• Record Label: pgLang
  • Release Date: May 13, 2022
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Universal acclaim- based on 1481 Ratings

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  1. May 17, 2022
    I'm not a fan of rap music at all, but this is definitely one of the better ones I've heard. Even though they sell like the songs sounds different, they all sound EXACTLY The same. But the lyrics aren't bad.
  2. May 13, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Underwhelming. Subjects are deep. Production is great. But most of the songs ultimately miss the mark and feel jumbled. Some good sings like mirror, n95, die hard and Father Time. Unfortunately, as a Kendrick Lamar fan, it’s a clear step down for me from his other classic albums like, damn, to pump a butterfly, and good kid, maad city. I can see this album growing on ppl, but only to his true fans. With clear lack of radio hits, most people won’t give it enough listens to it allow it to grow on you. Expand
  3. May 13, 2022
    Overall very underwhelming. Less cohesiveness, edge, and impressive lyricism than past works. The album feels uninspired and captures themes like stress, anxiety, and depression much more literally and less creatively than on DAMN (namely on FEEL and FEAR). It was perhaps too much to hope for a fourth straight classic, but I didn’t think Mr. Morale would fall below Section.80.
  4. May 13, 2022
    It's not bad by any means, but it also isn't great. He sacrifices musical value for intricate storytelling and to me it doesn't pay off. The production is uninspired and there isn't a lot of replay value here. The lyricism is top notch however. The problem with this album is that he tried to re-capture the ethos of Good Kid, but is so far removed from that life at this point that itIt's not bad by any means, but it also isn't great. He sacrifices musical value for intricate storytelling and to me it doesn't pay off. The production is uninspired and there isn't a lot of replay value here. The lyricism is top notch however. The problem with this album is that he tried to re-capture the ethos of Good Kid, but is so far removed from that life at this point that it doesn't resonate like it once did, and his modern day problems really aren't as captivating to listen to. Sorry, but a song about accepting your transgender relatives just doesn't make for a particularly riveting or relatable track. Expand
  5. May 13, 2022
    This is a good album, but it is much less than I expected. If you're a real fan, you'll understand me. It's not even in the top 5 Kendrick's album.
  6. May 14, 2022
    In my opinion this is a good album, but a bad Kendrick-album. Its a huge step-down from his last albums. The lyrics and flows are amazing. But the instrumentals were so boring. Except for a few tracks, I just couldn't really enjoy the album.
  7. May 14, 2022
    Has some great lyrics, both bars and lyrics. Just not an album I really want to vibe to. Just playing while playing video games or on a drive, just doesn’t do it for me.
  8. May 17, 2022
    Maybe something is just off with me, but I would say this is easily the most overrated album ever made. The Off-Season was definitely the best rap album in the last year or two, and while this was decent - this album has nothing on Kendrick's previous works.
  9. May 17, 2022
    For a Kendrick album, this album is very mid. It's not a bad album, but it's more of a movie you'll never watch again. The replay value is very limited. Each of K-Dot's albums have told a great story and kept to a overarching theme within that story. This one, though, tries a bit too hard to talk about way too many elements and make them cohesive. Rap wise, it's top-notch Kendrick, butFor a Kendrick album, this album is very mid. It's not a bad album, but it's more of a movie you'll never watch again. The replay value is very limited. Each of K-Dot's albums have told a great story and kept to a overarching theme within that story. This one, though, tries a bit too hard to talk about way too many elements and make them cohesive. Rap wise, it's top-notch Kendrick, but it's easily his worst, which is still better than most out there. It's very introspective and within that, we get more of the insecurities that drive Kendrick, but within all of that, the energy is very somber and each song seem detached from one another.

    Hopefully he keeps going and has a good follow-up to it after leaving TDE, but it's nowhere near the classic his studio albums have been before it.
  10. May 13, 2022
    An incredibly deep, personal, well-written, and exceptionally well-produced album.

    It's also incredibly boring and has zero energy. While I appreciate the sentiments on mental health, trans rights, and personal matters presented in these lyrics, the beats could cure insomnia and there is none of the catchy fire that Kendrick does so well on previous albums. If this album is a 10,
    An incredibly deep, personal, well-written, and exceptionally well-produced album.

    It's also incredibly boring and has zero energy. While I appreciate the sentiments on mental health, trans rights, and personal matters presented in these lyrics, the beats could cure insomnia and there is none of the catchy fire that Kendrick does so well on previous albums.

    If this album is a 10, TPAB and GKMC are a 50.
  11. May 13, 2022
    Disappointing when you consider we are talking about Kendrick Lamar here and a 5 year hiatus. The production is the highlight of the album and that should tell you a lot about this album. Very bland sound and kind of a snooze fest as a project. I feel you only going to really like this if you are a die hard K Dot stan. Different than his last projects the parts that he´s beingDisappointing when you consider we are talking about Kendrick Lamar here and a 5 year hiatus. The production is the highlight of the album and that should tell you a lot about this album. Very bland sound and kind of a snooze fest as a project. I feel you only going to really like this if you are a die hard K Dot stan. Different than his last projects the parts that he´s being introspective and talking about his feelings will actually make you feel bored, and I think that´s because the different approach he had to the instrumentals and the beats. All in all this is his worst project and this will make you feel tired when listening to it, the parts that he tries go get loose a little bit more sound a bit forced and cringy, especially on Silent Hill, oh god that song is bad (even though Kodak really brings a new fresh approach to the album and sound really refreshing and nice on this track). It sounds like he made this album for himself and his family, you have to be personally attached to him or his family to find this interesting Expand
  12. May 14, 2022
    Why do I always seem to be going against the grain of public opinion?...I just don't understand y'all... You call Revival a flop, and then say this is a 10? Is it so hard to form your own opinion without following the hype?.... Don't get me wrong...No hate here. Kendrick will always have my respect. This album isn't trash ... Duh.... course it's not.. it's -Kendrick La-fukin-mar-.. butWhy do I always seem to be going against the grain of public opinion?...I just don't understand y'all... You call Revival a flop, and then say this is a 10? Is it so hard to form your own opinion without following the hype?.... Don't get me wrong...No hate here. Kendrick will always have my respect. This album isn't trash ... Duh.... course it's not.. it's -Kendrick La-fukin-mar-.. but thats why I'm holding it to such a high standard... and in my opinion; this album doesn't live up to his potential... And by giving this a 10, you're definitely not going to drive him to push anything better out.. Good idea people Expand
  13. Nov 16, 2022
    Meh. Not what i was expecting. Could be a lot better considering kendrick's ability
  14. Aug 12, 2023
    I have quite mixed impressions. After some relistening I liked it more than dislike it but it is not so good for me as previous albums
  15. May 13, 2022
    Kendrick finally hit a piece of lint in his previously fascinating career spent navel-gazing. Songs here mostly lack structure, drums, flow, cohesion, nuance, power, and energy. Surprisingly mediocre release with big emperor’s new clothes vibes.
  16. May 15, 2022
    I don’t get all these shill critics giving this project a perfect score. I found myself constantly wanting to skip songs on this album. 8 stand out tracks and the rest were middle of the road or worse.
  17. Nov 22, 2022
    can't see why you overrate this artist so much. good rapper but never at 2pac, biggie, Nas, Eminem level

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Jun 20, 2022
    By far the most compelling persona on Mr Morale & The Big Steppers is the Kendrick who is trying to make sense of his own family. ... ["Mother I Sober" is] a tour de force, almost but not quite as revelatory as "DUCKWORTH", a similar family saga off 2017's DAMN. And the best moment is when the strings swell and Lamar's voice changes. [Aug 2022, p.24]
  2. Jun 17, 2022
    Through over 70 minutes of Lamar’s latest, every facet of life for the young Compton rapper is held up to the light. Love, pain, hope, despair, triumph, defeat, it’s all there. ... He’s a rapper who understands rapping is more than just a good beat, a good punchline, or a good vocal tone. He’s blessed to have all of that but he takes the platform he got from it and makes art that will last a lifetime.
  3. The Wire
    Jun 15, 2022
    Introspective, emotionally charged pieces such as “Father Time”, “We Cry Together” and “Savior” provide high – or jarring – points on the record, but elsewhere there are periods of lull absent on previous efforts. ... As sonically impressive as his latest album may be, his approach to the topics under discussion doesn’t feel sufficiently thought out. [Jul 2022, p.48]