• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Feb 5, 2021
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 101 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 76 out of 101
  2. Negative: 7 out of 101
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  1. Jun 1, 2023
    Não é o melhor álbum que o Foo Fighters lançou mas mantém um bom nível da banda, apresentou alguns hits para serem tocados em shows.
  2. May 2, 2021
    "Medicine At Midnight" is not a record you would expect from Foo Fighters, but it is still packed with contagious riffs, exciting tunes and powerful drummings that have established the band as a staple of modern rock. The album opener "Making a Fire" has potentials to be a summer radio hit with singalong "na-na-na" and catchy hooks that provide a great vision of what Dave Grohl and co is"Medicine At Midnight" is not a record you would expect from Foo Fighters, but it is still packed with contagious riffs, exciting tunes and powerful drummings that have established the band as a staple of modern rock. The album opener "Making a Fire" has potentials to be a summer radio hit with singalong "na-na-na" and catchy hooks that provide a great vision of what Dave Grohl and co is aiming for. Leading single "Shame Shame" channels Grohl's admiration for David Bowie and Prince, as the band charges into new territories. "Cloudspotters" follow up with even greater surprises with verses that go as poppy as Foo Fighters can ever be, juxtaposed by a banger of a chorus. The album continues to keep listeners not knowing what to expect, from the slow-burn ballad "Waiting On a War" and the 80s dance rock title track to the Motorhead-inspired headbanger-worthy "No Son of Mine" and the party-all-night "Holding Poison". For me, the somber slow rock "Chasing Birds" is the most memorable surprise when Grohl demonstrates his rarely shown tender vocals, accompanied by soothing guitar strumming and drumming. The album closer "Love Dies Young" is the weakest track for me and it fails to end the record on a high note.

    Overall, I don't have much to criticize this record. Most songs are pretty enjoyable to listen. The band continues to expand their illustrious catalog with new sounds and they have done most things right. That said, I don't think this album or any song from it will end up in my 2021 favorite playlist. They are all fun songs that get me party hard but none of them establishes a strong personal bond with me and no song particularly stands out as a classic. There is no problem with that at all, as long as Foo Fighters had some fun creating the record and I had some fun listening to their creative and ever-evolving works. "Medicine At Midnight" is worthy a listen and enjoy jamming along it!

    Highlights: Making A Fire, Medicine At Midnight, Holding Poison, Chasing Birds
    Rating: 7.4/10
  3. Mar 1, 2021
    Energetic and wasted no time! One of the most consistent records by a band that's hardly changed their style in over 25 years. Absolutely love it!
  4. Feb 22, 2021
    Caught me off guard at first with the funky sound, but after a few listens this is actually pretty fun has a great overall sound to it.
  5. Feb 16, 2021
    Das Album hatte Potenzial, dass leider nicht genug Ausgearbeitet wurde. Ein paar Lieder wirken für mich ein wenig zu nichtssagend. Trotzdem ein gutes Album.
  6. Feb 14, 2021
    Having risen from the ashes of grunge rock, Foo Fighters have gifted their hardcore fan base with a tenth studio release and the first since 2017’s Concrete and Gold. With Medicine at Midnight, the band remains deeply entrenched inside a groove they’ve carved for themselves out of which it is so difficult to climb. Let’s face it, the formula pleases fans, supports the crew, appeases theHaving risen from the ashes of grunge rock, Foo Fighters have gifted their hardcore fan base with a tenth studio release and the first since 2017’s Concrete and Gold. With Medicine at Midnight, the band remains deeply entrenched inside a groove they’ve carved for themselves out of which it is so difficult to climb. Let’s face it, the formula pleases fans, supports the crew, appeases the record company, and further solidifies their standing in the pantheon of rock royalty.

    Make no mistake, their standing is well earned. Dave Grohl has carried the band forward through tragedy and travesty, proving that which does not kill a rock band only serves to make it stronger. Nirvana was but a starting point. Grohl seasoned that sound with flights of fancy taking it to new sonic heights. Remarkably, Foo Fighters come across as an amalgamation of the history of rock music. There are traces of early ‘70’s Mountain and Foghat fused with ‘80s Rick James and ‘90’s Wu-Tang Clan. Alongside Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters rescued rock music from the fraudulent grasp of hair metal.

    Medicine at Midnight starts with a bang and then retreats to the safety of the commonplace.
    “Making a Fire” is as fresh and intoxicating as you’ll hear from this band. Riding on a funk groove that would make Nile Rodgers sit up and take notice, “Shame Shame” is the real standout. The groove stays sharp on “Cloudspotter” while “Waiting on a War” turns back to an acoustic backbone supporting so many of their past hits. From this point on, the album takes a turn toward the typical failing to move the listener emotionally in any clear direction.

    All in all, Medicine at Midnight keeps the Foo Fighters legacy of hard-driving rockers with a hybrid sound replete with nods to their forefathers well intact.
  7. Feb 12, 2021
    Foo Fighters have lost most of the edge that they had in the past but taking their sound in new direction really payed off on this record.
  8. Feb 12, 2021
    It's not a terrible album, but Foo Fighters seem stuck in a generic style since a long time ago. There's a couple of good tunes inside, but none that memorable. A pretty forgettable work from a band that certainly will get in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame this year.
  9. Feb 11, 2021
    Best Foo Fighters album since Wasting Lights and probably one of the best albums of 2021. 9 very different songs to eachother that makes you wanna listen the whole album over and over again! Cloudspotter is one masterpiece.
  10. Feb 11, 2021
    I like the song "Waiting on a War", the only song that sounds like Foo Fighters, to me. The rest sounds like they are trying every pop, and hoping something sticks. Lyrics are simplified, sound undercooked. The music sound uninspired and lacks feeling. They have lost their way since the last 3-4 albums.
  11. Feb 11, 2021
    For all the positive things you can say about Dave Grohl, who genuinely seems like a cool dude, Foo Fighters are ultimately now a derivitive stadium rock band. Check out their greatest hits and its packed with some of the best (albeit safest) radio rock tracks of the 90's and 00's. That came out in 2009 though and while it was followed up by the vital "Wasting Light", that record aside,For all the positive things you can say about Dave Grohl, who genuinely seems like a cool dude, Foo Fighters are ultimately now a derivitive stadium rock band. Check out their greatest hits and its packed with some of the best (albeit safest) radio rock tracks of the 90's and 00's. That came out in 2009 though and while it was followed up by the vital "Wasting Light", that record aside, they have added little to their back catalog to justify a volume 2. It happens the best of them I guess but unlike U2 or even Coldplay, Foo Fighters have retained their ability to sell out stadiums without ever pushing the envelope. That is not to say this, album number 10 is bad. It's not. It's a highly listenable 40 minutes of fun Dad rock. The songs aren't bad (I really like chilled "Chasing Birds") and there is a lot worse music out there for sure but "Medicine at Midnight" lacks bite and ambition but it is succinct and as a result doesn't outstay its welcome. Grohl hasn't needed to prove his rock royalty status in decades and perhaps this kind of music is the result. Expand
  12. Feb 9, 2021
    This album is Fire. Rock is not dead after all. Thanks Foo Fighters for this album!
  13. Feb 9, 2021
    Very nice pack of fun songs. Catchy as usual, and that's why Foo's are so good. It wouldn't hurt to throw in some angry songs because i love when Dave is screaming his lungs out. He likes punk, doesn't he? Another star knocked off for a small package. 36 minutes of material after 4 long years of wait? (ok, 3.5 years) I was expecting more...
  14. Feb 8, 2021
    This dose of musical medicine was administered a bit too late.

    Foo Fighters are no strangers to branching out towards different musical directions while still keeping their tonal core. Foo Fighters dip their toes into the water of movin' and grooving' dance music, but still pack the signature hard-hitting Foo flair. It's a solid album as a whole but there's nothing outstanding about it.
    This dose of musical medicine was administered a bit too late.

    Foo Fighters are no strangers to branching out towards different musical directions while still keeping their tonal core. Foo Fighters dip their toes into the water of movin' and grooving' dance music, but still pack the signature hard-hitting Foo flair. It's a solid album as a whole but there's nothing outstanding about it. Medicine at Midnight would have been much more well received if it wasn't held away from desperate ears for a year. When the world needed a dose of medicinal Foo Fighters music the most, they were nowhere to be found. It is still nice to have now, but it's not as effective as it could have been. It will probably be rembered as a lower-middle of the pack album in the Foo's discography.
  15. Feb 8, 2021
    This is a very catchy and breezy album coming off the back of the plodding and super-serious concrete and gold. Unlike most Foo records, there isn't a single track here that I would consider as an outlier in terms of quality. On the contrary, no song sticks out as a Foos classic, either. Still, this is the most consistent record since C&S, and a nice change of pace for the band.
  16. Feb 8, 2021
    The mixing is interesting on this album. It's like the middle is lo-fi and the far-left and right is hi-fi, and it's pretty interesting.
    Favorite tracks: Making a Fire, Shame Shame, Title-Track, No Son of Mine, Holding Poison, Chasing Birds
  17. Feb 7, 2021
    On the first listen you might be surprised at the direction Foo Fighters took on this record. You night not even like it the first time through but upon the second listen you'll find yourself grooving to this poppy, fun album. Not the best thing lyrically that Dave Grohl has ever put together but it's solid. The thing that you'll immediately notice will be the KILLER drum tracks laid downOn the first listen you might be surprised at the direction Foo Fighters took on this record. You night not even like it the first time through but upon the second listen you'll find yourself grooving to this poppy, fun album. Not the best thing lyrically that Dave Grohl has ever put together but it's solid. The thing that you'll immediately notice will be the KILLER drum tracks laid down by Taylor Hawkins. A solid effort by a band that just flat executes in their space. Is there an "Everlong", "My Hero" or "Times Like These" on this record? Of course not and who could really expect that? 7/10 Expand
  18. Feb 7, 2021
    Quite lacklustre and missing the mark. Claiming to be 'fun', 'fresh' and 'positive', it really vastly misses those descriptions. Feels like a pretty tired band with an overly shiny and dire production job. Some great choruses and melodies, supported by no power or energy whatsoever. Grohl's songwriting ability and charisma is undeniable but this album severely lacks any sense of energy orQuite lacklustre and missing the mark. Claiming to be 'fun', 'fresh' and 'positive', it really vastly misses those descriptions. Feels like a pretty tired band with an overly shiny and dire production job. Some great choruses and melodies, supported by no power or energy whatsoever. Grohl's songwriting ability and charisma is undeniable but this album severely lacks any sense of energy or desire to be anything other than 'another foos album.' It doesnt even sound big, 6 members?! It sounds so thin and flat. There are some decent attempts at trying to doing something ever so slightly different in Shame, Shame and Cloudspotter but the little interest they bring is quickly stamped out by the run-of-the-mill rock songs Waiting on A War, No Son Of Mine and Love Dies Young which are literally just standard foo fighters songs but with what feels like an ever growing weakness and age to the performance and writing. The tepid, aged, shimmering, unnecessarily glossy dad rock albums this band seem to incessantly release aren't even getting worse they're just getting more boring and making me feel all the indifferent about them. Makes you think how undeniable the first two records and wasting light really are. How can one band have such a great and equally abysmal back catalogue?... Expand
  19. Feb 7, 2021
    Is this even Foo Fighters anymore?

    Whatever it is it sure is hot garbage. I doubt anyone will listen to this album or any single from it more than once. These critics are being incredibly generous....There are so many people doing way better pop funk than this if that is what Foo is transforming into.
  20. Feb 5, 2021
    I'm not going to delve too deep into my opinion about this album because the truth is there is not much to say. Well at least not much that is relevant.

    Medicine at Midnight is the tenth album by the Foo Fighters, and sadly it's an album that lacks ideas It's an album that lacks an interesting sound. Is the result of a band that sounds bored and tired. I can't say much about how
    I'm not going to delve too deep into my opinion about this album because the truth is there is not much to say. Well at least not much that is relevant.

    Medicine at Midnight is the tenth album by the Foo Fighters, and sadly it's an album that lacks ideas
    It's an album that lacks an interesting sound.
    Is the result of a band that sounds bored and tired.

    I can't say much about how much they wanted to create this music, but it doesn't seem like there was much effort going into it.

    The great benefit that is has, is that doesn't last long, just about 36 minutes, but those 36 minutes feel irrelevant, and feel totally forgettable.

    I wouldn't say it's going to be an infamous album in their career, but it's definitely going to be one that didn't add anything to it.

    Notable tracks.

    > Making a Fire
    > Waiting on a War
  21. Feb 5, 2021
    I love this album! Funky, pop filled, and full of energy and fun. Great work Fighters!
  22. Feb 5, 2021
    It's definitely not a bad album. There are definitely songs that I really love, and nothing on the album is too unpleasant for me. However, that's been a standard for the Foo Fighters since 2005, and everything that it does in attempts to stand out ends up negatively affecting the album as a whole. The sound quality, while unique and somewhat effective for a party setting, just makes meIt's definitely not a bad album. There are definitely songs that I really love, and nothing on the album is too unpleasant for me. However, that's been a standard for the Foo Fighters since 2005, and everything that it does in attempts to stand out ends up negatively affecting the album as a whole. The sound quality, while unique and somewhat effective for a party setting, just makes me fidget in my seat (maybe recording a rock album in a haunted house wasn't the brightest idea). The verses are always worse than the choruses, as is standard for anthemic rock, but inverse to standard for the Foo Fighters, so it's a little disappointing. The god-forsaken stock backing vocals get old halfway through Making a Fire and persist throughout the entire album. The fact that it only has 9 songs is baffling to me; on Sonic Highways they at least had a reasonable excuse, but they've been sitting on this album for a year and still decided against making the expected amount for a Foo Fighters album. Notice how often I compare it to previous Foo Fighters albums; on its own, it has a new and fairly compelling sound, and deserves at least a cult following. I do certainly enjoy listening to this album, and every song is at least a 6 in my book, but I don't believe it's the direction the Foo Fighters should continue to take in the future. Expand
  23. Feb 5, 2021
    Thank you for making everyone wait a year longer than necessary for these 36 minutes of mediocre tunes. The songs aren't nearly as strong as previous releases and leave much to be desired.
  24. Feb 5, 2021
    A consistent and complete album. With a lot of rhythm and catchy tunes. Good for newcomers and something relatively new for the ones that are along with the band for a long time. The lyrics are more confusing in their meaning and not everything is said so directly. Maybe you can interpret one or two things in the same verse, or something said is not so related with the main meaning of theA consistent and complete album. With a lot of rhythm and catchy tunes. Good for newcomers and something relatively new for the ones that are along with the band for a long time. The lyrics are more confusing in their meaning and not everything is said so directly. Maybe you can interpret one or two things in the same verse, or something said is not so related with the main meaning of the song. And for me is something good, as if some songs were sang "on the go", with a meaning but everything is valid. In sound, the add of choruses is a welcome thing, but I know that is not for everyone.. The best songs: Making a fire, Medicine at midnight and Loves dies young.. The songs that wont be in my favorites: Shame shame and Not son of mine (curiously, 2 of their 3 singles) Expand
  25. Feb 5, 2021
    Ok, i was waiting for a good album, but this really exceeded expectations. Pure gold.
  26. Feb 5, 2021
    Many bands like the Foo Fighters, 90s rockers, have come and gone. They have stuck around due to their work ethic and incredible live shows. I'm glad we have a new album that has a fun sound. I think this will go down as their "Emotional Rescue". A fan appreciated album that moves the band's sound in a forward direction.
  27. Feb 5, 2021
    This album could be a bit off putting to Foo Fighters fans, as some of the tracks are a bit more pop/dance rock than fans might like, however there are plenty of more traditional FF moments on the record. The record finishes better than it starts, as in my opinion the first 3 tracks are the weakest. Luckily, the "lowlights" of the record aren't bad, only a bit below average, butThis album could be a bit off putting to Foo Fighters fans, as some of the tracks are a bit more pop/dance rock than fans might like, however there are plenty of more traditional FF moments on the record. The record finishes better than it starts, as in my opinion the first 3 tracks are the weakest. Luckily, the "lowlights" of the record aren't bad, only a bit below average, but unfortunately the highlights tend to be only a bit above average as well. This leads to an overall slightly above average and enjoyable record, and one that I would still recommend listening to, but don't expect anything too special. Expand
  28. Feb 5, 2021
    Very good bruv
    Not my favourite by foos But still very good bruv
    My ranking:
    9. Chasing birds 8. No son of mine 7. Medicine At midnight 6. Shame shame 5. Love dies young 4. Making a fire 3. Waiting on a war 2. Holding poison 1. Cloudspotter
  29. Feb 5, 2021
    Those in the "I want my band to always sound like my favorite album of theirs" crowd will likely be disappointed with this Foo and that's too bad, because this is a really enjoyable album. The songs breeze by, and the band feels like they are having a blast. The arrangements, the backup singers, the drumming (Taylor is the star of this record), the "Let's Dance"-era Bowie vibe to some ofThose in the "I want my band to always sound like my favorite album of theirs" crowd will likely be disappointed with this Foo and that's too bad, because this is a really enjoyable album. The songs breeze by, and the band feels like they are having a blast. The arrangements, the backup singers, the drumming (Taylor is the star of this record), the "Let's Dance"-era Bowie vibe to some of the tunes... it all makes for a great listen. It's not as meaty as some other Foo albums, so we'll see if it has staying power. But if you're looking for a "we're gettin' the hell out of this pandemic and having some fun" rock record, this more than fits the bill! Expand
  30. Feb 5, 2021
    Foo Fighters have been on a slow decline ever since the release of ESP&G. Struggling to find a home in a world that's veering more and more away from foundational alternative rock into poppy, glossy, "safe" rock, Foo Fighters seem to be losing bits and pieces of themselves in a desperate attempt to remain relevant. Still a far cry better than their previous release, C&G, Medicine atFoo Fighters have been on a slow decline ever since the release of ESP&G. Struggling to find a home in a world that's veering more and more away from foundational alternative rock into poppy, glossy, "safe" rock, Foo Fighters seem to be losing bits and pieces of themselves in a desperate attempt to remain relevant. Still a far cry better than their previous release, C&G, Medicine at Midnight showcases a group that's at the very least embracing a changing future, while still finding ways to call back on their influences.
    Highlights: Shame Shame, title track, and Chasing Birds.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Feb 9, 2021
    If you are cool with the lighter, quirkier, goofier version of Foo Fighters, you'll enjoy Medicine at Midnight for what it is – a fun, pop-rock album -- and it'll find its way to about the middle of your list of favorite Foo Fighters albums.
  2. Feb 8, 2021
    Their 10th album, Medicine at Midnight, adds very little to their extensive catalog of interchangeable power pop and hard-rock sing-alongs. But you can’t hang them on their own music, because Foo Fighters would never dare to give you enough rope to do it.
  3. Feb 5, 2021
    Grohl promised a record you can groove to, and he delivered, while still maintaining a quintessential crunch that’s fitting for a Foo.