• Record Label: G.O.O.D.
  • Release Date: Jun 15, 2018
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 305 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 33 out of 305

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  1. Jun 30, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. On the weaker end of Nas' discography, in my opinion, definitely one of the most disappointing at least. Although, unlike the few other duds from Nas, this one had unquantifiable amounts of potential. On paper, the Nas and Kanye team-up felt like the greatest idea since sliced bread, Nas has always been a great fit on the soulful brand of beat that Kanye is well known for, Nas is Kanye's favorite rapper, and they had proven to be great collaborators on the album Late Registration's We Major, and Still Dreaming, a track off the underrated gem of an album, Hip-Hop Is Dead. However, due to time constraints, a change in style, Kanye having too much on his hands at the time, or just plain ol' lack of care, this album managed to disappoint me on multiple levels. On the first track, Not For Radio we get a full orchestral score for the instrumental, accompanied by Trap drums and an autotuned hook that just reek of sellout, the mixing is awful too. On the bright side, Nas gives us what you would expect from a rapper as good as he is and blesses us with some great lyrics. The second track, however, Cops Shot The Kid is quite frankly a trainwreck. The beat consists of a looped vocal sample of Slick Rick and an 808 bass that will blow your speaker, it just makes me say "Are you really doing this?". Even the lyrics couldn't save me this time around, seems like very basic, arbitrary, cliche woke talk to me with little to make it stand out or be technically impressive, I feel like the subject of police brutality should really be treated with more care. Next up is White Label, one of the better tracks here. Kanye shows off his minimalist edge on the beat and Nas treats us with some good ol' brag raps with great rhymes and fantastic charisma. The next track Bonjour probably has the best beat on the whole thing, at least until vocals saying the name of the song at max volume come in, which is often. I jumped when I first heard them because of how loud they were. Nas' verses I liked quite a bit side from a few moments but there really isn't much else to say about this song aside from the fact that Nas and Kanye thought knowing a small bit of french was enough material to base a whole song around. Then we have the track Everything, I usually don't really like the hyper-conceptual, mind-dizzying songs that this track models it's approach after, but honestly it's the best track here by a landslide. The imagery that Nas brings to the table with his storytelling takes me back to the days of It Was Written, it's really a track that needs to be witnessed in order to understand, an easy recommendation. The next track Adam and Eve however felt like whiplash, I didn't really like it, and coming off the heels of the best track, that's a real let down. The beat feels like it really needed more transformation of the sample, the minimalist approach worked on While Label, not here I'm afraid. Nas here gave us some alright lyrics but occasionally he drops some of the funniest brags I've ever heard on wax. The closing track, Simple Things has a great soulful beat that was more of what I expected from Kanye going into the project. Nas' lyrics have some solid brags and defenses of criticism but ultimately they feel like they don't have enough weight to feel like a proper close to the album, speaking of which, this album is very short, and given the fact Nas hadn't dropped since 2012 in this time, that's pretty disappointing. In conclusion, to me this album isn't the worst thing in the world but it feels very half-baked in it's execution aside from one or two songs, and coming from my favorite rapper of all time that just makes it all the more of a let down.

  2. Sep 9, 2019
    Tbh, this my least favourite Nas album, the songs in the album aren't really that exciting, unimpressive flows and okay lyrics, but Nas did choose the right person "Kanye West" to help produce the whole album which is good because the productions are great, except Simple Things.

    Not For Radio - 7/10 Cops Shot The Kid - 6/10 White Label - 5/10 Bonjour - 7/10 everything - 6/10 Adam &
    Tbh, this my least favourite Nas album, the songs in the album aren't really that exciting, unimpressive flows and okay lyrics, but Nas did choose the right person "Kanye West" to help produce the whole album which is good because the productions are great, except Simple Things.

    Not For Radio - 7/10
    Cops Shot The Kid - 6/10
    White Label - 5/10
    Bonjour - 7/10
    everything - 6/10
    Adam & Eve - 7/10
    Simple Things - 4/10

    This my least favourite Nas album and the least Kanye West's 7 Track Album Session. sorry.
  3. Sep 21, 2018
    Although being an extremely short album due to Kanye's production view of 'less is more', Nasir still delivers as a solid listener, but is nowhere near what Nas was or could be. Illmatic is widely regarded as one of the all time best albums in Hip Hop, but Nasir shows almost no shades of Illmatic. While 'White Label' and 'Everything' are certainly great songs to listen to, its a new kindAlthough being an extremely short album due to Kanye's production view of 'less is more', Nasir still delivers as a solid listener, but is nowhere near what Nas was or could be. Illmatic is widely regarded as one of the all time best albums in Hip Hop, but Nasir shows almost no shades of Illmatic. While 'White Label' and 'Everything' are certainly great songs to listen to, its a new kind of Nas, and one that doesn't quite hit the spot.

    Controversy aside with Kanye, he is undoubtedly one of the best Hip Hop producers of this generation and he really does a good job with handling the layout and beat types and changes in Nasir, which is what makes this album a 6/10 rather than a 4 or 5.
  4. Aug 16, 2018
    Lyrically significant, as usual for Nas, but it's one of those albums that gets stale within 5 or 6 listens. Haven't felt need to re-visit
  5. Jul 3, 2018
    This album had me conflicted. I appreciated the production, and the lyrical work was dope if not a little superficial compared to what we normally hear from Nas. Despite all of that, it doesn't have the same cohesion as his previous works, nor does it address the domestic violence allegations leveled against him by Kelis. The album doesn't really feel like a comeback as much as it does aThis album had me conflicted. I appreciated the production, and the lyrical work was dope if not a little superficial compared to what we normally hear from Nas. Despite all of that, it doesn't have the same cohesion as his previous works, nor does it address the domestic violence allegations leveled against him by Kelis. The album doesn't really feel like a comeback as much as it does a sort of filler project between Life is Good, and something much better than what we ended up getting. For the die hard Nas fan, this album was probably enough to sate their appetite. For me it was a sort of midway between what I had hoped to hear, and what I was worried might be on the way. This project felt like a mishmash of concepts and themes that didn't quite end up tying together in a satisfactory way. To some it will be a classic, to others a let down. 6/10 Expand
  6. Jun 23, 2018
    This is the worst album out of the 5. The production on this album sounds great. But the production isn't the issue with the album, it's Nas. There isn't anything special about the songs on this album. There aren't any real highlights on this album. It's not a good nor bad album. There aren't any horrible or bad songs on this album. All of the songs are basically mediocre. Nas is a goodThis is the worst album out of the 5. The production on this album sounds great. But the production isn't the issue with the album, it's Nas. There isn't anything special about the songs on this album. There aren't any real highlights on this album. It's not a good nor bad album. There aren't any horrible or bad songs on this album. All of the songs are basically mediocre. Nas is a good rapper but, this album makes him seem like an average rapper. There isn't any real direction on this album. If you heard the beats on this album without Nas rapping on it, you would think that he's about to rap some fire. It's far from the fire. It's more like melted ice. I don't see anybody loving this album. I can see people enjoying this album but loving it and bumping it daily, I don't see that.

    great production.
    weak songs.
    lack of direction.
  7. Jun 23, 2018
    The respective strengths and weaknesses of 'Nasir' are the opposite of those of every other Nas album to date.

    The strengths of Nas' other albums are his fluid, honest, and intelligent rhymes; their weaknesses are a) songs with weak beats that would be cut if not for the desire to preserve Nas' bars (e.g. God's Son's 'Book of Rhymes'); and b) crossover pop ventures that take Nas outside
    The respective strengths and weaknesses of 'Nasir' are the opposite of those of every other Nas album to date.

    The strengths of Nas' other albums are his fluid, honest, and intelligent rhymes; their weaknesses are a) songs with weak beats that would be cut if not for the desire to preserve Nas' bars (e.g. God's Son's 'Book of Rhymes'); and b) crossover pop ventures that take Nas outside of his lyrical comfort zone (e.g. 'KISSING', 'Suicide Bounce'). Nas' most consistent albums (e.g. Illmatic, The Lost Tapes, Distant Relatives) avoid these ventures almost entirely.

    On Nasir, conversely, the beats take center stage, while Nas himself underperforms. 'Everything' is breathtaking in spite of Nas' lines on the track, and Nas' lyrics on the standout 'Not for Radio' and 'Cops Shot the Kid' sound more influenced by media soundbites than real life. Those tracks where Nas does show up – e.g. Adam and Eve, Simple Things – would have made great b-sides on a longer album, but come across as wanting among Nasir's seven tracks.
  8. Jun 21, 2018
    It's just a good little album. Nas's bars are among his most basic on this album. Most of the lyrical concepts are poorly developed. The beats are up to par with the rest of this summer's GOOD releases (i.e. great to terrific).
  9. Jun 19, 2018
    I'm giving this a 5 for the two songs on the album which are any good. I haven't had much faith in NAS's ability to make a good album for some time, and with Kanye... well let's just say that in the last month he's gone for quantity over quality, not in the number of tracks in any album he's produced, but in the sheer number of projects he's been involved in. That being said, "White label"I'm giving this a 5 for the two songs on the album which are any good. I haven't had much faith in NAS's ability to make a good album for some time, and with Kanye... well let's just say that in the last month he's gone for quantity over quality, not in the number of tracks in any album he's produced, but in the sheer number of projects he's been involved in. That being said, "White label" and "Adam and eve" are outstanding tracks. Adam and Eve might be one of my favourite NAS tracks produced since illmatic, and Kayne still shows in this track that he's capable of creating more than just club hits and candy shop rap tracks. All in all, I'm happy this album was made just to hear these two outstanding tracks, it's just a shame the other 5 don't hold much weight. Expand
  10. Jun 17, 2018
    Nas comes to this album with a lot to say, the concept of everything in this album is something that promises, but when it came time to for execution, i think Nas just didn't want to say anything "wrong".

    The flow feels strange at times, like he's doubting what himself to say what he wants to. Kanye West again does wonders in production, but the thing is, like i felt in Daytona, even
    Nas comes to this album with a lot to say, the concept of everything in this album is something that promises, but when it came time to for execution, i think Nas just didn't want to say anything "wrong".

    The flow feels strange at times, like he's doubting what himself to say what he wants to.

    Kanye West again does wonders in production, but the thing is, like i felt in Daytona, even though the beat selection was amazing, i don't think they were well suited for Nas. This album, feeling more like a Kanye West tracks with Nas vocals.

    Some of the songs are good, but most of this album fails to intrigue even though it should be hard hitting tracks. The album of course continues the 7 tracks course, but the track I'm gonna have to leave feels unnecessary there, having a short album have fillers bring down the purpose of the short album

    Favorite Songs: Cops, Adam and Eve
    Least Favorite:Not for Radio, I'm gonna have to leave, Bonjour, Everything, Simple Things
  11. Jun 16, 2018
    This album really frustrates me, on one hand, Kanye has impeccable production the samples are amazing but the glaring issue with this album itself is Nas. I love Nas but listening to any other album in his discography in comparison to this makes it evident that even if his writing is still good as ever he has lost a step in the flow department, the only songs where the flow does not feelThis album really frustrates me, on one hand, Kanye has impeccable production the samples are amazing but the glaring issue with this album itself is Nas. I love Nas but listening to any other album in his discography in comparison to this makes it evident that even if his writing is still good as ever he has lost a step in the flow department, the only songs where the flow does not feel painfully awkward are Everything which is not a good song because of that due to the length really making the song bloated and the verse with him speaking about vaccinations is very cringeworthy. The other song is my favorite song on the album, Adam & Eve which is a phenomenal song with Nas reflecting on laziness from those around himself and himself based off the sin sloth which all the songs are based off the seven deadly sins. Really cool concept but the execution just falls flat and as a whole this album is not terrible the production and hooks on this thing make it a pleasant listen but it is frustrating to say that if Nas was not on this album and you placed someone else in his place you would probably not get a worse album or potentially a better album which is truly disappointing to me. It is not his weakest release because of the existence of Streets Disciple but overall just not really feeling this project. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Aug 3, 2018
    A prevailing quantity of the tracks is either forgettable or regrettable. Nas often sounds unenthused.
  2. The Wire
    Jul 26, 2018
    Nasir comes closest to being an unqualified success. Those still hoping for the return of ruthless adolescent Nasty Nas will be disappointed--although recent allegations of spousal abuse from ex-wife Kelis cast a troubling shadow--but his voice is thick with middle-aged grit and gravitas. [Aug 2018, p.63]
  3. Mojo
    Jul 23, 2018
    A major step up, until Nas fluffs the rhyme ball spouting credulity-testing conspiracies. [Sep 2018, p.96]