
Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Mar 24, 2015
    Her whip-smart daffiness sets up her serious moments to hit all the harder--but the performances of the (mostly ’60s) covers that make up the album are largely uninspired.
  2. Mar 24, 2015
    Where My Weekly Reader shines is on the quieter moments.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 1 out of 3
  1. Aug 2, 2016
    Please do your research prior to paying money to see this performer. We recently saw Nellie McKay at a concert do her apparent normal litanyPlease do your research prior to paying money to see this performer. We recently saw Nellie McKay at a concert do her apparent normal litany of protest songs. She seems to be doing a cheap imitation of Bob Dylan with some vulgar and down right offensive shock lyrics. Her songs included covers of anti war Vietnam songs with updated lyrics like " stop is in Iran.." (not Vietnam) and references to"...killing towel heads..." and the most disgusting line taunting mothers to " the first mom on your block to have your son sent home in a box..." and lecturing the audience about the slave owning oligarchy rigging the system to oppress minorities and women. This pathetic immature self righteous creep doesn't have any idea what stands between evil and innocent, weak people like her unable to protect themselves. She's quite an accomplished pianist when not singing. JUST SHUT UP AND PLAY! Full Review »
  2. Dec 11, 2015
    It's a delight to return to Nellie McKay, after having personally lost sight of her since her national debut Get Away from Me, over which I'veIt's a delight to return to Nellie McKay, after having personally lost sight of her since her national debut Get Away from Me, over which I've been scratching my head since I first heard it - only having rented it once from the library years ago - . Nellie commences here, nicely I might add, with some murky yet alluring 60s songs that are interesting if for nothing more than their wrenching honesty and compelling political postures. From Itchycoo Park to Martha Lorraine, Nellie opens up the field to some more accessible but equally trenchant pop tunes from that turbulent decade. Her Beatles homage "If I Fell" is a glorious production, and is most likely the most successful Beatles cover I've ever had the pleasure, and honor, to hear. She nicely covers a product of Paul Simon's early genius, and after another nostalgic gem once seemingly lost to time, takes on Frank Zappa with the zest and aplomb one would expect from "that girl!" who debuted with her raucous Get Away from Me. She concludes this lovely tender effort with the haunting Wooden Ships, which has probably gotten rave reviews from those iconic sea navigators The Decemberists. Whoa, Nellie? No. Keep going, Nellie. Full Review »