• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Jul 28, 2009
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 36 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 36
  2. Negative: 3 out of 36

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  1. Apr 2, 2013
    With Midlife, I had a chance to know about Blur. I am not a brit pop fan, but Bluris actually cool, because of their upbeat songs. They remind of Ramones. I love Parklife, Song 2, Beetlebum, She's So High, etc. Some of the songs are cheesy. If you listen to them, you'll think you're playing Ape Escape. Anyway it's an OK album. It's an OK band. In my oppinion they're not the greatest bandWith Midlife, I had a chance to know about Blur. I am not a brit pop fan, but Bluris actually cool, because of their upbeat songs. They remind of Ramones. I love Parklife, Song 2, Beetlebum, She's So High, etc. Some of the songs are cheesy. If you listen to them, you'll think you're playing Ape Escape. Anyway it's an OK album. It's an OK band. In my oppinion they're not the greatest band you'll ever see. But in these past they've stood out. However, once more, it's an OK band. Expand
  2. j30
    Dec 7, 2011
    This is a great introduction, however, individual albums such as Parklife, 13, and Think Tank are albums you must hear
  3. Dec 30, 2010
    The best, or at least the most continually adaptive british band of the 90's/00's. From baggy shoegazing swirliness of She's So High, through britpop cheeriness, to stripped down american lo-fi, with some electronic beats and even a bit of Moroccan influence, it's hard to not call Blur at the least, diverse. Containing the classic singles (the addition of Popscene is very welcome), a fewThe best, or at least the most continually adaptive british band of the 90's/00's. From baggy shoegazing swirliness of She's So High, through britpop cheeriness, to stripped down american lo-fi, with some electronic beats and even a bit of Moroccan influence, it's hard to not call Blur at the least, diverse. Containing the classic singles (the addition of Popscene is very welcome), a few specially chosen album additions, such as the peerless This is a Low, all combine to make this a quick guide to a great band. Expand
  4. PatoR.
    Jul 30, 2009
    A great compilation of, perhaps, the best band of the last 2 decades.

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. while Midlife could have used a heavier dose of this side of Blur, there's not a bad track here, and the set also brings their glorious, epoch-creating single 'Popscene' back into circulation.
  2. With the original foursome reunited it's as well that Midlife dwells mainly on the music they made together. As a playlist of what Blur were and capable of, it suggests a band with few peers.
  3. Blur went from wanna-be's ("Popscene") to provocateurs ("Parklife") to artistes ("Beetlebum") to world travelers ("Good Song"), and, rare moments of torpid dross aside, remained fascinating with each mood change.