Mission Bell Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 8 Ratings

Summary: The fourth album for the singer-songwriter features appearances by Priscilla Ahn, Pieta Brown, James Gadson, Willie Nelson, Lucinda Williams, Iron & Wine's Sam Beam, and Calexico.
Record Label: Blue Note
Genre(s): Folk, Adult Alternative Pop/Rock, Contemporary Singer/Songwriter
Credit: Primary Artist Producer

Track Listings

01 El Camino 07 Jesus
02 Windows Are Rolled Down 08 Hello Again
03 Violin 09 Learned a Lot
04 Flower 10 Cup of Sorrow
05 Stay with Me 11 Clear Blue Eyes
06 Out of the Cold 12 Behind Me Now/El Camino (Reprise)