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  1. Aug 30, 2019
    It’s a weird listen, this one, and a disappointing one, because the band could’ve utilised the tamer, more accessible sound for better purposes. It’s not all bad, but it usually just ‘OK’ songs that, with a week more of ideas, would’ve sounded pretty good. The first half is slightly better, as it harkens to the band’s more rough sound, but even there, songs are pretty uninteresting.It’s a weird listen, this one, and a disappointing one, because the band could’ve utilised the tamer, more accessible sound for better purposes. It’s not all bad, but it usually just ‘OK’ songs that, with a week more of ideas, would’ve sounded pretty good. The first half is slightly better, as it harkens to the band’s more rough sound, but even there, songs are pretty uninteresting.
    Favourites: No More Sorrow
    Least Favourites: In Pieces, In Between, Hands Held High
  2. Feb 20, 2019
    This is such a weak album. It's beginning of the fall for Linkin Park. I remember when this album came out, it made me depressed at how mediocre it was. Then in 2010 A Thousand Suns came out and it made me appreciate this album, because here we have at least a couple of "good" songs. Also I blame Rick Rubin for the sound of the album... he's the one that told LP to go softer. When theyThis is such a weak album. It's beginning of the fall for Linkin Park. I remember when this album came out, it made me depressed at how mediocre it was. Then in 2010 A Thousand Suns came out and it made me appreciate this album, because here we have at least a couple of "good" songs. Also I blame Rick Rubin for the sound of the album... he's the one that told LP to go softer. When they played "Qwerty" back in 2006 everyone lost their s*** because of how amazing that track was and this? This is awful. Given Up, No More Sorrow, Bleed It Out and What I've Done are the only songs worth a listen. Don't buy this. Pickens condemns! Expand
  3. Jul 25, 2018
    This is such a weak album. It's beginning of the fall for Linkin Park. I remember when this album came out, it made me depressed at how mediocre it was. Then in 2010 A Thousand Suns came out and it made me appreciate this album, because here we have at least a couple of "good" songs. Also I blame Rick Rubin for the sound of the album... he's the one that told LP to go softer. When theyThis is such a weak album. It's beginning of the fall for Linkin Park. I remember when this album came out, it made me depressed at how mediocre it was. Then in 2010 A Thousand Suns came out and it made me appreciate this album, because here we have at least a couple of "good" songs. Also I blame Rick Rubin for the sound of the album... he's the one that told LP to go softer. When they played "Qwerty" back in 2006 everyone lost their s*** because of how amazing that track was and this? This is awful. Given Up, No More Sorrow, Bleed It Out and What I've Done are the only songs worth a listen. Don't buy this. Pickens condemns! Expand
  4. Jul 18, 2017
    it was okay.....................................................................................................................................................
  5. DME
    Jul 23, 2016
    It's a mixed bag. A few songs, like What I've Done, Bleed It Out, Leave Out All The Rest, and Given Up, are above-average tracks definitely worth listening to. But other songs aren't so great.
  6. Sep 24, 2015
    It's true that I may be biased, but the best songs on Minutes to Midnight are the ones where Linkin Park push themselves to make sonically-heavy songs that break barriers. "Given Up", for example, is intense and features an amazing vocal performance by Bennington, but tracks like "Hands Held High" feel cathartic.
  7. Apr 30, 2015
    Linkin Park was my favourite band, the first of which I ever owned an album of...I remember my family laughing at me because I stood under the shower, shouting with Chester during songs like With You or Papercut, there were feelings in their songs that just wanted you to move and join in singing. But it seems all gone with MtM. Some of the songs are ok, they are radio-friendly enough forLinkin Park was my favourite band, the first of which I ever owned an album of...I remember my family laughing at me because I stood under the shower, shouting with Chester during songs like With You or Papercut, there were feelings in their songs that just wanted you to move and join in singing. But it seems all gone with MtM. Some of the songs are ok, they are radio-friendly enough for sure, but somehow the magic is gone. There is nothing left making me dance, the hard beats are mostly gone, replaced by pop-ish sounds which sound like they were made to please the biggest possible amount of people. I know that I am doing injustice to a good band which has tried reinventing itself and its really sad because they are all such talents in their individual roles, but despite all this the album just seems to fall short in every possible way compared to their older ones. Expand
  8. Jun 2, 2013
    A change in their sound, not really for worse though. Some of the songs are really forgettable, but there are some strong points. I think the softer songs are the worse part of this album, and the harder/heavier songs come of as the stronger.
  9. Jun 29, 2012
    A very mixed bag. While this is not as good as Hybrid Theory, Meteora, or Living Things, it is CERTAINLY better than the album it precedes; A Thousand Suns. Although a bit on the radio friendly side, Minutes offers up some very great additions to Linkin Park's catalogue such as What I've Done, Given Up, Bleed It Out, No More Sorrow, and Hands Held High. The same cannot however be saidA very mixed bag. While this is not as good as Hybrid Theory, Meteora, or Living Things, it is CERTAINLY better than the album it precedes; A Thousand Suns. Although a bit on the radio friendly side, Minutes offers up some very great additions to Linkin Park's catalogue such as What I've Done, Given Up, Bleed It Out, No More Sorrow, and Hands Held High. The same cannot however be said for the rest of the album. Other than the aforementioned songs the album is practically all filler. In Between is a dull monotone song with Shinda on vocals, Valentines Day is the most emo "kill yourself to" song I've ever heard, and Shadow of the Day sounds like the band is trying to appeal to high school teenage girls. I wouldn't necessarily say pass on the album as some of the songs are very good, but definitely consider getting the "good" songs off of iTunes or something and skip over the filler. Expand
  10. Apr 20, 2012
    I enjoyed the first two, this one was rather dissapointing. Despite the albums best "Bleed it out", the lyrics were repetitive amd the album was boring. I recommend Three Days Grace's upcoming 2012 album over the Linkin Park record coming this year.
  11. Nov 14, 2011
    Really just proves how mainstream LP has gotten, They have left their unique sound for now a generic rock/pop band sort of feel and it disapoints. While you may enjoy the track, Any fan of the old LP will be disapointed with it.
  12. Aug 31, 2010
    I give these guys credit for trying something new. Unfortunately about half of the songs I really could not like despite I tried my best but they all sounds kind of the same. The other half of the songs were solid and awesome. Despite having some disappointment in it I felt that it was worth my money to buy and I am excited about the next album
  13. Aug 19, 2010
    Sure, it does have some quality tunes but this album pretty much falls apart halfway through the album. Hybrid Theory sounded better than this and even that album wasn't hugely special. Dull, tedious and uninspired.
  14. BenF
    Feb 9, 2009
    Ok, could have been better by a lot because it is more boring than their previous albums because it has less metal and rap to it. I love "Given Up" and "Bleed It Out". "What I've Done" is okay but the sound is not very good or exciting. Meteora and Hybrid Theory are a lot better.
  15. nickr
    Nov 17, 2008
    What the fuck is this!? This was my birthday present. and because having your arms broken during my birthday just wasn't enough i had to endure this. I put a 5 because its only good for slow songs.
  16. SimonB
    May 13, 2008
    No. Just no. I was looking for some hard-edge music the other day. So I got myself Minutes to Midnight. What I got was a serenade to ... well, Chester in general. How come in the last few years, pop culture has been able to make bands rise to fame, only to have said bands fuck everything over in a swift attempt to do a complete make-over? I'd like this album if it didn't have a No. Just no. I was looking for some hard-edge music the other day. So I got myself Minutes to Midnight. What I got was a serenade to ... well, Chester in general. How come in the last few years, pop culture has been able to make bands rise to fame, only to have said bands fuck everything over in a swift attempt to do a complete make-over? I'd like this album if it didn't have a few things I despise: Songs often including the word "Dark" for the sake of being dark. I'm giving it a four because of the main single, Bleed It Out and Given Up. Two points go to Given Up's salivating 17 seconds shriek which somehow makes my teeth grit in positive rage. I really feel his anger there. Bleed It Out was what I like Linkin Park to be, with its slightly more garage sound and rough lyrics. While What I've Done is a very good example of transition. Even though it sounds very pop, I admit that I love it thoroughly. If more songs had been like those I mentioned, I think I would have liked this album more. Instead, it's just Linkin Park flirting with Emo. Expand
  17. MarkJ.
    Dec 5, 2007
    Linkin Park needs to stick to what they do best -- nice sounding, radio-ready nu-metal. Attempting to find a place where they are anything more then that is a disservice to the fans of the original material. 6 points for What I've Done and Bleed It Out, the only two songs that feel like Linkin Park.
  18. JackP.
    Nov 24, 2007
    Linkin Park's worst album by far. An unholy mess of bad singing and messed up songwrting with a few good beats, but not many.
  19. DrewG
    Aug 5, 2007
    i've only listened to 5-6 of the songs and, quite honestly, i don't really want to listen to more. i enjoyed "what i've done" the first few times, but after overusing it in transformers tv spots, it got kind of annoying. "bleed it out" is all right, only because it's quite different than the others. other than those two, the cd's a load of garbage. get What i've only listened to 5-6 of the songs and, quite honestly, i don't really want to listen to more. i enjoyed "what i've done" the first few times, but after overusing it in transformers tv spots, it got kind of annoying. "bleed it out" is all right, only because it's quite different than the others. other than those two, the cd's a load of garbage. get What I've Done and Bleed it Out as singles, but do not buy this cd! Expand
  20. InsertNameHere
    Aug 4, 2007
    The album is very different from the previous albums and a lot of the songs are...quieter, not what I expected from a new Linkin Park album and the first time I listened to it I was disgusted at the vast majority of the CD, but No More Sorrow, What I've Done, Given Up, and Bleed It Out give an otherwise horrible album some life.
  21. mikeb
    Aug 2, 2007
    I think LP's new album is more creative than thier last, seeing that they added a few songs that were slower and some more political, but they strayed to far from thier roots to far...its an ok album
  22. wesc
    Aug 1, 2007
    it isnt all that great coming from a band like Linkin Park
  23. GrahamH
    Jul 14, 2007
    Average album that is surprisingly selling very well. I guess people are buying beofre hearing it. I did. Hopefully next time they try to combine the good elements of this sound with there old sound
  24. MysteriousNJ
    Jun 21, 2007
    i have been a great fan of linkin park and i loved their image and style they had before .their lyrics were amazing but now some songs in this album are nonsense and they sorta turned out to be like other bands that makes u wonder if they are listening to what they are singing.Their music is still rocking and i supprt their antiwar thing.i like only 6 songs from this album that's i have been a great fan of linkin park and i loved their image and style they had before .their lyrics were amazing but now some songs in this album are nonsense and they sorta turned out to be like other bands that makes u wonder if they are listening to what they are singing.Their music is still rocking and i supprt their antiwar thing.i like only 6 songs from this album that's it.this album is just good not excellent not the best. Expand
  25. zelisia21
    Jun 18, 2007
    I was expecting something really good...but this time LP let me down!!Where is the old hard sound of guitar?Why all this pop thing?Money? favorite group turned into a greenday-SoaD-coldplay album.''No more sorrow'' and ''Wake'' are worth listening..Guys I want LP back!NO MORE POP ! THAT'S ENOUGH..
  26. JimboH
    Jun 9, 2007
    The variety on the CD favors buying the tracks individually after you listen to a preview because there are only 2 nu-metal songs, a couple songs that sound like a few of the other songs you hear this year, some that sound... different, and one thats not really much of a song. Definately a more mature sounding CD, but maybe thats not what everyone is listening for.
  27. NourezR
    Jun 7, 2007
    I was expecting a radical change from LP previous work when I listened to this album for the first time, so I was not surprised by the poppy, emo feel of this album, but thats not my largest gripe with M2M. I enjoyed this album to an extent, and some of the songs are really quite good. But the albums problem is that there is an abysmal lack of variety. Think of My December with every I was expecting a radical change from LP previous work when I listened to this album for the first time, so I was not surprised by the poppy, emo feel of this album, but thats not my largest gripe with M2M. I enjoyed this album to an extent, and some of the songs are really quite good. But the albums problem is that there is an abysmal lack of variety. Think of My December with every possible set of lyrics and you have a general idea of what this album is about. That is not to say that all of the songs are rewritten My Decembers. Given Up is a good song that is more in the classic LP vein, and their older fans will definatly enjoy this song. There are also two songs with mike rapping, but they sound a hell of a lot more like fort minor that classic LP, so you may or may not ejoy them. My final gripe about the album is the truly pointless swearing. I will state right now that I have nothing against profanity in music if it has a PURPOSE (an example of this for me would me My Chemical Romance's "Mama"), but this CDs swearing is so pointless at times you feel that the profanity was added just for the sake of getting a lyric warning on the cover of the CD in order to attract a teenage audience. I mean, given up has more f-bombs than I can count, but they really don't add anything to the song, really pushing the limit of how far LP can venture from their old work. But in the end (pun not intended), M2M provided a decent listening experience if you want a simple, average album to listen to when you have no real reason to listen to anything else, or you just want to practice you swearing singing along to Given Up. Definaty Listen to Valentines Day and Given Up, the only truly great songs on the album. Expand
  28. ChristopherA
    Jun 5, 2007
    Only two tracks from this album found themselves worthy to be put on my mp3 player. I have always loved Linkin Park, but this album tries my faith...
  29. FrederickS
    May 29, 2007
    This could have been a lot better. Only a few good tracks. It seems like they didn't know how to maintain a style in any particular track, either.. It changed too often. Seemed a little unstable, but worth a few listens... and that's it.
  30. JoeA
    May 27, 2007
    Linkin Park has improved the lyrical and thematic elements on their music, but in their effort to craft something beyond their nu-metal niche they have lost the excitement and energy that mad e their previous studio albums so much fun. The album is alright, but most Linkin Park fans will be (and, as far as I've seen, are) disappointed.
  31. maplejet
    May 25, 2007
    Not a great album, but not an entire failure. However, it's a splitting point for LP's fanbase as expect a lot of fans to leave...they'll get new fans though from the other songs.
  32. Marc.D.
    May 23, 2007
    Two important questions come to mind when you approach the topic of a new Linkin Park album. 1) Are they still clinging to the marketable 'clean' nu-metal which was their claim to fame? and 2) If so...are they anything more than listenable? The answers to both lie somewhere in between. With the band attempting a genre makeover in the hopes of riding the emo wave which has Two important questions come to mind when you approach the topic of a new Linkin Park album. 1) Are they still clinging to the marketable 'clean' nu-metal which was their claim to fame? and 2) If so...are they anything more than listenable? The answers to both lie somewhere in between. With the band attempting a genre makeover in the hopes of riding the emo wave which has gripped the music world since 05...the band serves to alienate it's existing fanbase while simultaneously blocking off new fans with their limited abilities at emulating the source material from other styles. Simply's not horrible. There's worse...but in an age of easy downloads and sampling before purchases...this album is going to rot on some shelves. Expand
  33. MattD.
    May 22, 2007
    They've gotten away from the annoying rap/rock genre, only to not develop a style of their own. They don't have the talent to sound like good imitators.
  34. Tarindel
    May 21, 2007
    It's not a horrible album, but it's not a great album either. It's pretty disappointing coming on the heals of the phenomenal Meterora. It sounds like of like Linkin Park does U2. And no, that's not a complement.
  35. JoaquinC
    May 20, 2007
    The record itself its not bad. The songs are not bad. But I can assure you that it is not made by Linkin Park. What happend to their own style??? I can hear from U2, Tool, Slipknot and some Emo-crap bands in this CD! And what happened to the whole "we don't swear" policy, that was so original nowadays? And what is with the whole "Amen!" chorus in "Hands held high"? When did they The record itself its not bad. The songs are not bad. But I can assure you that it is not made by Linkin Park. What happend to their own style??? I can hear from U2, Tool, Slipknot and some Emo-crap bands in this CD! And what happened to the whole "we don't swear" policy, that was so original nowadays? And what is with the whole "Amen!" chorus in "Hands held high"? When did they start using religious content? This is NOT Linkin Park. You may or may not like the songs, but you will not get Linkin Park in this CD. Its a shame, I loved LP, they were original. Expand
  36. JaymeeB
    May 19, 2007
    Im just a little disapointed with this album i luv linkin park but this it's linkin park what happened to hard rock like the ablum Meterora? Minutes to Midnight is a good album but needs to be more harder than softer
  37. MikeL
    May 19, 2007
    The first song Given Up is a fairly accurate description of what this album sounds like. A weak attempt from a band burnt out of ideas. More political lyrics and swearing doesn't make this a more mature album, it's a devolution if anything. I liked the single What I've Done, but I'm still to find another song I enjoy at all here, they range from average to abysmal. The first song Given Up is a fairly accurate description of what this album sounds like. A weak attempt from a band burnt out of ideas. More political lyrics and swearing doesn't make this a more mature album, it's a devolution if anything. I liked the single What I've Done, but I'm still to find another song I enjoy at all here, they range from average to abysmal. Hopefully not the end of Linkin Park, but they'll need to do much better next time to get back any credibility from me. Expand
  38. PepperR
    May 19, 2007
    I feel so betrayed. I am such a LP fan... and this is what I get for waiting so long for the album to be released??? Yawn. After I listened to it, I went back to other albums and compared notes. The songs on the new album are a tease, never building to any climax and lack the intensity of old LP. There are no real heavy hooks. The album seems to have been made for thirteen year old emo I feel so betrayed. I am such a LP fan... and this is what I get for waiting so long for the album to be released??? Yawn. After I listened to it, I went back to other albums and compared notes. The songs on the new album are a tease, never building to any climax and lack the intensity of old LP. There are no real heavy hooks. The album seems to have been made for thirteen year old emo kids. This identity crisis has taken away the blend of rap, electronic accents and heavy, angsty rock that made them so good. Better to be the best at one style than mediocre at a few. I hope this album gets re-mixed somehow... or this is a very late April Fool's joke. Expand
  39. Daniel
    May 19, 2007
    This band, instead of moving forward, has devolved. This album is not as good, or anywhere near as good, as Hybrid Theory (or even Meteora) in any aspect. Do not buy this.
  40. BrianP
    May 18, 2007
    I don't know why they felt like they had to abandon their roots (for the most part) on this album. Rap/rock may be way past it's shelf date, but LP was one of the bands that stood out in the crowd. This album sounds relatively tame. I could only find 3 decent tracks in the set!
  41. jesses
    May 17, 2007
    Not the old Linkin Park, and for the worse. They have declined in musical maturity and have turned to the same emo/political oriented songs as other artists. They throw around obscene words just to draw attention with little or no purpose at all. They are only going down hill from here.
  42. AllenO
    May 17, 2007
    They gave in to the industry...plain and simple. None of their originality shines in this album. Probably the person to thank for this is producer, Rick Rubin. Let one person produce all the music and it will all sound the same (i.e. Timbaland). The only way to save this album is if they completely remixed it and called the album "Sorry For The Crappy CD....All Sales Final."
  43. RamzeezeBlujay
    May 17, 2007
    I loved Hybrid Theory and Meteora but this cd is quite different. i love linkin park but this cd is actually dissapointing. I had high hopes because i kind of like "What I've Done" and i listened to some of the other songs im like "what the heck is this?" it was linkin park. they should forget the new stuff and go back to the rap metal.
  44. AKitchel
    May 17, 2007
    I went out to buy the cd after hearing only one song, assuming it was going to be as great as previous ones, I was wrong... dead wrong. I'll love Linkin Park till the end of time but this cd is BAD. They sound like everyone else and it felt like i was stabbed through the heart. I miss Chester's hard rock voice, and I don't want this... crap. One word. Unbelievable. And not I went out to buy the cd after hearing only one song, assuming it was going to be as great as previous ones, I was wrong... dead wrong. I'll love Linkin Park till the end of time but this cd is BAD. They sound like everyone else and it felt like i was stabbed through the heart. I miss Chester's hard rock voice, and I don't want this... crap. One word. Unbelievable. And not in the good way. Expand
  45. Punti
    May 17, 2007
    5 is just bcos its linkin park n Bcos of hybrid n meteora ..... not all tracks r bad but this LP NO !!!! .... with rick n mike producin i was really lookin 4ward to this album .... im disappointed after meteora this is wat u come out with ... i get experimentin with sound but they sound ntn like LP ..LP Rec'ed 100 hrs of music 4 this album ... i guess they selected the wrong 1 hr 4 5 is just bcos its linkin park n Bcos of hybrid n meteora ..... not all tracks r bad but this LP NO !!!! .... with rick n mike producin i was really lookin 4ward to this album .... im disappointed after meteora this is wat u come out with ... i get experimentin with sound but they sound ntn like LP ..LP Rec'ed 100 hrs of music 4 this album ... i guess they selected the wrong 1 hr 4 this album .. Expand
  46. RandyM
    May 17, 2007
    Completely a bad way. I miss the old Linkin Park
  47. MartyD
    May 17, 2007
    All Music Guide was right when they gave this 2/5. This album is not as good as their other works, and only has a couple of good songs.
  48. JosephK
    May 17, 2007
    mediocre. Obviously they've tried so hard to come up with this record, but those efforts are unfortunately nothing new. Nu-metal is nothing new, and what's worse is that they're trying to catch up by trying to go emo, which is also nothing new. Hopefully their next album will bring out the more progressive side of the band. Who knows, another 3-4 years?
  49. TamiH
    May 17, 2007
    I gave this a 5 because I only liked 1/2 of the songs. The songs that rock, really rock, but the slow songs - way too many slow emo songs. In an album that only has 11 songs (I don't count the minute-and-a-half instrumental), that sucks. I was so looking foward to this album - all I can say is that I'm disappointed. As another user said, I miss my old Linkin Park.
  50. mattg
    May 16, 2007
    I hate all the people that say this is a result of the band maturing... What putting out a cd that (except for like 3 tracks) emo ,put you to sleep tunes ?They even include politics throughout the cd which i felt was a big mistake and brings it down. LP strayed far from its style and alienated like 80% of its fanbase with this cd.. Pure disappointment...
  51. Brian
    May 16, 2007
    Lacking the excitement of the first two, and all the politics in this album don't help too. Not to offend, they're no Michael Stipe.
  52. Busted...
    May 16, 2007
    Not what I was expecting. I thought a heavier sound was in the line up. The electronic beats just aren't as powerful as before; they all seem composed of borrowed sounds. A little too U2 for me
  53. octavianm
    May 16, 2007
    i tried to like this album i really did but the fact is it just doesnt do justice for the 4 years of waiting. they said they produced 100 demo tracks but then why did they put in only 12, most of which dont sound very special anyway? i understand the concept of trying to reinvent yourself but linkin park already invented a whole music genre, so the fact that they chose to "go back" to old i tried to like this album i really did but the fact is it just doesnt do justice for the 4 years of waiting. they said they produced 100 demo tracks but then why did they put in only 12, most of which dont sound very special anyway? i understand the concept of trying to reinvent yourself but linkin park already invented a whole music genre, so the fact that they chose to "go back" to old school music instruments is the very oposite of reinvention. i really hope they try to go back to their roots and do something really great on their next album. if u happen to like this one, then great, but for me it just really doesnt say anything at all Expand
  54. VinceP.
    May 16, 2007
    First off, everyone please skip Bill K's review because it honestly made absolutely no sense whatsoever and he sounds like one of those typical hardcore linkin park fans who just give the new album a good review because they're his favorite band. Now, just listen to some of the lyrics in the 2nd track after the pointless UNORIGINAL intro track one (like that hasn't been First off, everyone please skip Bill K's review because it honestly made absolutely no sense whatsoever and he sounds like one of those typical hardcore linkin park fans who just give the new album a good review because they're his favorite band. Now, just listen to some of the lyrics in the 2nd track after the pointless UNORIGINAL intro track one (like that hasn't been done before over and over again). It sounds like some suicidal note left by a twelve year old kid over some Limp Bizkit "Results May Vary" guitar riff. Why Linkin park took so long to come out with this record is beyond me and my understanding. The songwriting is bad and the style of music on every track is inconsistent. The band is completely all over the place with the style of music for each song. It sounds like they couldn't agree on a new sound together and just had a deaf family member pick from the one hundred so called demos they wrote for the track listing of Minutes to Midnight. It's so sad that they actually think this is maturity and growth as a band because honestly it's not. It's filled with childish lyrics-wise and for God's sake why must every horrible band release a non original Bush-Bash track. Linkin park fell into the Limp Bizkit category with this album....boring immature rock/fort minor influenced CRAP! This album doesn't deserve to be released.......actually I correct myself, I am glad it was released to show that Linkin Park has done what all bad bands do....dig their own grave! Expand
  55. EricB
    May 15, 2007
    Interestingly enough, the challenge it was to pick a rating for this album is a good indication of how confusing this album is to Linkin Park fans. I have loved Linkin Park ever since Hybrid Theory and this album was a big shock. I want to say it was a disappointment but we were warned that it would be a new style with a lot of experimenting. As music, it has a lot of good material. Some Interestingly enough, the challenge it was to pick a rating for this album is a good indication of how confusing this album is to Linkin Park fans. I have loved Linkin Park ever since Hybrid Theory and this album was a big shock. I want to say it was a disappointment but we were warned that it would be a new style with a lot of experimenting. As music, it has a lot of good material. Some cool vocals, some decent instrumentals, and even some sentimentality and depth to the lyrics. But where it really misses its mark is as a Linkin Park album. With all due respect, growth doesn't necessarily mean a band has to change its genre completely. I agree with all the fans who say, "I miss Linkin Park." Hopefully, this album reflects the band's interest in experimenting and they pull it together and make a more "LP" album the next time around. They need to consider the atmosphere at their concerts! This album sounds like a sit down concert to me and I don't go to those. Expand
  56. MattF
    May 15, 2007
    I waited a long time for this album and i just don't know what happened. "What i've done was amazing and after hearing the sinlge on the radio i was expecting new but great things. This was not what i expected. Its like re-animation all over again please no more.
  57. BrentA
    May 15, 2007
    I am fairly dissapointed with "Minutes to Midnight". They abandoned their old style and it just doesn't sound like them anymore. I also don't like how they've used more explicit content and Bush Bash.
  58. nicb
    May 15, 2007
    I believe that linkin park has left their hybrid theory and meteora fans behind in alienation. Their new cd is weak and should only be heard in elevators. I only hope that the pleas of the LPU nation will be heard. I miss my old linkin park.
  59. ChrisH
    May 15, 2007
    The album is not very good. Too much singing. There isn't a good favorite on the cd. I hope it becomes an aquired taste.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 15
  2. Negative: 3 out of 15
  1. The California rap-rockers are stymied by their decision to stay roughly within the shrieky boundaries of their genre (albeit with less emphasis on the rap).
  2. Amid the stabs at growth, every new effect sounds borrowed.
  3. As you might imagine, the band’s emo makeover doesn’t always go smoothly.