• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jun 26, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. There are no hooks, nothing to suck in the many adults that liked Clarkson's first two records.
  2. Blender
    Clarkson has never sounded this depressive or spiteful. [Jul 2007, p.112]
  3. "My December" offers an appealing if uneven snapshot of a girl with a big voice and big emotions who's in transition.
  4. "My December" ends up, curiously enough, a pretty freaking fun summer album.
  5. Kelly Clarkson's darker, more personal, riskier third CD.
  6. An uneven album with some tremendous bright spots.
  7. Moving further away from sugar-coated post-Idol fare, Clarkson steps up with more rockers and a few ballads that, while not all destined to be radio hits, are all convincing and emotionally bare.
  8. The tunes come up seriously short on choruses and heavy on the Alanis Morissette references.
  9. Though "My December" cuts much of the adult contemporary-style balladry that marred her first two releases (but also displayed more than just her shouting vocal range), the album still finds Clarkson further exploring different facets of her voice.
  10. Spin
    She cements her place as the pop figurehead for the overlooked and underappreciated teenage girl in all of us. [Jul 2007, p.94]
  11. The songs just are just way inferior this time around. My December’s fourteen tracks (including the hidden "Chivas") sound like rough sketches fleshed out with Breakaway’s light rock arrangements.
  12. My December isn’t the kind of earth-shattering fuck-you accomplishment that would make this story too good to be true. However, it’s not nearly as bereft of good songs and great moments as some folks would have you believe either.
  13. Much of "My December" lacks the precisely engineered hooks that made Clarkson famous.
  14. She writes in bland generalities... and uses her opulent voice as a battering ram.
  15. "My December" isn’t a shocking change of direction, though it’s also not very good.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 313 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 83 out of 313
  1. Sep 9, 2017
    A generic pop star trying to be a rock god? Still laughable after all these years.

    Honey, turning the guitars up to 11 won't make your
    A generic pop star trying to be a rock god? Still laughable after all these years.

    Honey, turning the guitars up to 11 won't make your album as rock as the rest.
    Full Review »
  2. Jun 22, 2013
    This is (along with Breakaway) one of the best Kelly albums! Is 2013 now, and still is a master piece. Very personal, dark (even though "BRThis is (along with Breakaway) one of the best Kelly albums! Is 2013 now, and still is a master piece. Very personal, dark (even though "BR album" is as dark as this one), rocker and souful. MAYBE is by far a master piece, Irvine, Sober, Haunted, Yeah, Fading are so perfect. I think for the most of people, they have to be in "the mood" for get into it and see its greatness. This album is the reason that I ended for having respect for Kelly as an artist and not just as another poppy singer out there. Many people were influenced by media and got blinded for appreciate all the beauty about this jewel. And if you add the Clive Davis complot, that's why this album "didn't got well" (fyi this album sold over 1Million in US... So, I don't get the hate) and stopped its potencial to be a huge success as it deserved... Orgullosa de ser fan de una artista y verdadera cantante como Kelly So proud to be her fan! Full Review »
  3. Nov 4, 2011
    If I could give this album an eleven, I would, so will just have to make 10 louder... My December still remains my all-time favourite albumIf I could give this album an eleven, I would, so will just have to make 10 louder... My December still remains my all-time favourite album from any artist, there's a lot of hoopla about the album not containing any stand out singles but I have to disagree, Can I Have A Kiss is one of the most beautiful songs ever written, Don't Waste Your Time rings true to every friendship known to humanity, One Minute is a hot track that alone exceeds anything on Breakaway, Irvine is heartbreaking, Be Still is mellow and laid back and just darn cool, Never Again is a major step up from Behind These Hazel Eyes, and Sober is just, sublime. But overall, the stand out is Maybe. WOW, what a song. I left out a few tracks which does not devalue their worth to the album, as the record from start to finish flows brilliantly and tells the story of a girl who's lost and maybe a little bit lonely. One of the very few music recommendations I would make. 11/10 Full Review »