• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 18, 2022
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Universal acclaim- based on 2278 Ratings

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  1. May 12, 2022
    It has taken me a while to write this review, I really wanted to digest this body of work fully. Every time I listen to this record I am floored by the freshness of the sound, the composition, the ability to include so many samples but making them sound new and original. Rosalia has really out done herself this time around, she has created one of the most unique albums of the last decadeIt has taken me a while to write this review, I really wanted to digest this body of work fully. Every time I listen to this record I am floored by the freshness of the sound, the composition, the ability to include so many samples but making them sound new and original. Rosalia has really out done herself this time around, she has created one of the most unique albums of the last decade and is my current contender for the best album of 2022. The art behind this record is next level, the creativity is top tier, the visual are stunning, and the message behind MOTOMAMI is beautiful. It might be a long time before we get another album of this caliber being released again. This is the definition of what an experimental, conceptual album should be. My top songs are La Fama, Hentai, Motomami, Diablo, and Sakura. Expand
  2. May 4, 2022
    Una obra de arte y una genialidad de producción musical. Una Rosalía íntima y fuera de toda norma.
  3. Jun 15, 2022
    Olha só, a Anitta é um depósito de esperma. Todo mundo goza na buceta dela, ninguém assume ela. A única pessoa que assumiu ela até hoje foi um relacionamento que nem certo deu. Gozou HORRORES na buceta dela, assim como todos os outros artistas GOZAM na buceta dela
  4. Mar 20, 2022
    An incredible mix of different sounds and messages. A unique album. Unexpected experience.
  5. Mar 18, 2022
    Rosalia definitely going to places with her signature class Motomami album. Just like her station from GTA Online, her taste in music and composition behind her latest album is glowing like a butterfly.
  6. Jun 29, 2023
    I had never listened to a Latin or Spanish album in my life. Went into it blind. What a mind-blowing listen. At it's core it's a pop album, songs like Chicken Teriyaki, Bizcochito and others. But its experimental, its random. All sorts of sounds and vocals coming at the listener. The drums on here are special, or should I say the percussion. The sound of her hands clapping, snapping ofI had never listened to a Latin or Spanish album in my life. Went into it blind. What a mind-blowing listen. At it's core it's a pop album, songs like Chicken Teriyaki, Bizcochito and others. But its experimental, its random. All sorts of sounds and vocals coming at the listener. The drums on here are special, or should I say the percussion. The sound of her hands clapping, snapping of fingers, using vocals as a drum pattern, the production on the album is amazing.

    I do not speak Spanish so I generally have no clue what she's saying although I can make out some words and themes. That's what makes the album so powerful. It makes me feel without any of the words cutting through. Her vocals go from a beautiful falsetto to autotune depending on the song or how she feels.

    I've been feeling lukewarm about so many albums recently. This one is a game changer. Album of 2022, album of the decade so far
  7. Mar 18, 2022
    A cohesive album, the sounds, the beats and the rhythms are spectacular.
    An evolution with which Rosalía continues to maintain its essence but gives us a concept as hard and consistent as it is MOTOMAMI
  8. Mar 18, 2022
    Una obra de arte vanguardista, la consagración de rosalía como una leyenda de la música. El album del año sin ninguna duda, no hay nadie en el mainstream a este nivel.
  9. Mar 25, 2022
    Saoko papi Saoko Saoko papi Saoko Saoko papi Saoko Saoko papi Saoko Saoko papi Saoko
  10. Mar 18, 2022
    Espectacular, realmente Rosalia esta reseteando la cultura. Álbum del año.
  11. Mar 18, 2022
    Rosalía is the future of music! MOTOMAMI is a masterpiece. MOTOMAMI is the perfect combination of Rosalía’s flamenco roots and the modern commercial mainstream music.
  12. Mar 18, 2022
    I'm very surprised that I like this album since the snippets were not my cup of tea. Latin rhythms, industrial beats and some pop let you get to now the most free Rosalía ever.
  13. Sep 2, 2022
    AOTY sin duda alguna, si ya era El Mal Querer era una obra de arte, este álbum superó todas mis expectativas.
  14. Mar 21, 2022
    Otra obra de arte de la Rosalía. Aunque seguro choca mucho con el imagen que tienen los españoles de nuestro estrella flamenca catalana, el disco es muy especial y una mezcla de estilos distintos y interesantes.
  15. Apr 3, 2022
    Un disco explícitamente generacional que analiza en exhaustividad, reafirma, plasma y encapsula una forma de ser frente a la realidad y el futuro cercano.
    Una de las mejores piezas musicales de la década.
  16. Mar 20, 2022
    Rosalía is a cultural reset. Her popurrí of styles has changed music forever.
  17. Mar 20, 2022
    MOTOMAMI redefine el concepto del mainstream con su abstracta exploración sonora, donde las fronteras y los géneros son completamente desdibujados
  18. Mar 20, 2022
    A marvelous travel inside of the creativity and artistry of a young and super talented star.
  19. Mar 18, 2022
    She’s at the top of her game and refused to play it safe. Killer results.
  20. Mar 20, 2022
    Este álbum me impresionó de principio a fin, es sorprendente la capacidad artística de Rosalía. Cuando anunció este álbum yo tenía bajas expectativas debido al género urbano pero al escucharlo me voló la cabeza. Es fenomenal. This is one of the best albums out there and will be a classic.
  21. Mar 18, 2022
    Love Motomami, Rosalía really set the bar thigh with this one... I'm shocked, she made me ate all my words... My fav album of this year so far, an experimental record worth your time.
  22. Aug 21, 2022
    Innovative excellence. An album not afraid to reference and not to reference. Hentai song of the year
  23. Mar 20, 2022
    Magnífico que tudo que ela faz é altamente de qualidade, tanto, que a crítica sempre deita pra ela! Melhor álbum de 2022
  24. Mar 18, 2022
    INCREÍBLE DISCO, es una montaña rusa de sonidos y emociones. Rosalía la mejor artista española del panorama
  25. Mar 19, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. That album is perfect, i love how she can do a lot of Music and Dont sound the same Expand
  26. Mar 19, 2022
    ’Motomami’ is exquisitely innovative, refreshing, and colorful. This is by far Rosalia’s best work to date, and that’s saying something.
  27. Apr 10, 2022
    La creación de toda la propuesta que escuchamos aquí solo se maximiza debido a la fama que ha alcanzado la cantante, pero es muy fácil imaginar que todo lo que se sirve podría ejecutarse con la misma destreza si la cantante no la tuviera. mucho atractivo popular. Se nota que su visión de toda la estructura de un proyecto proviene de referencias bien realizadas y estudios de la culturaLa creación de toda la propuesta que escuchamos aquí solo se maximiza debido a la fama que ha alcanzado la cantante, pero es muy fácil imaginar que todo lo que se sirve podría ejecutarse con la misma destreza si la cantante no la tuviera. mucho atractivo popular. Se nota que su visión de toda la estructura de un proyecto proviene de referencias bien realizadas y estudios de la cultura misma. Quizás la única diferencia sería poder permitirse el lujo de camuflar toda una propuesta clara con una deliberada confusión inicial, porque presentar un disco tan llamativo de forma directa no tiene tanta gracia, aunque pueda alcanzar el mismo valor. Darse cuenta de todo esto es recordar que estamos ante alguien que disfruta de la riqueza en todos sus factores. Expand
  28. Mar 18, 2022
    La palabra que define a Rosalia siempre va a ser INNOVACIÓN con cada álbum que nos ha dado ha demostrado que no piensa quedarse dentro circulo y lo logra una vez más con MOTOMAMI, desde ya uno de los mejores álbumes del año
  29. Mar 18, 2022
    Easily the best album since IGOR by Tyler the Creator! 10/10
    Transcendental Sound Metamorphosis
  30. Mar 20, 2022
    el mejor album me ha gustado mucho ha expresado sus pensamientos, emociones y todo que le representa en este disco, de una forma exquisita y innovadora, experimenta y resulta fresco. la amoooo un 10 guapa

Universal acclaim - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 17
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 17
  3. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. May 26, 2022
    MOTOMAMI is experimental in a way that does not sacrifice function over form. These songs have a pop purpose: they are fragmented, but they are laid in catchy hooks and enthralling beats. MOTOMAMI doesn’t fail to entertain.
  2. Mar 24, 2022
    In taking bits and fragments from both her previous work and that of her contemporaries, Rosalía has fashioned an album rife with the contradictory sounds, lyrical themes, and artistic impulses of the past and present.
  3. Mar 21, 2022
    With a little help from an impressive array of collaborators and producers that include heavyweights like Pharrell Williams, El Guincho and Frank Dukes, Rosalía takes clear and complete control of her voice by getting her ideas across without being too caught up in them.