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Generally favorable reviews- based on 733 Ratings

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  1. octavianm
    May 16, 2007
    i tried to like this album i really did but the fact is it just doesnt do justice for the 4 years of waiting. they said they produced 100 demo tracks but then why did they put in only 12, most of which dont sound very special anyway? i understand the concept of trying to reinvent yourself but linkin park already invented a whole music genre, so the fact that they chose to "go back" to old i tried to like this album i really did but the fact is it just doesnt do justice for the 4 years of waiting. they said they produced 100 demo tracks but then why did they put in only 12, most of which dont sound very special anyway? i understand the concept of trying to reinvent yourself but linkin park already invented a whole music genre, so the fact that they chose to "go back" to old school music instruments is the very oposite of reinvention. i really hope they try to go back to their roots and do something really great on their next album. if u happen to like this one, then great, but for me it just really doesnt say anything at all Expand
  2. BradH.
    May 16, 2007
    I've never written a review on here, but Bill K.'s comment hit the nail on the head so hard I had to give him credit. I can't even count how many times I've listened to reviewers on here, Amazon, etc. who told me I would LOVE the new (insert band name only five people have heard of) album. I listen to said album, and can't believe I got duped. Just because you I've never written a review on here, but Bill K.'s comment hit the nail on the head so hard I had to give him credit. I can't even count how many times I've listened to reviewers on here, Amazon, etc. who told me I would LOVE the new (insert band name only five people have heard of) album. I listen to said album, and can't believe I got duped. Just because you listen to something nobody's heard of, it doesn't make you cool, hip or sophisticated. I give Linkin Park a lot of credit for taking the chance to try something different for a change, since their last two original albums sounded way too similar. If they made ANOTHER Hybrid Theory, the the original Hybrid Theory wouldn't be so great anymore. Do you really want the same album again? Let HT & Meteora stand on their own, the same way M2M does. Expand
  3. BobM
    May 16, 2007
    The CD is not garbage and Linkin Park did do less raping on this but if you wanna hear more Mike Shinoda then go play some Fort Minor songs (Fort Minor is dope btw). The feal of this compared to there other albums is definitely different and I found the more I played it the more I liked it. Dont expect to press play and fall in love with this, it's more of a press play and play all The CD is not garbage and Linkin Park did do less raping on this but if you wanna hear more Mike Shinoda then go play some Fort Minor songs (Fort Minor is dope btw). The feal of this compared to there other albums is definitely different and I found the more I played it the more I liked it. Dont expect to press play and fall in love with this, it's more of a press play and play all the songs more then once to let it grow on you type CD. The door is open for LP and now they can go any direction they want... Expand
  4. VinceP.
    May 16, 2007
    First off, everyone please skip Bill K's review because it honestly made absolutely no sense whatsoever and he sounds like one of those typical hardcore linkin park fans who just give the new album a good review because they're his favorite band. Now, just listen to some of the lyrics in the 2nd track after the pointless UNORIGINAL intro track one (like that hasn't been First off, everyone please skip Bill K's review because it honestly made absolutely no sense whatsoever and he sounds like one of those typical hardcore linkin park fans who just give the new album a good review because they're his favorite band. Now, just listen to some of the lyrics in the 2nd track after the pointless UNORIGINAL intro track one (like that hasn't been done before over and over again). It sounds like some suicidal note left by a twelve year old kid over some Limp Bizkit "Results May Vary" guitar riff. Why Linkin park took so long to come out with this record is beyond me and my understanding. The songwriting is bad and the style of music on every track is inconsistent. The band is completely all over the place with the style of music for each song. It sounds like they couldn't agree on a new sound together and just had a deaf family member pick from the one hundred so called demos they wrote for the track listing of Minutes to Midnight. It's so sad that they actually think this is maturity and growth as a band because honestly it's not. It's filled with childish lyrics-wise and for God's sake why must every horrible band release a non original Bush-Bash track. Linkin park fell into the Limp Bizkit category with this album....boring immature rock/fort minor influenced CRAP! This album doesn't deserve to be released.......actually I correct myself, I am glad it was released to show that Linkin Park has done what all bad bands do....dig their own grave! Expand
  5. jasont
    May 16, 2007
    this is worse than the kevin federline record. a 0/0 is still too high for an atrocious record like this one.
  6. MikeN
    May 16, 2007
    This album was not what I was expecting but it ain't that bad. The Bush bash was welcome but too cliché for my taste. Their weakest album but still ok.
  7. JosephW
    May 15, 2007
    Linkin Park have redefined themselves in a much more melodic and mature way. Rick Rubin has managed to capture the 'raw' sound of LP on this CD, and has allowed LP to step up to a higher level.
  8. Air1M
    May 15, 2007
    Bottomline....The album is Intense with melody! Beware!!! There is a fake promo floating around for those downloaders. So Im sure many of the naysayers are hearing the fake. This one is Linkin Park and yes with rap, intense screaming and crunching metal riffs!!!! There are a a few ballads but its perfect for variety! I asure all readers this one is their best!
  9. EricB
    May 15, 2007
    Interestingly enough, the challenge it was to pick a rating for this album is a good indication of how confusing this album is to Linkin Park fans. I have loved Linkin Park ever since Hybrid Theory and this album was a big shock. I want to say it was a disappointment but we were warned that it would be a new style with a lot of experimenting. As music, it has a lot of good material. Some Interestingly enough, the challenge it was to pick a rating for this album is a good indication of how confusing this album is to Linkin Park fans. I have loved Linkin Park ever since Hybrid Theory and this album was a big shock. I want to say it was a disappointment but we were warned that it would be a new style with a lot of experimenting. As music, it has a lot of good material. Some cool vocals, some decent instrumentals, and even some sentimentality and depth to the lyrics. But where it really misses its mark is as a Linkin Park album. With all due respect, growth doesn't necessarily mean a band has to change its genre completely. I agree with all the fans who say, "I miss Linkin Park." Hopefully, this album reflects the band's interest in experimenting and they pull it together and make a more "LP" album the next time around. They need to consider the atmosphere at their concerts! This album sounds like a sit down concert to me and I don't go to those. Expand
  10. AndrewN
    May 15, 2007
    It will grow on me. I am not that impressed for all the recording time the said that they did. The album seems more emotional than their last albums, but I wish that it had some heavier songs.
  11. MattF
    May 15, 2007
    I waited a long time for this album and i just don't know what happened. "What i've done was amazing and after hearing the sinlge on the radio i was expecting new but great things. This was not what i expected. Its like re-animation all over again please no more.
  12. CJB
    May 15, 2007
    I thought this album was really a leap forward for LP and shows how they're willing to redefine their style for future albums.
  13. mikem
    May 15, 2007
    rip linkin park. This is soft mellow pop/soft rock. Everything that made lp great is now gone to mainstream garbage that you hear every day on the radio. R.I.P. - you guys were the best
  14. rafaelc
    May 15, 2007
    i actually like the album most of the songs are great, i just like hybrid theory and meteora better because i like those kind of music, theres not lots of heavy tracks and also i think linkin park was trying to please the critics more instead of the fans....i hope that that linkin parkwill make another album but a mix of this kind of songs and their old ones..linkinPARK RuLEs
  15. KeoT
    May 15, 2007
    Two good songs on it. The rest just plain stink. At least I have something to throw at my cat now. They could have rocked without going boring.
  16. TuanL
    May 15, 2007
    It may be different, but after a few listens, you'll find that there is much depth in the lyrics and that this effort, although not what we all expected, has shown growth and maturity in the band's sound.
  17. BrentA
    May 15, 2007
    I am fairly dissapointed with "Minutes to Midnight". They abandoned their old style and it just doesn't sound like them anymore. I also don't like how they've used more explicit content and Bush Bash.
  18. nicb
    May 15, 2007
    I believe that linkin park has left their hybrid theory and meteora fans behind in alienation. Their new cd is weak and should only be heard in elevators. I only hope that the pleas of the LPU nation will be heard. I miss my old linkin park.
  19. ScottT
    May 15, 2007
    What is going on? I know bands progress and people grow up, but this is ridiculous. The first tune sounds like something a high school band put together in their garage. I have nothing against them taking steps forward and chaning who they are, but this is a drastic, drastic step in a weird direction. You will not get rocked out, just lulled to sleep to a place of emo-wannabe dreams
  20. NebB
    May 15, 2007
    Unfortunately, they have chosen to sound more like Fall out Boy then a real rock group, it seems that most bands are doing that nowadays. Which is odd, because Fall out boy doesn't really classify as music, more like pain... agony too, can't forget agony. I think if I started listening to Fall out Boy, my ears would rebel from my head and start riots and the such. Same with this Unfortunately, they have chosen to sound more like Fall out Boy then a real rock group, it seems that most bands are doing that nowadays. Which is odd, because Fall out boy doesn't really classify as music, more like pain... agony too, can't forget agony. I think if I started listening to Fall out Boy, my ears would rebel from my head and start riots and the such. Same with this CD. They should now be known as Fall out Park, Linkin Boy, or some other catchy mixture of the two. That will be about as much fun you will have with this cd, might I add. 1/10 Expand
  21. BillK.
    May 15, 2007
    I look at the "professional" reviews above and it reminds me why I am disgusted by reviewers. I wish I could make them pay me back the money for all the crap artsy-experimental CDs I bought over the years from listening to their advice. This Linkin Park CD is amazing. Its less digital sound than the prior two studio albums but that's not a bad thing. They do both styles extremely I look at the "professional" reviews above and it reminds me why I am disgusted by reviewers. I wish I could make them pay me back the money for all the crap artsy-experimental CDs I bought over the years from listening to their advice. This Linkin Park CD is amazing. Its less digital sound than the prior two studio albums but that's not a bad thing. They do both styles extremely well. This album is going to get a lot of playing time from me and I guarantee you will love it as well. Big thumbs up! Expand
  22. ChrisH
    May 15, 2007
    The album is not very good. Too much singing. There isn't a good favorite on the cd. I hope it becomes an aquired taste.
  23. bryonm
    May 14, 2007
    this band is just plain terrible.
  24. KayKay
    May 14, 2007
    Maybe not their best album, but a good change. A record to be enjoyed more and more, each time you listen to it.
  25. decklinw
    May 14, 2007
    no more rap-rock.... instead they give you half-baked emo-rock! gimps
  26. MichaelB
    May 14, 2007
    This is going to be a good album.
  27. ChrisW
    May 13, 2007
    What happened to my favorite band? From a band that looked like they could do no wrong... countless hits, CD's with not a single bad track... an effortless flow, side projects that were groundbreaking... comes this? I feel so ripped off! OK, there's a couple good tracks that stand alone... but this CD has NO flow. It's just single tracks thrown together in no particular What happened to my favorite band? From a band that looked like they could do no wrong... countless hits, CD's with not a single bad track... an effortless flow, side projects that were groundbreaking... comes this? I feel so ripped off! OK, there's a couple good tracks that stand alone... but this CD has NO flow. It's just single tracks thrown together in no particular order. And what's with the hand clapping on Bleed It out? How do you call a song "Bleed It Out" and make it sound happy with screaming? That's just the biggest trainwreck of a song I have ever heard. And Chester sounds as soft as a Backstreet Boy on Leave Out All The Rest, while Mike Shinoda seems to have used all of his rhymes that he left off of Fort Minor for this album... or maybe he just had writers block? I really hope these guys make another album... and make it quick! This was supossed to be the band to "Rock the Next Decade"... but if this is what their going to put out... we will have to find someone else to carry the torch. Expand
  28. v1nc3
    May 13, 2007
    I think the CD is good, the rapping from Mike Shinoda is missed a lot in the album. Making this LP album cliche and similar to the other rock bands out there.
  29. [Anonymous]
    May 12, 2007
    Definately not their best material.
  30. Tyler
    May 12, 2007
    Trash. But what did you expect?
  31. JohnnyB
    May 11, 2007
    Although a much different style to the other linkin park albums, this lives up to the high expectation presented by the other 2. The first thing to notice is the lack of rapping, but this is made up by the quality of it one the few tracks that this is included and the overall quality of the album

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 15
  2. Negative: 3 out of 15
  1. The California rap-rockers are stymied by their decision to stay roughly within the shrieky boundaries of their genre (albeit with less emphasis on the rap).
  2. Amid the stabs at growth, every new effect sounds borrowed.
  3. As you might imagine, the band’s emo makeover doesn’t always go smoothly.