• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Oct 15, 2021
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 221 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 62 out of 221
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  1. Oct 15, 2021
    Since Coldplay turned towards pop music, I saw comments saying that Coldplay were trying so hard to have a hit single and that they were doing commercial stuff. I’m tired of pop music being patronized like this by people who think they’re superior because they listen to rock music. And let me say something, Coldplay do not need to make a hit single. Coldplay is a legendary band and at thisSince Coldplay turned towards pop music, I saw comments saying that Coldplay were trying so hard to have a hit single and that they were doing commercial stuff. I’m tired of pop music being patronized like this by people who think they’re superior because they listen to rock music. And let me say something, Coldplay do not need to make a hit single. Coldplay is a legendary band and at this point people will always come to their show. They don’t care about having a hit single, they’re just experimenting, having fun, do what they enjoy at the moment, they do collabs with artists they admire. This album is not their best but it’s a good, fun pop album which makes you feel like you’re on a journey to outer space. Let’s start with Higher Power. This song grew on me so much. The end of the song feels like a rush of endorphins. You can feel the joy radiating from Chris’ voice and it feels so good!

    Now, Humankind! 'My heart started glowin'
    I feel it inside, it is flowin’ ' sings Chris Martin and oh boy, we can feel the glow! I admit the lyrics are quite simple but they’re still so optimistic ('we're capable of kindness
    So they call us humankind'). I can already tell this song live will be absolutely amazing!

    Let Somebody Go. It feels like they turn the Milky Way into a song. 'When you love somebody (oh) Got to let somebody know' reminded me of Everglow 'So if you love someone You should let them know'. Such a wonderful pop-rock ballad and Selena’s soft and fragile vocals were perfect on this track.

    « ❤️ » not my fave musically speaking but the lyrics are absolutely beautiful 'Only got a human heart I wish it didn't run away I wish it didn't fall apart'

    People of the Pride, I am LIVING for the instrumental ! Such a fun song, and i can’t wait to hear it live ! I swear it feels like they collaborated with Muse!

    Biutyful already grew on me so much! At first, I wasn’t sure but now I love it! I just love the flow, the lyrics! It feels like the song could fit on the album « No song without you » by HONNE! Love it!

    My Universe! A really fun song! To be honest I’m not a huge fan of BTS but you can feel how much they enjoy collaborating together, another great song for live shows.

    Coloratura is one of the most ambitious songs by Coldplay and it became one of my favorites. I remember this feeling of calm and hope that washed over me when i first heard this song. The song feels like a whole journey on itself! Perfect way to end the album! ' In the end it's all about The love you're sending out '

    It’s not their best album but it’s still a great album, it’s fun, it’s hopeful, romantic, optimistic and after the years we’ve been through it just feels so good. Most importantly you can feel how much they enjoy making this album and isn’t that what music is all about?
  2. Oct 15, 2021
    Eu curti demais o album. Dá para colocar e sentir muito a vibe, como fala no título.
  3. Oct 15, 2021
    The title of the album shows very good what is inside it. Each song is from different planet. There are a couple of pop songs, a lyric ballad but there are also rock pieces.
    It won't be my favourite album but generally is OK. The biggest defect of the album is that the album is short. There are 12 tracks on the album but there are only 8 real songs.
  4. Oct 15, 2021
    im a big coldplay fan from the begining and unfortunately i have to say that this album is more than a piece of **** ... what happend to coldplay . this album is not even a good pop album man... if you dont wanna do rock album its ok an least release good pop album!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Oct 15, 2021
    I know people are going to hate on this album just because its Coldplay and because of its pop influences but hating this album just for those reasons is quite childish. If Coldplay just put out variations of the songs they were releasing in the early 2000s, then they would have been forgotten years ago and who wants to listen to the same old stuff over and over? Also this isn't simply aI know people are going to hate on this album just because its Coldplay and because of its pop influences but hating this album just for those reasons is quite childish. If Coldplay just put out variations of the songs they were releasing in the early 2000s, then they would have been forgotten years ago and who wants to listen to the same old stuff over and over? Also this isn't simply a pop album as it has influences from many musical genres. People of the Pride is a Muse-style alternative rock track, Higher power is Synth-pop, Human Heart is a gospel-style track, Let Somebody go is a Ballad and the closing song Coloratura (Which is certainly the best song on the album) is a prog rock song. If they were only looking for clicks, then why release this song? Is this album perfect, no. Is it their best album, absolutely not, but it was still enjoyable to listen to, very catchy and I bet many of these songs will sound great when performed live especially with the space theme. My favorite songs were People of the Pride, Humankind, Let Somebody Go and of course Coloratura. This is a solid album, don't just base your opinion of it off what other people say, actually listen to it and enjoy the experience even if its not the deepest album out there. Expand
  6. Oct 15, 2021
    I'm very disappointed. There is not a single good song on this album……. :( :/
  7. Oct 15, 2021
    It's really sad to see (and hear) what Coldplay has become. They sacrificed their original artistic direction for the sake of clicks and new listeners.
  8. Oct 15, 2021
    For fear of being forgotten, coldplay decided to go all out for 1, even if it means releasing empty songs with generic beats. Extremely confusing concept and participations that only serves one purpose, getting #1. To think that the same band has released 4 albums and 2 wonderful Eps in the past, would end up in decline.
  9. Oct 15, 2021
    As a lifelong Coldplay fan, this is easily their weakest album. Its no secret, the band has transitioned towards pop as their status rose, but Music of Spheres is just a pile of space junk. A real let down from a nice bounce back to form with Everyday Life...

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Oct 29, 2021
    It’s a concept album that fundamentally refuses to engage with its own premise. Instead, the band doubles down on lyrical clichés about love and arena-friendly electropop. ... Frontman Chris Martin was never known as a brilliant songwriter, but his lyrics were never this vapid either.
  2. Uncut
    Oct 21, 2021
    Despite Chris Martin's underdeveloped lyrics – "Be an anthem for your times" at least explains his motivation – there's something reassuring in their ham-fisted urge to bring people together. ... Glam-stomper "People Of The Pride" or well-meaning power ballad "Let Somebody Go," and instrumentals harking back to earlier Eno adventures offer pleasant reprieves. [Dec 2021, p.25]
  3. Oct 20, 2021
    The significant flaw of Music of the Spheres is that it spends a lot of effort telling us that humans have this capacity for love and goodness, sometimes in overly saccharine terms, without getting us to feel it.