• Record Label: G.O.O.D.
  • Release Date: Jun 15, 2018

Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Aug 3, 2018
    A prevailing quantity of the tracks is either forgettable or regrettable. Nas often sounds unenthused.
  2. Jun 26, 2018
    His lyricism, though timely at points, is largely impersonal if not flat-out pedestrian and makes NASIR the first album in Nas’ catalog that Nas has failed to show up for.
  3. Jun 21, 2018
    Although its brighter moments ("Adam and Eve," "Cops Shot the Kid") save it from being a complete fall from grace, overall Nasir is disappointingly heedless. Hopefully his next effort is more honest.
  4. Mojo
    Jul 23, 2018
    A major step up, until Nas fluffs the rhyme ball spouting credulity-testing conspiracies. [Sep 2018, p.96]
  5. 60
    Whilst stylistically Nasir may well have plenty of strong moments, its contradictions make it a difficult, problematic listen: it’s the silences on here which so often deafen.
  6. Jun 25, 2018
    The musical performances by West and his collaborators alone are able to save Nasir from total disaster and do warrant a listen. But as for Nas, he's left completely overshadowed.
  7. 58
    Songs like this [“Adam and Eve”]--and “Stay” from Life is Good--suggest that Nas might’ve done better had he picked slower, more melancholic beats and rapped like the elder statesman he is, rather than whatever we actually got on the record.
  8. Jun 18, 2018
    Nasir is among the weakest Nas albums, but there’s nothing spectacular about its failure. It is, simply, the one thing Nas has avoided being all these years, through revolutionary highs and car-crash lows: dull.
  9. Jun 19, 2018
    It all rings hollow due to how thinly sketched out the writing and production is. Much of it is awkward, directionless, and, at times, just confusing--showing an artist grasping at a million ideas and hoping to grab one, with none of it being done in any interesting or shrewd way.
  10. Jun 20, 2018
    NASIR is the weakest of the recent Kanye output, though perhaps more consistent than ye it fails to put a dent in the current hip hop conversation, feeling especially limp in comparison to the sudden arrival of a one-time nemesis and his wife.
  11. Jun 18, 2018
    The real issue with Nasir is Nas, who seems to have taken it upon himself to become as mercurial as his producer, his rhymes shifting from acute, powerful indictments of racism to stuff that makes no sense, or seems to be there purely for the purposes of provocation.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 305 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 33 out of 305
  1. Jun 15, 2018
    WTH. It amazing. good sh!t I liked everything. Kanye make beat good he make lot of this nas album beats. Nas is good rapman. he make goodWTH. It amazing. good sh!t I liked everything. Kanye make beat good he make lot of this nas album beats. Nas is good rapman. he make good raps. Good sh!t. F#cking Amazing

    Best Album of the Year
    Full Review »
  2. Jun 16, 2018
    This album really frustrates me, on one hand, Kanye has impeccable production the samples are amazing but the glaring issue with this albumThis album really frustrates me, on one hand, Kanye has impeccable production the samples are amazing but the glaring issue with this album itself is Nas. I love Nas but listening to any other album in his discography in comparison to this makes it evident that even if his writing is still good as ever he has lost a step in the flow department, the only songs where the flow does not feel painfully awkward are Everything which is not a good song because of that due to the length really making the song bloated and the verse with him speaking about vaccinations is very cringeworthy. The other song is my favorite song on the album, Adam & Eve which is a phenomenal song with Nas reflecting on laziness from those around himself and himself based off the sin sloth which all the songs are based off the seven deadly sins. Really cool concept but the execution just falls flat and as a whole this album is not terrible the production and hooks on this thing make it a pleasant listen but it is frustrating to say that if Nas was not on this album and you placed someone else in his place you would probably not get a worse album or potentially a better album which is truly disappointing to me. It is not his weakest release because of the existence of Streets Disciple but overall just not really feeling this project. Full Review »
  3. Jun 17, 2018
    Nas comes to this album with a lot to say, the concept of everything in this album is something that promises, but when it came time to forNas comes to this album with a lot to say, the concept of everything in this album is something that promises, but when it came time to for execution, i think Nas just didn't want to say anything "wrong".

    The flow feels strange at times, like he's doubting what himself to say what he wants to.

    Kanye West again does wonders in production, but the thing is, like i felt in Daytona, even though the beat selection was amazing, i don't think they were well suited for Nas. This album, feeling more like a Kanye West tracks with Nas vocals.

    Some of the songs are good, but most of this album fails to intrigue even though it should be hard hitting tracks. The album of course continues the 7 tracks course, but the track I'm gonna have to leave feels unnecessary there, having a short album have fillers bring down the purpose of the short album

    Favorite Songs: Cops, Adam and Eve
    Least Favorite:Not for Radio, I'm gonna have to leave, Bonjour, Everything, Simple Things
    Full Review »