• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jan 28, 2022

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Feb 4, 2022
    At its best, Motordrome serves as a reminder of why she deserved that success, and why she still deserves attention today.
  2. Feb 2, 2022
    In her raw, rollicking delivery, MØ does sound comfortable in her skin again, giving the lyric a genuinely openhearted turn. Motordrome occasionally passes through such exhilarating moments, but faceless production too often spins its wheels, making it seem as though MØ is still in search of a sound to match the bravado.
  3. Jan 31, 2022
    Mø’s new-era singles thus far have been earworms – the euphoric Live to Survive, the Ed Sheeran-like Kindness, the more recent electronic ballad Goosebumps. The remainder of Motordrome mostly maintains this hit rate.
  4. 90
    Motordrome is a multifaceted delight and an early contender for pop album of the year.
  5. Jan 28, 2022
    On ‘Motordrome’ she returns fresh and reinvigorated. No longer simply living to survive, MØ is having fun being herself.
  6. Jan 27, 2022
    ‘Motordrome’ can be hit and miss. ... That being said, there’s a huge amount to recommend here. A clinical, finessed pop record, ‘Motordrome’ utilises its 10 track span to broach a number of fresh ideas.
  7. Jan 27, 2022
    These are songs for dark evenings in big cities, dancing through heartbreak. For when you feel small, but anything feels possible.
  8. 60
    Stand-out moments grab you with their humour – the immensely memorable hooks on show certainly help, too – but after ‘Motordrome’’s fizzled out, you’re left wishing the engines revved a little louder.
  9. Jan 27, 2022
    When Ørsted ramps up the bombast, Motordrome reaches a serviceable level of pop pageantry. But most of the singer’s cooed melodies feel comparatively half-hearted. Ultimately, the album has a way of getting your attention and failing to keep it.
  10. 60
    MØ crafts consistently cool grooves but nothing that makes her stand out from the crowd.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Feb 1, 2023
    It is definitely a stronger album than its predecessor, but a bit too short.
  2. Jul 20, 2022
    álbum maravilhoso, hip bones, punches e wheelspin obras primas.
    adoro tbm brad pitt e live to survive.
  3. Jun 1, 2022
    Motordrome e incrível e um passeio em duas rodas que te leva em lugares extremos e sonoramente incríveis e uma sensação sensorialMotordrome e incrível e um passeio em duas rodas que te leva em lugares extremos e sonoramente incríveis e uma sensação sensorial indescritível e vale uma menção a wheelspin,cool to cry,New moon e a poderosa Live to survive Full Review »