User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 90 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 59 out of 90
  2. Negative: 24 out of 90

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  1. Apr 12, 2020
    Actually this is a podcast record, but microphone doesn't work. And... GARGANTUAN TROLL -with all rewiev.
  2. Mar 17, 2014
    my opinion, a very good listen when you can completely devote the time to do nothing else. I am only going to give 2 stars just because I prefer to experience a record like this live. Playing this in the home, on headphones, in the car, etc. is going to do absolutely nothing for me.
  3. Oct 1, 2011
    Clearly 35% of the users reviewing here don't see the trolling involved here.

    But here, an honest review: The album has very little variation WHATSOEVER. I have listened to drone before, some I like, some I do not. While I may not be the biggest audiophile out there, I definitely do not believe there is any change in sound at all. The vocals..? Let's just not get into that, because
    Clearly 35% of the users reviewing here don't see the trolling involved here.

    But here, an honest review:
    The album has very little variation WHATSOEVER. I have listened to drone before, some I like, some I do not. While I may not be the biggest audiophile out there, I definitely do not believe there is any change in sound at all. The vocals..? Let's just not get into that, because they are obvious ****

    I imagine the whole album is a gigantic troll, but then again, there are some incredibly stupid people in this world.

    PS: If you are interested in something happening, go to Alice - 12:00 mark.
  4. Mick
    Jan 21, 2010
    This is an absolute dirge. Seems so many music websites are afraid of the big white elephant in the corner of the room (that being Pitchfork) that they'll fall over themselves to endorse anything they like. This is, in short, crap.
  5. nick
    Aug 26, 2009
    I kind of get the dark ambiance thing but i don't see what's so special about this album - any reasonable musician could make this if they could be arsed, the thing is there are much more interesting things to do with noise that what Sunn have created. I respect the opinion of those who love it and in fairness I may be missing something, but it doesn't seem like an artistic I kind of get the dark ambiance thing but i don't see what's so special about this album - any reasonable musician could make this if they could be arsed, the thing is there are much more interesting things to do with noise that what Sunn have created. I respect the opinion of those who love it and in fairness I may be missing something, but it doesn't seem like an artistic leap forward or anything particularly revolutionary to me. Expand
  6. DiggerN
    Aug 20, 2009
    I kept waiting for the Stonehenge lyrics to start. Pompous rubbish. Very Tap indeed.
  7. AndrewM
    Aug 15, 2009
    This album has no redeeming musical or artistic quality whatsoever. The album is an unappealing and entirely uncreative amalgam of sparse noises. To second the statement made by someone else, this album "was painful to listen to."
  8. BrianA
    Aug 15, 2009
    Okay, so I've given this album a couple of listens and despite the ridiculously good reviews it has managed to obtain, I just don't get it. I find myself wanting SOMETHING out of it. The songs lack any sort of progression whatsoever, and when they're an average of 10 minutes each, I demand progression! Someone please explain this to me.
  9. JohnR
    Aug 11, 2009
    While it has some not so horrible moments, the rest of the album is essentially made of noise, sometimes lasting no less than 5 minutes. The main point to sell this thing is to talk about ART. Ok first when speaking about music and tastes, if someone tries to elevate the subject to something intellectually elevated, it's always some kind of maneuver, to elevate himself in his While it has some not so horrible moments, the rest of the album is essentially made of noise, sometimes lasting no less than 5 minutes. The main point to sell this thing is to talk about ART. Ok first when speaking about music and tastes, if someone tries to elevate the subject to something intellectually elevated, it's always some kind of maneuver, to elevate himself in his association to something that wouldn't be understood. This is the major swindle from half of the contemporary art. Expand
  10. alexg
    Aug 6, 2009
    Well, if you gotta be excentric, you ll say this album is good. if you wanna be sincere to yourself, you ll have to admit this is no more than pretentious noise. Critics who scored this high are only faking smart decadency, this is a perfect example of artzie kitsch.
  11. Corey
    Aug 3, 2009
    I consider myself to be very open to new music; I love a lot of 'experimental' stuff and see value even in bands I don't care much for. That being said, I really just don't 'get' this album. It is, honestly, the worst thing I've ever heard, I can't consider it music because music, you see, requires variation in sound, it requires something more than I consider myself to be very open to new music; I love a lot of 'experimental' stuff and see value even in bands I don't care much for. That being said, I really just don't 'get' this album. It is, honestly, the worst thing I've ever heard, I can't consider it music because music, you see, requires variation in sound, it requires something more than a single droning note held for what seems like years without so much as a half-note change. This... this is just unbearably awful. Expand
  12. JustinL
    Jul 24, 2009
    Nonsense. This is absolute nonsense. "casualties of misinterpretation".... really. If you all want I can throw a mic next to my dishwasher and you can just throw me $9.99 a cycle to listen (note: I consider extra rinse a bonus track... $11.99). I can't even figure out where people get off calling this pretentious...I wouldn't even give it that much credit. Unlistenable. and to Nonsense. This is absolute nonsense. "casualties of misinterpretation".... really. If you all want I can throw a mic next to my dishwasher and you can just throw me $9.99 a cycle to listen (note: I consider extra rinse a bonus track... $11.99). I can't even figure out where people get off calling this pretentious...I wouldn't even give it that much credit. Unlistenable. and to those who strike back with furious rebuttles about my own misinterpretations and how shallow my musical taste must be... Your wrong. Learn to play an instrument rather then waste your time listening to this critically acclaimed garbage disposal. Expand
  13. DaveS
    Jul 22, 2009
    "It's music serving as a physical force, not an emotional or intellectual one. And by physical, I mean that you should FEEL the sound pressing against your body." Airplane turbines have a similar effect. Check them out dude. They're really cutting edge.
  14. AxelF
    Jul 20, 2009
    Obviously not everyone thinks this is the best album ever. No amount of ad hominem vitriol will change that. Clearly other people having an opinion pisses you all off, but these are reviews, not a coronation. Implying that I listened to it wrong isn't accurate, I listened to it twice full through high volume. It's just not good music. I have my opinion. You have your opinion. Obviously not everyone thinks this is the best album ever. No amount of ad hominem vitriol will change that. Clearly other people having an opinion pisses you all off, but these are reviews, not a coronation. Implying that I listened to it wrong isn't accurate, I listened to it twice full through high volume. It's just not good music. I have my opinion. You have your opinion. Other people have other opinions. Expand
  15. rudigerf
    Jul 16, 2009
    This is without a doubt the single worst thing my ears have ever experienced. I consider myself to be very open minded when it comes to music, even the most pretentious triple concept album wouldn't offend me near as much as this nonsense. It's not art, there's no musicianship, I'm only giving it 1/10 because the ablum art is cool. The only reasons I can find for This is without a doubt the single worst thing my ears have ever experienced. I consider myself to be very open minded when it comes to music, even the most pretentious triple concept album wouldn't offend me near as much as this nonsense. It's not art, there's no musicianship, I'm only giving it 1/10 because the ablum art is cool. The only reasons I can find for liking this album is if... 1. You're one of those loser metal types that think you're so dark and messed up that chanting about satan is cool. 2. You think you need to like the crap fed to you by 'trendy' music critics to be cool. 3. You're a 'trendy' music critic (a**hole). Expand
  16. AlexF.
    Jul 10, 2009
    Listening through this album is painful. The pretension on this album borders on parody. There is no demonstrable musical or compositional talent. The majority of the album alternates between a few notes, each held for dramatic emphasis. Lyrics are mumbled and paused excessively, also for dramatic emphasis.

Universal acclaim - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 16
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 16
  3. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Monoliths and Dimensions succeeds because it is the sound of a new music formed from the ashen forge of drone, rock, and black metal.
  2. Hopefully those that came to SunnO))) through "Black One" will find much to love here. If they don’t they will be seriously missing out as Monoliths & Dimensions is devastatingly epic.
  3. For anyone interested in music that works both as art and an intensely new exciting experience--this is easily the best album that has come out this year.