• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Oct 15, 2021
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 221 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 62 out of 221
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  1. Nov 26, 2021
    Music of the spheres is now my favorite thing from coldplay, they're always giving good music
  2. Oct 15, 2021
    Eu curti demais o album. Dá para colocar e sentir muito a vibe, como fala no título.
  3. Oct 15, 2021
    Muy buen álbum. Coldplay se ha reinventado muy bien a través de los años. Music Of The Spheres tiene la misma vibra de Mylo Xyloto y A Head Full Of Dreams
  4. Oct 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is a conceptual experience of the coldplay,with elements of space and experimental songs. Expand
  5. Oct 15, 2021
    great album, let somebody go is a amazing song, congratulations for the album guys
  6. Oct 16, 2021
    The whole the album is trip into the outer space. Certainly one of the most diverse album from the band. You can clearly listen to the influence of other areas; Music of the Spheres feels like a diffusion of other Coldplay's works, but in a certain way upgraded.That's why this album is unique.
  7. Oct 15, 2021
    The melodies are very deep and beautiful. For me, it's a masterpiece and a one of a kind album. There's no other album like this one
  8. Dec 31, 2021
    Beautiful. Lyrics could be a bit better but everything else is so greatly executed that it warrants a 10. Love these guys.
  9. Nov 26, 2021
    This is perfect and easily one of the best albuns of the year. The songs are all so good and has a amazing vibe.
    I don't know if it's their best but it works for Coldplay right now... can't wait for listen this live.
  10. Oct 19, 2021
    Beautiful album. I love My Universe and the concept of the album it's very unique
  11. Oct 15, 2021
    An album that has songs like People Of The Pride, Coloratura, Infinity Sign, Humankind and Human Heart cant be anything less than an 8.

    In my opinion pure perfection!!
  12. Oct 15, 2021
    The Man Who Swears. Enough said. The teases of Life is Beautiful and Don Quixote made it slightly annoying, however, that isn't an indictment on the music itself.
  13. Oct 15, 2021
    I'm a Coldplay fan since the beginning, they still manage to surprise me. It's not their best album, but it´s really well-produced and catchy songs. cheers.
  14. Oct 15, 2021
    Worth the wait! Current fave My Universe and People of the Pride!!! Love the colaborations and the journey while listening to this album. I LOVE COLDPLAY!!’
  15. Oct 15, 2021
    aoty we love to see it Coldplay legends band of the century kings of everything fadga flopped
  16. Oct 16, 2021
    This album is being very overhated, there are good songs in it even though is not cohesive.
  17. Oct 17, 2021
    Album of the Year right here. Another masterpiece from Coldplay. Coloratura is the new Bohemian Rhapsody.
  18. Oct 19, 2021
    Coldplay always surprises everyone with his music, his lyrics, simply surprising
  19. Oct 22, 2021
    é sobre isso. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  20. Nov 26, 2021
    It’s a very different style for a Coldplay album, but for me it’s amazing. I loved the storyline and concept, the transitions and the style of the album. They are very brave for trying so new things, and for me, it worked very well.
  21. Nov 26, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. best album I've ever heard in my life. totally well built, and it's beautiful how one track fits into the other. it's a real work of art Expand
  22. Nov 26, 2021
    AMAZING album! Coloratura is a masterpiece. One of the best releases this year.
  23. Nov 26, 2021
    A pure masterpiece of pop. Coloratura and People of the pride reminds me the old songs but also giving a new fresh vibe,
  24. Nov 26, 2021
    Excellent album with awesome lyrics. Some of the tracks are good enough to be within their best ones. It's funny to see people saying bad things about the album just because it's different from their previous works. Changing is important to keep your work fresh, and music shouldn't be divided. All music is music, and this music is beautiful. Well done, Coldplay.
  25. Nov 17, 2022
    This album is a pure masterpiece, the more I listen to it, the more magnificent it is. It really takes you to another universe where you just feel good and peaceful and you don't want to go out anymore. Coldplay keeps getting creative, with sounds I've never heard before in anything they've done. Coloratura, Human Heart ❤️, Biutyful, Infinity Sign and Let somebody Go are pure beauty thatThis album is a pure masterpiece, the more I listen to it, the more magnificent it is. It really takes you to another universe where you just feel good and peaceful and you don't want to go out anymore. Coldplay keeps getting creative, with sounds I've never heard before in anything they've done. Coloratura, Human Heart ❤️, Biutyful, Infinity Sign and Let somebody Go are pure beauty that deserves much more recognition, Coloratura is really an incredible 10 minute sound and also perfect that takes you back to old Coldplay a bit, for me it's is one of Coldplay's best songs, if not the best. Then we have the famous "People of The Pride" a hard rock sound, it feels good and I'm happy to hear from Coldplay. Especially since the sound was a demo on the album viva la vida de bases. Another nod to old Coldplay. Hearing it live is even more amazing. Then we have the more pop anthem, my universe, higher power, humankind sounds. Which are downright cool. And the whole universe behind the album is so amazing and inspiring, the music videos, visualizers, the languages ​​created, the planets, the weirdos, the transitions, the design, the world tour... I know this album has reviews mixed, many are just haters who judge at first sight, just because they made a sound with BTS, but if you really dive into the album it's really a master piece. Coldplay's best album since viva la vida. Expand
  26. Jul 22, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Obviously not Coldplay's best album. But the album takes you to other universes. Humankind and Coloratura are the best songs to me on this album. The collab "My Universe" with BTS was perfect! I listen from beginning to the end without skipping any tracks. Expand
  27. Oct 15, 2021
    Amazing album, lyrics and production. Highlight for the masterpiece track "Coloratura". It's a 9 for me!
  28. Oct 15, 2021
    Since Coldplay turned towards pop music, I saw comments saying that Coldplay were trying so hard to have a hit single and that they were doing commercial stuff. I’m tired of pop music being patronized like this by people who think they’re superior because they listen to rock music. And let me say something, Coldplay do not need to make a hit single. Coldplay is a legendary band and at thisSince Coldplay turned towards pop music, I saw comments saying that Coldplay were trying so hard to have a hit single and that they were doing commercial stuff. I’m tired of pop music being patronized like this by people who think they’re superior because they listen to rock music. And let me say something, Coldplay do not need to make a hit single. Coldplay is a legendary band and at this point people will always come to their show. They don’t care about having a hit single, they’re just experimenting, having fun, do what they enjoy at the moment, they do collabs with artists they admire. This album is not their best but it’s a good, fun pop album which makes you feel like you’re on a journey to outer space. Let’s start with Higher Power. This song grew on me so much. The end of the song feels like a rush of endorphins. You can feel the joy radiating from Chris’ voice and it feels so good!

    Now, Humankind! 'My heart started glowin'
    I feel it inside, it is flowin’ ' sings Chris Martin and oh boy, we can feel the glow! I admit the lyrics are quite simple but they’re still so optimistic ('we're capable of kindness
    So they call us humankind'). I can already tell this song live will be absolutely amazing!

    Let Somebody Go. It feels like they turn the Milky Way into a song. 'When you love somebody (oh) Got to let somebody know' reminded me of Everglow 'So if you love someone You should let them know'. Such a wonderful pop-rock ballad and Selena’s soft and fragile vocals were perfect on this track.

    « ❤️ » not my fave musically speaking but the lyrics are absolutely beautiful 'Only got a human heart I wish it didn't run away I wish it didn't fall apart'

    People of the Pride, I am LIVING for the instrumental ! Such a fun song, and i can’t wait to hear it live ! I swear it feels like they collaborated with Muse!

    Biutyful already grew on me so much! At first, I wasn’t sure but now I love it! I just love the flow, the lyrics! It feels like the song could fit on the album « No song without you » by HONNE! Love it!

    My Universe! A really fun song! To be honest I’m not a huge fan of BTS but you can feel how much they enjoy collaborating together, another great song for live shows.

    Coloratura is one of the most ambitious songs by Coldplay and it became one of my favorites. I remember this feeling of calm and hope that washed over me when i first heard this song. The song feels like a whole journey on itself! Perfect way to end the album! ' In the end it's all about The love you're sending out '

    It’s not their best album but it’s still a great album, it’s fun, it’s hopeful, romantic, optimistic and after the years we’ve been through it just feels so good. Most importantly you can feel how much they enjoy making this album and isn’t that what music is all about?
  29. Oct 18, 2021
    The record is a grower, at the beginning it seems devoid of content and feels like No Line on the Horizon trying to go full time all star pop hall of fame, but actually, buried in the record which feels like mostly singles and some sort of ambient bridge before each song, biutyful has some of the most U2-Springsteen-Coldplay moments in its bridge which make the skin shiver. Maybe theyThe record is a grower, at the beginning it seems devoid of content and feels like No Line on the Horizon trying to go full time all star pop hall of fame, but actually, buried in the record which feels like mostly singles and some sort of ambient bridge before each song, biutyful has some of the most U2-Springsteen-Coldplay moments in its bridge which make the skin shiver. Maybe they should release the next album with assistance from Nils Frahm and Jon Hopkins, to try make it more critic-friendly, they collaborated before with Jon a lot, to great result, and they listen Nils. Expand
  30. Oct 15, 2021
    An album which mixtures perfectly two of their latest albums: Mylo Xyloto and Ghost Stories - which means party and melancholy at the same time. This is exactly what Coldplay is about and it sounds exactly like "Coldplay's sound". Of course, it's pretty much different from their last album, mainly because that one was experimental and this one is clearly focused on commercial success -An album which mixtures perfectly two of their latest albums: Mylo Xyloto and Ghost Stories - which means party and melancholy at the same time. This is exactly what Coldplay is about and it sounds exactly like "Coldplay's sound". Of course, it's pretty much different from their last album, mainly because that one was experimental and this one is clearly focused on commercial success - still great though. I Love it! Expand
  31. Oct 15, 2021
    A wonderful album. Dazzling and catchy hooks throughout. Humankind, People of the Pride and Coloratura are among the band's greatest songs. Will get a lot of unjust hate "bEcAuSe iT's tOo pOp"
  32. Oct 15, 2021
    The album is soooo good. It's extremely vibey and does really well in having a very extraterrestrial feel to it
  33. Oct 15, 2021
    I simply can't understand the hate toward this album. It isn't as great as their first four albuns, but it's not a tragedy, that'a a pretty damn good album. Humankind, People of the pride and Coloratura are really great songs and MOTS deserves some love
  34. Oct 15, 2021
    Coldplay delivers they're most beautiful album since {Ghost Stories (2014)} My experience: The melodies on this album comfortably ebb and flow between a (newly expressed) hypnotic "Si-Fi" element with their stapled alternative rock sound. All the while combining the band's abstract, poetic, & personal lyrics with a vulnerably spiritual theme that has been polished up and carried over fromColdplay delivers they're most beautiful album since {Ghost Stories (2014)} My experience: The melodies on this album comfortably ebb and flow between a (newly expressed) hypnotic "Si-Fi" element with their stapled alternative rock sound. All the while combining the band's abstract, poetic, & personal lyrics with a vulnerably spiritual theme that has been polished up and carried over from their last Album {Everyday Life (2019)}. Favorite song in this set { ❤️ }.
    A close second being { Coloratura }. *Preface* I have rated all of Coldplay's prior projects between (6.8~9.7} Official Rating for {Music of the Spheres} ~ {9.2}
  35. Oct 18, 2021
    Unique for Coldplay, yet uniquely Coldplay, Music Of The Spheres expands upon their discography elegantly. It adds plenty of fresh new sounds to their already well-established repertoire. It's another wonderful notch in Coldplay's belt.
  36. Oct 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Uma obra de arte... Incrível o que a banda fez neste novo álbum. Espero ver essas músicas nos shows Expand
  37. Oct 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Mais um Álbum onde eles decidem não ficar no "mesmo", eles arriscam sem medo de errar, esse novo disco do Coldplay é uma gostosa viagem pelo universo em busca de um amor. Expand
  38. Oct 25, 2021
    People of the Pride e Biutyful são minhas favoritas, tem a energia contagiante característica do Coldplay
  39. Oct 16, 2021
    POP music - for sure. But it's one of the best pop music albums you will find this year.
  40. Oct 24, 2021
    Great album. Humankind is a banger for stadiums, Let Somebody Go is really emotional. People of the Pride has so much power and Coloratura is just impeccable.
  41. Oct 19, 2021
    This new album is a mixture of melancholy and rhythms that seek to appease difficult times. Songs like "Let Somebody Go", give an account of this nostalgia that I am talking about. We know that Coldplay is a band of changes and adaptation and that many changes do not like them; anyway... It is obvious that your old job is superior, but it does not detract from that new job.
  42. Oct 21, 2021
    When Coldplay burst into the mainstream with their track, "Yellow", it was clear to see this newly formed pop-rock group would be the Ballad type, Easygoing Alternative group with a thing for hard-hitting instrumentals. That was 21 years ago, and their ninth album, Music Of The Spheres, is everything but Yellow. Songs, Collaborators, and even five emoji-named tracks, the band have gone allWhen Coldplay burst into the mainstream with their track, "Yellow", it was clear to see this newly formed pop-rock group would be the Ballad type, Easygoing Alternative group with a thing for hard-hitting instrumentals. That was 21 years ago, and their ninth album, Music Of The Spheres, is everything but Yellow. Songs, Collaborators, and even five emoji-named tracks, the band have gone all out for this release. Some of Yellow's elements remain throughout with melancholy ballads (Let Somebody Go, Coloratura), to the most bizarre of new sounds (Alien Choir, Infinity Sign). With Coldplay always changing style, there's always a big mix of likeable tracks and those not so good. Top tracks I recommend are Biutyful, People of The Pride, and Human Heart. If you're a die hard Coldplay fan, stay away from this release, and crossed fingers that something else will come along for you. Overall, a completely unique Coldplay sound which will take you across the Universe and back. Expand
  43. Oct 15, 2021
    I know people are going to hate on this album just because its Coldplay and because of its pop influences but hating this album just for those reasons is quite childish. If Coldplay just put out variations of the songs they were releasing in the early 2000s, then they would have been forgotten years ago and who wants to listen to the same old stuff over and over? Also this isn't simply aI know people are going to hate on this album just because its Coldplay and because of its pop influences but hating this album just for those reasons is quite childish. If Coldplay just put out variations of the songs they were releasing in the early 2000s, then they would have been forgotten years ago and who wants to listen to the same old stuff over and over? Also this isn't simply a pop album as it has influences from many musical genres. People of the Pride is a Muse-style alternative rock track, Higher power is Synth-pop, Human Heart is a gospel-style track, Let Somebody go is a Ballad and the closing song Coloratura (Which is certainly the best song on the album) is a prog rock song. If they were only looking for clicks, then why release this song? Is this album perfect, no. Is it their best album, absolutely not, but it was still enjoyable to listen to, very catchy and I bet many of these songs will sound great when performed live especially with the space theme. My favorite songs were People of the Pride, Humankind, Let Somebody Go and of course Coloratura. This is a solid album, don't just base your opinion of it off what other people say, actually listen to it and enjoy the experience even if its not the deepest album out there. Expand
  44. Oct 15, 2021
    The title of the album shows very good what is inside it. Each song is from different planet. There are a couple of pop songs, a lyric ballad but there are also rock pieces.
    It won't be my favourite album but generally is OK. The biggest defect of the album is that the album is short. There are 12 tracks on the album but there are only 8 real songs.
  45. Oct 24, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is a grower but still has at least 3 songs I skip already, which is a bad sign Expand
  46. Dec 24, 2021
    Not Coldplay's best album of all time, but it's definitely worth enjoying. My favorite song from the album has to be "Humankind," as I am a big fan of the synth-pop feel that Coldplay adopted in this album. If you're a fan of Coldplay's contemporary pop feel, you will love this album the same way you loved "A Head Full of Dreams."
  47. Nov 21, 2021
    It's not terrible but its certainly the weakest entry in their back catalog. After the genuinely interesting "Everyday Life", "Music of the Spheres" consists of a couple of well formed tracks aimed for maximum streaming numbers padded out by unsubstantial ambience. Too often, it sounds like what it is, a group of mega wealthy white men half heartedly messing around in the studio to passIt's not terrible but its certainly the weakest entry in their back catalog. After the genuinely interesting "Everyday Life", "Music of the Spheres" consists of a couple of well formed tracks aimed for maximum streaming numbers padded out by unsubstantial ambience. Too often, it sounds like what it is, a group of mega wealthy white men half heartedly messing around in the studio to pass the time. The biggest complain is that it frequently sounds lifeless. It's as if they had an EP worth of decent material and decided to build around those songs but found they only had crepe paper to build with. There are some good moments to be fair but they are buried in amongst the fluff. Expand
  48. Oct 18, 2021
    Not enough tracks to be considered a really good album. Some strong ones on here though. Probably sits alongside AHFOD, but is definitely better than their previous Everyday Life
  49. Oct 15, 2021
    It intends to be a cohesive body of work to show the importance of putting yourself in other people's shoes, but it falls short mainly because the transition tracks fail to encapsulate the rest of the songs. Few, if any, songs here will stand the test of time. Perhaps the only one is Coloratura, which is an absolute masterpiece. Still, the boys confirm that they can still reinventIt intends to be a cohesive body of work to show the importance of putting yourself in other people's shoes, but it falls short mainly because the transition tracks fail to encapsulate the rest of the songs. Few, if any, songs here will stand the test of time. Perhaps the only one is Coloratura, which is an absolute masterpiece. Still, the boys confirm that they can still reinvent themselves and produce great albeit different tracks like People of the Pride and Biutyful. Expand
  50. Oct 18, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Only about 9 songs on in it 5 good-great/4 average to bad in don't include interludes that are 10-50 seconds long as songs Expand
  51. Nov 4, 2021
    Music Of The Spheres by Coldplay: 6.61

    Music of the Spheres: 1 Higher Power: 1 :) Humankind: 1 Alien Choir: 0.5 Let Somebody Go: 0.75 Human Heart: 1 People of the Pride: 0.75 Biutyful: 0.75 Music of the Spheres II: 0.75 My Universe: 1 :) Infinity Sign: 0.5 Coloratura: 0.75 9.75/12 ~ .813 -> 6.61 Everyday Life was an entertaining album for its diversity, since Coldplay
    Music Of The Spheres by Coldplay: 6.61

    Music of the Spheres: 1
    Higher Power: 1 :)
    Humankind: 1
    Alien Choir: 0.5
    Let Somebody Go: 0.75
    Human Heart: 1
    People of the Pride: 0.75
    Biutyful: 0.75
    Music of the Spheres II: 0.75
    My Universe: 1 :)
    Infinity Sign: 0.5
    Coloratura: 0.75

    9.75/12 ~ .813 -> 6.61

    Everyday Life was an entertaining album for its diversity, since Coldplay had not made anything like it before. Music of the Spheres, their latest, brings the band back to what I would describe as their “essence” present in their more upbeat hits such as Yellow or Viva La Vida. I think however that the uneven Music of the Spheres is also a bit self-indulgent with its chosen sound effects and multiple (and perhaps unneeded) instrumental tracks. Plus, while I’m not necessarily disappointed, there are a few songs that I expected a bit more out of. That being said, I did really enjoy how united the album felt in its “space age” theme.

    I would love to provide my entire song-by-song commentary, but that would push my review past the character limit.

    All in all, while Music of the Spheres isn’t the best album Coldplay has ever released, it’s fun to see them get back into their groove after the experimental Everyday Life. I enjoyed many tracks within this album but there were only a couple that I wouldn’t change anything about. Thematically, I loved how consistent yet balanced it was, somehow retaining its “space age” feel throughout among more electronic, acoustic, and rock tracks. Fans of Coldplay may like this album, depending on how they feel about the direction this went and if they don’t mind a somewhat uneven album. I look forward to seeing how Coldplay moves forward after this interesting (in a good way) new direction. Highlights: Music of the Spheres, Higher Power, Humankind, Human Heart, and My Universe.
  52. Oct 15, 2021
    Não é a maior obra-prima deles, mas também não é um desastre, como muitos atestam. De fato, incomoda essa busca excessiva por aceitação da turma mais nova, porém enxerguei evolução em relação a albuns anteriores. E um caminho que eles podem seguir, de um rock mais orgânico, coisa que eles até então só pescam em lampejos, como em People Of The Pride. Sintetizadores? Temos muito! E batidasNão é a maior obra-prima deles, mas também não é um desastre, como muitos atestam. De fato, incomoda essa busca excessiva por aceitação da turma mais nova, porém enxerguei evolução em relação a albuns anteriores. E um caminho que eles podem seguir, de um rock mais orgânico, coisa que eles até então só pescam em lampejos, como em People Of The Pride. Sintetizadores? Temos muito! E batidas cruas também. O clima meio etéreo, meio "mágico", deu a tônica do início ao fim, dando unidade ao trabalho. Acho que não precisaria de tantas interludes, sobretudo, a última (Infinity Sign), que lembra muito Chinese Sleep Chant, que vinha após Yes, do Viva La Vida. Ela poderia ser mais curta sem dar aquela impressão de desperdício. No mais, é um bom álbum, não é o mais marcante deles, mas dá pra se ouvir e tirar boas impressões dele a cada ouvida. Expand
  53. Nov 5, 2021
    Not that bad. At least skits are relaxing. It sounds like a milky album btw
  54. Oct 15, 2021
    Unfortunately, I have to admit that as far as Coldplay's albums go, this is by far one of the weakest. There are a couple of good songs IMO, for example Coloratura, Higher Power, and Let Somebody Go, but for the most part the rest of the songs seem a bit sloppy.

    As everyone knows, Coldplay transferred from a melancholy pop group to a bouncy, pop group. Whether you prefer their music
    Unfortunately, I have to admit that as far as Coldplay's albums go, this is by far one of the weakest. There are a couple of good songs IMO, for example Coloratura, Higher Power, and Let Somebody Go, but for the most part the rest of the songs seem a bit sloppy.

    As everyone knows, Coldplay transferred from a melancholy pop group to a bouncy, pop group. Whether you prefer their music before this change or after is for you to decide, however if Coldplay is going to be a pop group they should try a bit harder and make some more catchy, decent songs.

    I give this album a rating of 7/10 due to the fact that there are still a couple of good tracks in there and I do have to praise Coldplay for their originality and willingness to tackle different challenges and styles.
  55. Oct 16, 2021
    Not a typical Coldplay album, but as usual they are always trying something new while trying to retain their OG vibe, which I think this album is fine with. But I still think Everyday life was a better album and A head full of dreams was far, far better.

    But a lot of admiration for trying to do something new and it isn't a total snooze fest. Far from it. It's groovy and quite palatable
    Not a typical Coldplay album, but as usual they are always trying something new while trying to retain their OG vibe, which I think this album is fine with. But I still think Everyday life was a better album and A head full of dreams was far, far better.

    But a lot of admiration for trying to do something new and it isn't a total snooze fest. Far from it. It's groovy and quite palatable when heard as a whole. And the individual songs are more than decent for lazy listening sessions and won't seem out of place for the rock-pop audience.
  56. Oct 17, 2021
    Lots of catchy songs and an interesting space theme make this a worthwhile listen, but some clumsy lyrics ("There's a crocodile cross-eyed", People of the Pride) let it down.
  57. Nov 2, 2021
    While the album’s opening track (its first title track) manages to pique the listener’s interest, what follows is a series of songs where Coldplay channel other artists. They are as follows:
    • Higher Power: The Weeknd
    • Humankind: The Temper Trap (particularly the song Sweet Disposition, though Humankind also sounds like a mediocre rehash of Charlie Brown from Mylo Xyloto) • Alien Choir:
    While the album’s opening track (its first title track) manages to pique the listener’s interest, what follows is a series of songs where Coldplay channel other artists. They are as follows:
    • Higher Power: The Weeknd
    • Humankind: The Temper Trap (particularly the song Sweet Disposition, though Humankind also sounds like a mediocre rehash of Charlie Brown from Mylo Xyloto)
    • Alien Choir: Radiohead during their Kid A era
    • Let Somebody Go: Maroon 5
    • People of the Pride: Muse (particularly the song Uprising)
    • Biutyful: surprisingly, Coldplay rip themselves off here by copying the high-pitched vocals from their song Cry Cry Cry
    • Music of the Spheres II: The Flaming Lips (particularly the song Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots Part 2 from the album Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots)
    • My Universe: BTS (it honestly sounds more like a BTS song even though they’re the featured artist rather than the main artist)
    • Infinity Sign: Robert Miles
    • Coloratura: Pink Floyd
    This means the only two songs that don’t sound derivative are the title track and Human Heart (in my opinion at least). I don’t hate Music of the Spheres - it’s really nothing more than a pleasant diversion - but I’m not impressed with Coldplay’s willingness to emulate so many other artists instead of doing their own thing. Still, I might as well be generous since the pandemic might have meant there’d be no new album this year, so it’s a solid 7 out of 10 from me.
  58. Nov 5, 2021
    Primero el Album tiene una tematica dle espacio pero hablando de coldplay la banda tuvo una transformacion a pop en esta decada tiene buenas canciones como People of the pride o overtura la verdad le daria 5 o 6 si solo se uvieran dejado llevarar por la colaboracion de BTS aparte de las colaboraciones las composiciones individuales de la banda suenan bien y muy adictivo ya que tenemosPrimero el Album tiene una tematica dle espacio pero hablando de coldplay la banda tuvo una transformacion a pop en esta decada tiene buenas canciones como People of the pride o overtura la verdad le daria 5 o 6 si solo se uvieran dejado llevarar por la colaboracion de BTS aparte de las colaboraciones las composiciones individuales de la banda suenan bien y muy adictivo ya que tenemos musica para bailar o para inspeccionar el paisaje aunque sea un album con poca canciones es muy buena para pasar la tarde Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Oct 29, 2021
    It’s a concept album that fundamentally refuses to engage with its own premise. Instead, the band doubles down on lyrical clichés about love and arena-friendly electropop. ... Frontman Chris Martin was never known as a brilliant songwriter, but his lyrics were never this vapid either.
  2. Uncut
    Oct 21, 2021
    Despite Chris Martin's underdeveloped lyrics – "Be an anthem for your times" at least explains his motivation – there's something reassuring in their ham-fisted urge to bring people together. ... Glam-stomper "People Of The Pride" or well-meaning power ballad "Let Somebody Go," and instrumentals harking back to earlier Eno adventures offer pleasant reprieves. [Dec 2021, p.25]
  3. Oct 20, 2021
    The significant flaw of Music of the Spheres is that it spends a lot of effort telling us that humans have this capacity for love and goodness, sometimes in overly saccharine terms, without getting us to feel it.