makes your music sound like you don't even want to make it.

    And it's not just the lyrics that are atrocious, but also the delivery. NAV raps these lyrics like someone is forcing him. There's no energy, no catchy flows and at one point he attempts to skrt and it's laughable. It's almost confusing as to why he released music when he sounds so unexcited about it.

    The song "Some Way" was one of the better cuts of the album. The beat was okay and it had a little more energy. Though it was probably because The Weeknd did the first verse. The lyrics were still awful though.
  10. Feb 4, 2023
    This album is actually garbage. The only reason this album is not a 0, is because of two things
    1. The Weeknd
    2. The ok dreamy beats

Mixed or average reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 5
  2. Negative: 1 out of 5
  1. Aug 23, 2017
    More about creating a low-wattage soundtrack for chemical and sexual mischief than foundations for songs.
  2. Mar 13, 2017
    NAV is front-to-back one of the blandest takes on the genre so far.
  3. Mar 13, 2017
    It's a lack of originality that turns the sound stale rather quickly.