• Record Label: Ipecac
  • Release Date: May 4, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Dynamic bombast is his specialty, and amazingly, it all fits perfectly within the confines of Italian pop. As outlandish as Mondo Cane is, it all somehow amounts to the most easily digestible thing in Patton's scattered discography.
  2. Alternative Press
    Mondo Cane is surprising considering how engaging a listen these visits into grandiose operatic profundity really are. [Jul 2010, p.127]
  3. He clearly relishes the heightened emotion of his source material, the album wisely avoiding cheap campiness in favour of respecting the music's rich sense of drama.
  4. It's little surprise that Mondo Cane is an album that--65 piece orchestra or not--is built around Patton's personality and voice, rather than his lyricism in the traditional sense. It's this continuity which lends it an appeal beyond mere authenticity and curiosity, to the listener prepared to devote a little time and dare I say it, research, into the album's background and source material.
  5. Kerrang!
    On one hand, it's hard to take seriously, but there's something disarmingly sincere about the whole thing and it's carried off with expert skill. [26 Jun 2010, p.52]
  6. It's only now though that Patton's fully manifested his passion project minus the avant-garde overlay--and ironically scoring an unheard-of #2 debut on the Billboard classical chart in the process, possibly the strangest highlight yet of a strange talent's career.
  7. Mojo
    The multifaceted Mr. Patton turns his hand to Italian-language pop songs. [July 2010, p. 95]
  8. These songs, penned by such as Ennio Morricone, Mina and Fred Bongusto, have been treated with the utmost respect. Patton has ensured that they are as authentic as possible by employing a 15-strong band together with a 40-piece orchestra.
  9. There's a lot of beautiful music to hear and Patton treats it all with an admirer's respect, but there is something about Mondo Cane that reeks of vanity.
  10. Even if this album is a genre exercise, it's still a very fine one. Mondo Cane pulls no punches, makes no apologies, and is impossible not to enjoy on some level.
  11. While collaborator conductor Aldo Sisillo's orchestrations deserve a healthy dollop of credit for the overall sonic success of the album, Patton's voice is clearly the centerpiece.
  12. Q Magazine
    A rewarding curio. [July 2010, p. 128]
  13. Patton has spoken about his interest in revivifying and reinterpreting these songs, but here they sound mostly like Patton songs, affected by the same fascination with the quirks and power of his voice that colors most of his work.
  14. Mondo Cane is a summer-time staple and a faithful reminder that Mike Patton can sing but sadly little else.
  15. A one-off that finds Patton remaking Italo-pop standards backed by a 40-piece orchestra, the record is flagrantly enjoyable from first gasp to final croon.
  16. Unlike Patton's previous forays into the experimentalism of John Zorn or Merzbow, Mondo Cane delivers a more conventional set, heavy on romantic strings and swaying nostalgia.
  17. Uncut
    The Latin syllables are well suited to Patton's croon and snarl, and he attacks Fred Buscaglione's cavalier "Che Notte!" with relish. [Jul 2010, p.117]

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