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Generally favorable reviews- based on 733 Ratings

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  1. JonM
    Jun 6, 2007
    Complete and total garbage. It is nothing but Emo trash. The whole album is a total rip-off, especially the political remarks. Wow, maybe they should tour with System of a Down and spew that cliche, mindless garbage together. They are just sell-outs to the Emo and anti-war cultures. Total disappointment.
  2. NourezR
    Jun 7, 2007
    I was expecting a radical change from LP previous work when I listened to this album for the first time, so I was not surprised by the poppy, emo feel of this album, but thats not my largest gripe with M2M. I enjoyed this album to an extent, and some of the songs are really quite good. But the albums problem is that there is an abysmal lack of variety. Think of My December with every I was expecting a radical change from LP previous work when I listened to this album for the first time, so I was not surprised by the poppy, emo feel of this album, but thats not my largest gripe with M2M. I enjoyed this album to an extent, and some of the songs are really quite good. But the albums problem is that there is an abysmal lack of variety. Think of My December with every possible set of lyrics and you have a general idea of what this album is about. That is not to say that all of the songs are rewritten My Decembers. Given Up is a good song that is more in the classic LP vein, and their older fans will definatly enjoy this song. There are also two songs with mike rapping, but they sound a hell of a lot more like fort minor that classic LP, so you may or may not ejoy them. My final gripe about the album is the truly pointless swearing. I will state right now that I have nothing against profanity in music if it has a PURPOSE (an example of this for me would me My Chemical Romance's "Mama"), but this CDs swearing is so pointless at times you feel that the profanity was added just for the sake of getting a lyric warning on the cover of the CD in order to attract a teenage audience. I mean, given up has more f-bombs than I can count, but they really don't add anything to the song, really pushing the limit of how far LP can venture from their old work. But in the end (pun not intended), M2M provided a decent listening experience if you want a simple, average album to listen to when you have no real reason to listen to anything else, or you just want to practice you swearing singing along to Given Up. Definaty Listen to Valentines Day and Given Up, the only truly great songs on the album. Expand
  3. ExLPFan
    Jul 18, 2007
    Anyone who thinks this album is great or even mediocre needs to find better music.
  4. WootforAlternative!
    Jul 29, 2007
    A great album! I do not see what's wrong with it. Sure, unlike the previous two albums, some tracks are bad (Shadow of the Day, In Between and Little Things Give You Away) but the reast are pure gold. Given Up and No More Sorrow are two of their best songs ever. While I prefer the other two albums to this, this is till aowrthy purchase if you're an LP fan
  5. EthanP.
    Jul 5, 2007
    I grew up listing to linkin park and always loved them. but this album has something different that is fun and at the same time they seem a little more mature and honest and some of the songs that just rock your face off!. What i've done is by far their greatest song(next to from the inside),the first time i heard that song i knew it was going to be good. My biggest beef is al the I grew up listing to linkin park and always loved them. but this album has something different that is fun and at the same time they seem a little more mature and honest and some of the songs that just rock your face off!. What i've done is by far their greatest song(next to from the inside),the first time i heard that song i knew it was going to be good. My biggest beef is al the curseing! i wish they would have cut that out,and that would make the album a 10 in my vote.all around its a great album.KEEP IT UP LINKIN PARK!!!!!! Expand
  6. HelenK.
    Jul 9, 2007
    Different from their previous work but still terrific.
  7. ixata
    Aug 14, 2007
    first things first, to andrew v, the reason that this album is hated by much(n it shud be) is because the fact that the album SOUNDS LIKE the predecessors... n 4 me, after listening to this album(had to listen it, my girl asked me to. we broke up now :) ) its proved that this one is pure shit. the shitetst of the hittest. lame, overused, cliche, boring, typical... LP is so overrated, n first things first, to andrew v, the reason that this album is hated by much(n it shud be) is because the fact that the album SOUNDS LIKE the predecessors... n 4 me, after listening to this album(had to listen it, my girl asked me to. we broke up now :) ) its proved that this one is pure shit. the shitetst of the hittest. lame, overused, cliche, boring, typical... LP is so overrated, n people who say that LP is genius are lame, one-dimensional, boring morons. listen to white stripes instead Expand
  8. EricC.
    Aug 14, 2007
    Heard the whole thing with my brother in his car. God awful. It's like all they are trying to do is end up in a soundtrack for a Michael Bay movie (which they did). One horrible rock ballad after another. They try so hard to be thoughtful and emotional, but ends up being a sob session for guys who probably realize they suck, and just want someone, anyone, so like them.
  9. Seanf
    Aug 16, 2007
    This is a great step forward for Linkin Park...drifting away on some tracks from pure rock/rap like "little things" shows the maturity of the band. Hands hed high is a melodic masterpiece. This is an evolution from Hybrid Theory and Meteora, and people need to understand that albums should never sound the same as the last one. Not to mention, "bleed it out", "givin up", "no more sorrow" This is a great step forward for Linkin Park...drifting away on some tracks from pure rock/rap like "little things" shows the maturity of the band. Hands hed high is a melodic masterpiece. This is an evolution from Hybrid Theory and Meteora, and people need to understand that albums should never sound the same as the last one. Not to mention, "bleed it out", "givin up", "no more sorrow" and even "pieces" truly demonstrate they can still rock and create great music. Expand
  10. YashR.
    Aug 17, 2007
    This album is not really as bad as ppl reckon it is... I really enjoyed it.. Really shows the band's maturity.I'm really happy they are reducing the rap.
  11. mikeb
    Aug 2, 2007
    I think LP's new album is more creative than thier last, seeing that they added a few songs that were slower and some more political, but they strayed to far from thier roots to far...its an ok album
  12. sarisc.
    Aug 2, 2007
    progression. reinvention. evolution. linkin park is unessential. this album is imitation. it is filth that dulls the minds of the many who listen to it. we as a human race must evolve past this garbage. or remain stupid. and continue to de-evolve.
  13. SamS.
    Aug 25, 2007
    This is a fantastic piece of work by Linkin Park, people who are slamming the album need to wake up, the guys have done fantastic and have already sold a load of these albums showing its popularity!
  14. InsertNameHere
    Aug 4, 2007
    The album is very different from the previous albums and a lot of the songs are...quieter, not what I expected from a new Linkin Park album and the first time I listened to it I was disgusted at the vast majority of the CD, but No More Sorrow, What I've Done, Given Up, and Bleed It Out give an otherwise horrible album some life.
  15. keitho.
    Aug 9, 2007
    reekin krap, the world's worst band in the woooooooorld!
  16. Jimmy
    Sep 10, 2007
    Lyrically improved but not musically.
  17. DaraghL.
    Sep 17, 2007
    Different to their stuff, but a good album no matter what the critics say.
  18. BlakeL.
    Sep 18, 2007
    The first album I ever bought was Meteora. I waited 4 years for a new album and they come out with this...change is fine, but ditching everything that made you great as well as the powerful lyrics and melodies behind all good rock for the sake of change is just stupid and makes me regret every penny I spent on this album. No More Sorrow is one of the few half-decent songs on there besides The first album I ever bought was Meteora. I waited 4 years for a new album and they come out with this...change is fine, but ditching everything that made you great as well as the powerful lyrics and melodies behind all good rock for the sake of change is just stupid and makes me regret every penny I spent on this album. No More Sorrow is one of the few half-decent songs on there besides What I've Done, and it was political. Huh? This is Linkin Park. Maybe they do have some supporters for this album, but I guarantee you that not one of these songs will be played a year or two from now. I just hope Linkin Park learns from this mishmash of an album. Please. Expand
  19. JoshA.
    Sep 7, 2007
    This is possibly the best CD Linkin Park has ever done. Forget those people who hated it, if you want to either rock out or calm down and sleep, then Minutes to Midnight is the right choice for you. "What I've Done" was a success, so that means the album is a very huge success. Don't waste your time thinking about it, just buy it! You'll thank me later.
  20. Dave
    Sep 8, 2007
    It's different but not bad. It's softer and slower than previous releases but if you're a pretty open-minded music fan, you'd like this album.
  21. jakeb.
    Jan 5, 2008
    this is one of the best cds that i've ever heard or owned on a scale to 10 every one of these songs are at least a seven out of ten. The lyrics are better than on other albums and i love the vocals
  22. WillA.
    Jan 7, 2008
    i love this album think of it this way they are are making themselves a rememberable band with this you see i love their old stuff but face it they would eventually disapper from the spotline with that this way they can do stuff that will keep them famous like metallica but yes they didnt have some of the best stuff they couldve done but man bleed it outr and given up are alsome!!!
  23. ChrisD.
    Apr 12, 2008
    Very, very disappointing...who is this? There's nothing wrong with bands changing styles to fit with changing tastes in music, but you have to be careful not to suck when you do that. As a huge fan of both Hybrid Theory and Meteora, this album is a failure. I don't even recognize this band's sound anymore, they totally turned away from what made them what they are. Whether Very, very disappointing...who is this? There's nothing wrong with bands changing styles to fit with changing tastes in music, but you have to be careful not to suck when you do that. As a huge fan of both Hybrid Theory and Meteora, this album is a failure. I don't even recognize this band's sound anymore, they totally turned away from what made them what they are. Whether you ever liked nu-metal or not, you have to admit that this album is an enormous departure from their roots, and the sound suffers because the album is horribly disjointed with no unifying sound (I found the transition from Leave Out All The Rest to Bleed It Out to be most jarring). Expand
  24. SimonB
    May 13, 2008
    No. Just no. I was looking for some hard-edge music the other day. So I got myself Minutes to Midnight. What I got was a serenade to ... well, Chester in general. How come in the last few years, pop culture has been able to make bands rise to fame, only to have said bands fuck everything over in a swift attempt to do a complete make-over? I'd like this album if it didn't have a No. Just no. I was looking for some hard-edge music the other day. So I got myself Minutes to Midnight. What I got was a serenade to ... well, Chester in general. How come in the last few years, pop culture has been able to make bands rise to fame, only to have said bands fuck everything over in a swift attempt to do a complete make-over? I'd like this album if it didn't have a few things I despise: Songs often including the word "Dark" for the sake of being dark. I'm giving it a four because of the main single, Bleed It Out and Given Up. Two points go to Given Up's salivating 17 seconds shriek which somehow makes my teeth grit in positive rage. I really feel his anger there. Bleed It Out was what I like Linkin Park to be, with its slightly more garage sound and rough lyrics. While What I've Done is a very good example of transition. Even though it sounds very pop, I admit that I love it thoroughly. If more songs had been like those I mentioned, I think I would have liked this album more. Instead, it's just Linkin Park flirting with Emo. Expand
  25. fsl_hero
    May 30, 2008
    Don't listen to the HATERS here - this is still your LP, just a more mature sound, which I personally like. There are always a few haters for something good, so don't just listen to the negativity. Listen to the album yourself and judge.
  26. joelW
    Jun 11, 2008
    Soooo disappointing! i wanted a album just like meteora or hybrid theory, something to rock out to. they dropped the rapper for the most part, put way less special effects in there, and put in enough ballods to make anyone bored to death. i hope that they can bring back the fire of there old albums in their next album.
  27. SG
    Jun 16, 2008
    Overall a great CD; absolutely worth purchasing. The whole album is quieter than Hybrid Theory or Meteora, but who says being quiet is bad? Besides, if you consider MTM from a lyric-wise point of view, you would see that they had matured. They're no longer talking about ex-girlfriends - the lyrics are much, much more deeper than that kind of stuff. *smile* Mike doesn't rap as Overall a great CD; absolutely worth purchasing. The whole album is quieter than Hybrid Theory or Meteora, but who says being quiet is bad? Besides, if you consider MTM from a lyric-wise point of view, you would see that they had matured. They're no longer talking about ex-girlfriends - the lyrics are much, much more deeper than that kind of stuff. *smile* Mike doesn't rap as much as before, but he did a perfect job on "Hands Held High", and he even sings on another track - "In Between". And Chester's 17 second scream on "Given Up" was beyond impressive. Buy it; you won't regret it. Expand
  28. MikeR
    Sep 24, 2008
    The band totally reinvented themselves for this album, and the music works so well.
  29. BrandoS.
    Sep 29, 2008
    This was disappointing, but at the same time I realized that it was no secret they were chaning their sound. Releasing their single What I've Done basically summarized what they were doing. "In this farewell, there's no blood, there's no alliby. Because I've drawn regret to the truth of 1000 lies. So let mercy come and wash away what I've done. I've faced This was disappointing, but at the same time I realized that it was no secret they were chaning their sound. Releasing their single What I've Done basically summarized what they were doing. "In this farewell, there's no blood, there's no alliby. Because I've drawn regret to the truth of 1000 lies. So let mercy come and wash away what I've done. I've faced myself, to cross out what i've become." True Linkin Park fans would know about this change, and would still like Linkin Park. They showed if they want to do pop, they do pop, if they want to do nu-metal, they do it. If they want to do soft rock, or rock, they do it. If they want to talk about politics, they do it. You need to realize Linkin Park is way more then just Nu-Metal. NU-METAL IS DEAD. This album could've been better, but I'm sure the next one will be very good. You need to get off their ass and realize that Linkin Park has changed. Expand
  30. MichaelK.
    Jan 22, 2009
    The only reason every one is being critical and negative is because Linkin Park is trying out a new style in their music. Its different, and I like it. And some people complain that they are getting a little political. So what? It is just a few songs that contain suchg content. If you look at the last two Albums Greenday has produced, you'll hear a whiny Emo kid scream about how he The only reason every one is being critical and negative is because Linkin Park is trying out a new style in their music. Its different, and I like it. And some people complain that they are getting a little political. So what? It is just a few songs that contain suchg content. If you look at the last two Albums Greenday has produced, you'll hear a whiny Emo kid scream about how he dislikes the US Federal Government. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 15
  2. Negative: 3 out of 15
  1. The California rap-rockers are stymied by their decision to stay roughly within the shrieky boundaries of their genre (albeit with less emphasis on the rap).
  2. Amid the stabs at growth, every new effect sounds borrowed.
  3. As you might imagine, the band’s emo makeover doesn’t always go smoothly.