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Universal acclaim- based on 549 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 38 out of 549
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  1. Apr 18, 2021
    Pretty underwhelming. Sure it’s a b side, but dang I got some revival vibes from this thing. Gnat is ok, but the gosh darn Covid bars are so cringe. There’s just a lot here that could work with better lyricism, especially on higher. Definitely a downgrade from music to be murdered by
  2. May 20, 2021
    I'm sorry but this album is ass. There's only a handful of good songs and even then they become very repetitive. The production isn't exactly the issue on this album but rather Ems voice and lyricism. Eminem could easily make an amazing and explosive album because he his a top tier lyricist but instead he spits some corny ass bars on this project. None of them are funny at all and theyI'm sorry but this album is ass. There's only a handful of good songs and even then they become very repetitive. The production isn't exactly the issue on this album but rather Ems voice and lyricism. Eminem could easily make an amazing and explosive album because he his a top tier lyricist but instead he spits some corny ass bars on this project. None of them are funny at all and they sound very forced. "I have an ear **** and I **** finger it out." Like seriously Em? This made me chuckle during my first listen but holy **** it's so unfunny now that it actually hurts to listen to. And even the Key skit had me laughing my ass off during my first listen but it's so unfunny now. Em.... please make Relapse 2 or another BME album or just retire.. Your music is becoming unlistenable. Expand
  3. May 27, 2022
    This is Eminem's worst album in my opinion. I enjoyed two to three songs off this project, and I don't really see the hype behind it, if I'm perfectly honest. It's lyrically uninspired and his rhymes are there just for the sake of rhyming. Eminem should have retired after releasing MMLP 2, which was the final great album by him.
  4. Jul 24, 2023
    Side B is just like Side A, only with way more weak tracks.

    Best track: Discombobulated
    Worst track: Killer
    Best feature: White Gold
  5. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt ruim, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  6. Mar 21, 2021
    The album gets off to an inauspicious start with “Black Magic,” a dreary murder ballad with the requisite Skylar Grey hook and the same tired splatter-movie shock lines. Things perk up with “Alfred’s Theme,” which nods to the album’s Hitchcockian premise by sampling “Funeral March of a Marionette” and making a painfully predictable play on the name “Hitchcock,” and from there on out, theThe album gets off to an inauspicious start with “Black Magic,” a dreary murder ballad with the requisite Skylar Grey hook and the same tired splatter-movie shock lines. Things perk up with “Alfred’s Theme,” which nods to the album’s Hitchcockian premise by sampling “Funeral March of a Marionette” and making a painfully predictable play on the name “Hitchcock,” and from there on out, the record seesaws between rapid-fire dirty puns and show-offy rhyme displays. Expand
  7. Mar 21, 2021
    This **** is very corny and cringe his bars are so bad and just cringe This **** is very corny and cringe his bars are so bad and just cringe
  8. Mar 21, 2021
    Age has not withered the rapper’s astonishing level of technical skill. If you’ve heard most of what he says before, it’s still possible to be awestruck by the way he says it. ... The music is less interesting than on its predecessor.
  9. Jan 25, 2021
    hasn't grown on me yet obviously, but has some really good tracks from Eminem, slick beats, funny jokes, and discombobulated is probably Eminem is best song from the last 5 years, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH , i feel like em made a really great choice selecting tracks but she loves is kinda ehh tho
  10. Feb 27, 2021
    Fantano said it was bad. .
  11. Mar 15, 2021
    This **** is very corny and cringe his bars are so bad and just cringe This **** is very corny and cringe his bars are so bad and just cringe
  12. May 9, 2022
    Painful. No matter how hard I try, I have not been able to squeeze an ounce of enjoyment out of this album. For me, this album is worse than revival. I got nothing out of this, it's like I just tuned the world out for an hour. The only redeeming quality was that the original music to be murdered by is also included, which is a decent album.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Dec 31, 2020
    Side B is a 16-track expansion that delivers familiar territory with some pops of Em at his sharpest.
  2. Dec 28, 2020
    Side B is not a total miss though, nor even a miss at all. Once Mathers stumbles through this opening salvo and the awkward bits of “Tone Deaf”, the album settles into a comfortable space, and even becomes enjoyable.
  3. Dec 21, 2020
    Over the three-song run of "Alfred's Theme" (which jacks Charles Gounod's "Funeral March of a Marionette," best known as the theme music to Alfred Hitchcock Presents, to delirious effect), "Tone Deaf," and "Book of Rhymes" (which climaxes with a flurry of DJ Premier scratches), Slim Shady stuffs more rewind-worthy punchlines and flow variations than most rappers will deliver in a whole career. ... Other attempts feel more forced. ... More compelling are the two tracks produced by D.A. Got That Dope.