• Record Label: Mute US
  • Release Date: Sep 25, 2015
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 57 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 51 out of 57
  2. Negative: 4 out of 57
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  1. Oct 7, 2017
    Awesome!!!!! Comeback in excellence. This must be the best New Order album since Technique (1989),

    Strong impact & Melodies Tutti Frutti & Singularity are instant classics Academic one of best rock songs from NO, Restless is superb People on the high line, Unlearn this hatred are dance hits too, Nothing But a fool what beautiful track. and Superheated finish the album with gold key
  2. May 26, 2017
    One of Best Albums In Recent Years!!!!

    The best New Order album since Technique (1989)

    So Fresh deserve Universal Acclaim for critics more than 81%

    Highlighted Songs: Singularity, Tutti Frutti, Academic, Nothing But A Fool, Restless, People On The High Line, Unlearn This Hatred, Superheated & The Game

    Low Point: Stray Dog
  3. May 21, 2017
    Not only the best New Order album since Technique,
    And one of His best As also one of Best Albums of recent years in music

    It's All So Fresh, Solid, Beautiful, and perfect made

    Finest Track: Singularity, Tutti Frutti, Academic, Nothing But A Fool, People On The High Line, Unlearn This Hatred, Restless, The Game & Superheated

    Masterpiece Album!!!! Thanks New Order!! and Don't Stop Now!!!
  4. Apr 1, 2016
    Decent return for New Order. Not as good as Power, Corruption and Lies, Brotherhood, Technique or Lowlife but those are all fantastic albums. The vocals overall are pretty good and songwriting is still a strong point for sure. "Plastic" and "Singularity" are definitely my favorite tracks from this record. Then songs like "Stray Dog" and "Tutti Frutti" I could have done without. It's anDecent return for New Order. Not as good as Power, Corruption and Lies, Brotherhood, Technique or Lowlife but those are all fantastic albums. The vocals overall are pretty good and songwriting is still a strong point for sure. "Plastic" and "Singularity" are definitely my favorite tracks from this record. Then songs like "Stray Dog" and "Tutti Frutti" I could have done without. It's an okay album but nothing spectacular. Expand
  5. Nov 8, 2015
    Hell freezes over shocker. As someone who honestly thought New Order were finished after the limp "Sirens" 10 bloody years ago, the idea of a new New Order was about as welcome as watching poor Peter Hook's Joy Division tribute act. Hooky leaving the band was pretty much the final nail for these coffin dodgers so why the hell care anyway, especially since New Order hadn't really made aHell freezes over shocker. As someone who honestly thought New Order were finished after the limp "Sirens" 10 bloody years ago, the idea of a new New Order was about as welcome as watching poor Peter Hook's Joy Division tribute act. Hooky leaving the band was pretty much the final nail for these coffin dodgers so why the hell care anyway, especially since New Order hadn't really made a truly great album since Technique in 1989? Cut to the chase, Music Complete can sit very comfortably alongside their very best work. A bold statement I know, but I would easily rank this alongside Power Corruption and Lies and Low-Life and of course their sublime Technique. It is that good, oh and it's also one of the best albums of the year. There are so many stunning tunes here, Plastic and Tutti Frutti (Fine Time part 2) being the standouts for me, but the gems keep on coming; People on the High Line (which is like some dirty mutant Happy Monday's and Chic mash up), Singularity (with an opening Joy Division-ish bass line that Peter Hook will be **** blood over) and Superheated, in which Brandon Flowers finally gets his wish to finally sing on a New Order record, and it's just simply gorgeous. So here's proof that good things sometimes do come to those who wait. Expand
  6. Oct 19, 2015
    An amazingly good return by the most iconic and influential British band of the 1980's. Start to finish it oozes class and top track Singularity manages to condense every element of the band's history and pre-history as Joy Division into just five minutes. Brandon Flowers gets the opportunity to work with his heroes on closing track Superheated and adds something different. Tutti FruttiAn amazingly good return by the most iconic and influential British band of the 1980's. Start to finish it oozes class and top track Singularity manages to condense every element of the band's history and pre-history as Joy Division into just five minutes. Brandon Flowers gets the opportunity to work with his heroes on closing track Superheated and adds something different. Tutti Frutti is just pure fun and Nothing But A Fool touches on the guitar based works of 21st century New Order while surpassing them. Unlearn This Hatred is also awesome and quite, quite mad. The addition of strings by Mancunian New Order fan Joe Duddell and the Manchester Camerata just takes the band to a new musical level and far from missing the legendary bass player Peter Hook, they are actually now thriving without him and able to move on to a new fresh sound. Expand
  7. Oct 16, 2015
    Although a huge New Order I was really surprised with this album.

    What a piece of beautiful and contemporary work of art.

    Instantaneous classics like Restless, Singularity, Nothing But a Fool, Stray Dog and Superheated make this one of the best New Order albuns ever.

    Sadly a loss for Mr. Hook, but not for them.
  8. Oct 15, 2015
    Great comeback for New Order. Basically, since no one buys 12-inch singles any more, they've made a Substance-like album that is not a compilation. There are great examples of all New Order has to offer, and a few new twists. Restless is a grower of a guitar track, and there are dancefloor stompers, house numbers, a whimsical ballad...Hardly a dull moment. Nothing But A Fool is aGreat comeback for New Order. Basically, since no one buys 12-inch singles any more, they've made a Substance-like album that is not a compilation. There are great examples of all New Order has to offer, and a few new twists. Restless is a grower of a guitar track, and there are dancefloor stompers, house numbers, a whimsical ballad...Hardly a dull moment. Nothing But A Fool is a hands-down classic, swirling synths, Sumner's melancholy lyrics and an emotive bassline. Speaking of bass, they don't miss Hook as much as you might think-- He was surely a huge element of the New Order sound, but his style is easily replicated without sounding second-rate, and there's so much going on here and so many fresh ideas, it really doesn't feel like anything's missing. Not up there with their absolute best, but much better than expected. Expand
  9. Oct 15, 2015
    This was a breath of fresh air for me. I find this LP to be strong from both ends. Its a great blend of Joy Division and New Order. As a DJ in a major city, it great to see young people dancing to a old band that sounds like it new and fresh. Thanks guys!!!!!!!

    Bill Kody
    Shoreline DJ
  10. Oct 9, 2015
    It's not that often that "bands from the past" can live up to their own legacy, but once in a while someone really does it.
    Techno/Electric heroes of the 80'es, "New Order" has done a great album with "Music Complete". Been listening to it a lot lately, and it really works well. Surprisingly the song with great guest star Iggy Pop is a strange mix that really works.
  11. Sep 29, 2015
    An outstanding album, with the pinnacle being Mr Osterberg Jnr's spoken track, Stray Dog.

    This track has taken 35 years to emerge, and undoubtedly it is a masterpiece. It is the song we were all waiting for when I first saw New Order back on 2nd January 1981. It is the link from JD and using Iggy to narrate the track works so well. After all who could follow IC with such a JD/NO
    An outstanding album, with the pinnacle being Mr Osterberg Jnr's spoken track, Stray Dog.

    This track has taken 35 years to emerge, and undoubtedly it is a masterpiece.

    It is the song we were all waiting for when I first saw New Order back on 2nd January 1981. It is the link from JD and using Iggy to narrate the track works so well. After all who could follow IC with such a JD/NO sounding track.

  12. Sep 26, 2015
    While Get Ready and Waiting for the Siren's Call consisted of one decent single and a bunch of filler, Music Complete is, even at it's worst, energetic. Ironically, it's only after they lose a founding member that New Order reminisces of their older stuff. No more is Peter Hook's once prominent bass limiting them to a more rock style, making for the best songs on the album, which are thoseWhile Get Ready and Waiting for the Siren's Call consisted of one decent single and a bunch of filler, Music Complete is, even at it's worst, energetic. Ironically, it's only after they lose a founding member that New Order reminisces of their older stuff. No more is Peter Hook's once prominent bass limiting them to a more rock style, making for the best songs on the album, which are those that have more influences in disco. Tutti Frutti is one of these, and makes references to Technique - one of the band's best albums. It's not just a mere reminder of it either, but a revival of its sound. Superb. Collapse
  13. Sep 26, 2015
    Instantly addictive; the most consistent New Order record in decades. Tight as Technique, dark as Movement, heavy as Get Ready. For a 35 y/o band, WOW
  14. Sep 25, 2015
    Excellent. That was all I wanted to say but then I had to add another 141 characters before I could submit this review. I am almost there now. Finish.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Oct 21, 2015
    Bernard Sumner's rhymes are still a bit cutesy and obvious, but, as ever, the same old quibbles take a backseat when the pop is this solid.
  2. Sep 28, 2015
    This overflows with ideas and intricate synth patterns while maintaining the emotional resonance of the band’s best work.
  3. Sep 28, 2015
    It all makes for an unexpectedly coherent return.