
Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
  1. On the surface, it's bright and accessible, as easy to enjoy as the best of Paul's solo albums, but it lingers in the heart and mind in a way uncommon to the rest of his work, and to many other latter-day albums from his peers as well.
  2. Billboard
    Satisfying. [9 Jun 2007]
  3. Blender
    The oompah-oompah music-hall bounce, jolly sing-along tunes and attitude of playful whimsy haven't changed. [Jul 2007, p.116]
  4. This collection is filled with half-baked ideas and shallow reminiscences, a pair of dated rockers, and one meditation on mortality that manages to be maudlin and bubble-headed at the same time. It smacks of Wings at its goofiest.
  5. Where once Macca seduced us with great melodies, simple songs and great musicians, here the musical sledgehammer is on show too often.
  6. His best record since 1989's Flowers in the Dirt, Memory is beautifully elegiac and surprisingly caffeinated.
  7. It's a poignant record, but McCartney balances his recollections with reminders that life is still about what's happening here and now.
  8. Missing, thankfully, are the twee Paulie-isms that often insult our intelligence, making Memory Almost Full that rare thing, a modern-day Paul McCartney you can listen to without wincing.
  9. An album full of perfect pop songs, which borrow and rework musical themes and motifs from across 40 years of McCartney's career.
  10. Not quite double thumbs aloft then, but way fabber than it has any right to be.
  11. In the end, Memory Almost Full is a reliable, easy record for a man who’s been far too reliable for his own good.
  12. A combination of insipid songs and uniformly soulless performances, it deserves high placement among the other legendary Macca misfires Pipes Of Peace, Press To Play, Off The Ground, Tug Of War and Red Rose Speedway.
  13. It's a way more focused album than usual.
  14. An album that turns out to be a lot more idiosyncratic than its coffee-chain marketing plan suggests.
  15. Younger bands may do “Beatlesque” better than McCartney these days, but there’s still an evocation of sentimental, effervescent charm to everything he touches.
  16. By McCartney's recent standards, the album justifies the pop eccentricity he pursues so imperturbably.
  17. The production quality does most of the work here, because when you listen, everything seems relatively simple. And that’s not a bad thing by any means.
  18. Memory Almost Full is as good as an album as this devotee of frivolity can make in his mid-sixties.
  19. Memory Almost Full is actually worth hearing after you pay for your tall café au lait.
  20. While his voice remains remarkably unweathered, equally at home with a feral screech or a soft purr, his frequent, chirpy nods to his past... sound lumpishly heavy.
  21. It has a simplicity that gives it a rougher, rockier, more homespun sound than most of his recent albums.
  22. Uncut
    As boisterously sentimental as The Cavern at closing time. [Jul 2007, p.106]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 173 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 17 out of 173
  1. Dec 15, 2014
    Its not the Beatles but this album is really good, if this is what Paul is producing in his Autumn years then carry on producing really greatIts not the Beatles but this album is really good, if this is what Paul is producing in his Autumn years then carry on producing really great eclectic music like this . I love it ! Full Review »
  2. PamM
    Sep 21, 2007
    First listen I had a few favorites... and kept mentally humming them long afterwards. Second listen, I added a few more faves... now on my First listen I had a few favorites... and kept mentally humming them long afterwards. Second listen, I added a few more faves... now on my umpteenthing listen, I like them all to some degree! Full Review »
  3. LeonL.
    Sep 15, 2007
    I don't care what you wanna be, I go back so far, I'm in front of me ! Paul is the best singer, musician and songwriter ever !!! I don't care what you wanna be, I go back so far, I'm in front of me ! Paul is the best singer, musician and songwriter ever !!! Die suckers !!! Full Review »